From Days Gone By: Mobile Sukkah at UCLA, Fall of ‘69
In the early days of Chabad’s presence in Los Angeles, a mobile Sukkah offers Jewish students and faculty members of UCLA, as well as local Jewish residents, the opportunity to perform the Mitzvah of Arba Minim. Can you recognize the young Lubavitcher in the photo?
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Schwartzie, a legend in his own right
Michoel Albukerk?
go bruins
Maish schwartz
Just thinking ....
Reb Yale Zimmerman … now a pillar of the Chicago Anash community.
meir rhodes
where’s schwartzie?
Reb Shlomo
Looks like a young Reb Shlomo Carelbach
the guy on far left is a holding a rambam
That is not Schwartzie. That is definitely Rabbi Yale Zimmerman from Chicago.
In the know
Number four is correct.
Rabbi zimmerman from chicago.