From Days Gone By: Early N’shei Chabad Convention

In this vintage photograph of one of the first N’shei Chabad conventions, c. early 1960s, Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe’s mother, can be seen seated on the dais to the far right. A second photo, featuring a speaker at the event, can be seen in the extended article. Can you identify anyone else in the photos?

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  • Anonymous

    Next to Rebetzin Chana is Mrs Chaya Sarah Gorodetsky (director of Nshei Chabad) wife of Hachosid R’ Binyomin Gorodetsky

  • Anonymous

    Reb. Gorodesky in first picture next to the Rebbetzin, last one on left Reb Jacobson.

    Second picture:
    Leah Kahan on right and Reb Groner on left.
    Speaker, Luba Friedman?

  • Long Time CH Resident

    1st photo left Rebbitzen Jacobson
    On left of Rebbitzen Chana is Rebbitzen Gorodezsky,
    then maybe Rebbitzen Gorevitz
    2nd photo: speaker is Luba (Gurkov) Friedman, and on her left is Mrs. Leah Kahn

  • old timer

    on the rebitzens left,Mrs. Menucha Lazarov AH, far left Mrs. Mussia nemoytin Ah, bottom picture- mrs. Laya Kahn, Mrs. Mussia Nemoytin AH

  • On

    the lapel of speaker, 2nd picture, has a tag that might provide more identifying info of the event, date, etc.. picture is too grainy when it is enlarged, but picture is clear, and it does look like that with a magnifying glass (once printed), it should be legible

  • Another Old timer

    Top Picture: Right to left: Rebitzen Chana, Reb. Gorodetsky, Reb Kalmanson, ??, Reb Jacobson
    Bottom Picture Right to left: Reb Kahan, Luba Friedman, Reb Groner