Picture of the Day: A Friendship Blossoms
Sarochel Markel (right) and her longtime JNet chavrusa, Shoshana (Jessica) Nocks (left), started learning over the phone with JNet when they were both single.
What started as 30 minutes blossomed into a deep friendship that was strengthened when they both moved to New York.
They continued learning together with JNet even after they both got married.
This photo was taken at the hospital shortly after the birth of Shoshana’s first son, who was named Tzvi Hirsh at his bris lest week.
Empire Gardens Condominium Association
Mazal Tov Chanan and Shoshana! You should have lots of nachas from all of your Kinderlach and have all the blessings from Aleph to Tav! May your kinderlach grow to Chupa, Masim, Tovim With Moshiach Now!