From Days Gone By: Breaking Ground to Expand 770

A group of Bochurim dig with shovels to prepare for the groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of 770 in 1988. Can you identify anyone in the picture?

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  • 48 yr in the hood,

    yosef yarmush hagohen with the shovel in hand

    shea harlik in the back round
    moshe harson in the back round

  • Anonymous

    the guy on the extreme right is bentzi korf.
    4th to left is sholom ber harlig.
    next to bentzi korf is rabbi herson.
    i think that the guy bending over is mishulvin.

  • Some Names

    First right Stambler or Yosel Aronow
    Second right Rabbi Herson
    Third right Yosef Yarmush
    Fourth right Sholom Ber Harlig California

  • Not So Long Ago

    This wasn’t so long ago, and color photographs were the norm in 1988. The black and white photographs make it look like it was over 100 years ago.