Photo: Hulon Yeshiva Poses for Group Portrait <%popup(20120618-YeshivasChulon.jpg|1500|996|Click here to enlarge this image)%> Students and faculty members of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Hulon, Israel pose for a year-end group portrait.
parent registration forms for next year can be downloaded from their website looking great momo. keep smiling!
The best yeshiva! the only place where nigla, chassidus and a chassidshe avir come in a single package
registration forms for next year can be downloaded from their website
looking great momo. keep smiling!
the city is written Holon or Chulon (as pronouned). dont mix.
a fan
it is the best yeshiva
The best yeshiva!
the only place where nigla, chassidus and a chassidshe avir come in a single package