Picture of the Day: Chabad in Uman
Among the tens of thousands of Jews who made the pilgrimage to Uman, Ukraine to spend Rosh Hashanah near the burial place of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov was a group of Lubavitcher Chassidim. A ‘Chabad House’ with a Nusach Ari minyan was set up for their convenience.
Photos courtesy of Shturem.net
strange sign
Very strange, how is the Rebbe extending an invitation and why to uman? We have our own mesora and chassidus. There’s nothing for us in uman.
smart !
whats wrong with davening at other kivrey tzadikim?your life is so perfect ?what is strange is that there is no zichrono yaale eden after the rebbes name only after reb nachmen zye’
i agree!
i agree with you! there is nothing wrong with davening at kivrei tzaddikim. they are also kadosh!
weird sign
I agree with Yosy 100%.
michoel s
Strange sign & sounds irresponsible. Why shlepping the Rebbe into this & He never encouraged this
there is a video of dollars where one tells the Rebbe about going to Uman and the Rebbe asked over – to where ?
Bais Chabad?
Is this an official “Bais Chabad” – or one of many variant knock-offs?
We have a Rebbe no need to bang on other doors.
Zalmy Schapiro
yes I am hundred percent agree that is weird why did they put the picture of the Rebbe at Uman
You really think Chabad has a monopoly on kivrei tzaddikim? Does anyone genuinely feel the Rebbe wouldn’t have encouraged Jews the world over to daven to HKB”H at the kevarim of any tzaddik?
Moshiach will only come to a world where we are all acheinu b’nei Yisroel. In Crown Heights, Uman, Yerushalayim and everywhere in between.
to comment #8
There is no Bais Chabad in Uman, it’s just a borrowed name which means “All Jews are welcome.”
The idea of a genuine Bais Chabad in in Uman would be strange, to say the least. What would you think of other Chassidim setting up a Bais Whatever at the Alter Rebbe’s tziyon in Haditch, or by the Rebbe here in New York, claiming they just want to daven by a tzaddik? If someone really wants to daven at an historic Chabad tziyon they should be going to Haditch, Alma Atta, by the Rebbe’s father ztz”l etc. For those with this, uh, all-inclusive feeling why not go to the Tziyon of the father of all Chassidim, the Baal Shem Tov, in Mezibush. I wonder if the whole hoopla in Uman isn’t part of the attraction.
to comment #11
No, Lubavitchers don’t have a monopoly on kivrei Tzaddikim, but we do, B”H, have a powerful, many say unique, hiskashrus to our own Rabbei’im; and, yes, most of us would proudly and unabashedly say that we are blessed beyond all others for the zchus of being chassidim of our Rebbe (and our previous Rabbei’im.)
Would you say that your parents are the only ones in the world worthy of adoration and respect? I assume not; yet, generally, your feelings of love and connection to your own parents are far deeper than your feelings of connection to someone else’s parents. This is as it should be. It’s worth pondering what Boaz said to Rus: “Beetee al tailchee lilkod b’sadeh achayre.”
Izzy Tal
What is this? Stepping up Chabad’s mission among the Jews? Breslev is not good enough for yidden? We all have to be Lubavitchers?
Izzy Tal
Yosi #2: you are absolutely right. How can the Rebbe z”l 20 years after his demise extend invitations?!
And PERSONAL invitations at that? If we can say that the seventh Rebbe IS NOW doing things, can we say the same of the sixth Rebbe? And of … the Alter Rebbe?
Besides I think it is impolite (and just plain arrogant) to hang a Lubavitch banner at a Breslev event. Sad… :(
funny that people are bothered by chassidim davening in Uman, but not bothered by Lubavitchers going up (or down?) to Bahamas for Rosh Hashana as recently shown in one of these websites