A special item went up for sale today at a local supermarket..
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It was there last night
wait til PETA get ahold of this…
You probably won’t publish this but as a frum Yid, I am offended by this picture. Here is why:
It is (1) a non-Jewish custom; (2) it encourages the wasting of food and (3) it’s message is to use food disrespectfully. For these reasons I find the sign inappropriate and publicizing as normative offends me..
One must not treat food with disrespect (Rambam Hilchos Berochos 7:9, Shulchan Aruch 171:1, Levush 171:1, Mishnah Berurah 3, Aruch Ha’shulchan 171:1). Even to clean a stain with a lemon is only allowed because of a special heter (tzorech adom and derech ha’olom ( Avnei Yushfei 1:34:1, Eitz Hasadeh 17:footnote 10).However, one may not insert sticks into fruit to make a fruit sculpture (even for Tu B’shvat) that will ruin the fruit
(Ben Ish Chai Bechukosei 1:16. Refer to Moadim L’simcha (Shevat-Adar) pages 1-51 on the inyun of Tu B’Sheva). So is it really APPROPRIATE to encourage wasting carrots as snowman’s noses??!!
We are forbidden to destroy a fruit bearing tree.
ספרי derives this from a וחומר קל. If the תורה commanded us not to destroy fruit-bearing trees because they might eventually provide food, certainly the fruits themselves must not be wasted!
So is it okay to encourage wasting carrots?
Ba’al tashchis issues very often apply to items worth less than a pruta. Obviousley carrots have value, often of many prutas, and are not to be wasted.
Seeing such pictures creates an anti-Torah mindset and a hashkafa which is inconsistent with Torah values. Frum Yidden should find their values offended by such sights.
Wow. Just wow.
1. What’s non-Jewish about it?
2. If you’re concerned about the carrot, you can eat it afterwards.
It is a form of pessel with orgins in avoda zara – not very Jewish!
Bizuy Ochel is a serious issur which is a “segulah” for poverty and hunger – not to be taken lightly, even by “lite-Jews”.
Ba’al tashchis needs no elaboration, cutting fruit trees is recorded in seforim to cause death (of children), the Sifri as a k”v for food itself.
A carrot left outdoors in the elements is likely unfit for consumption (by today’s standards).
As Torah Yidden we follow halacha and not what we consider “clever”!
It was there last night
wait til PETA get ahold of this…
You probably won’t publish this but as a frum Yid, I am offended by this picture. Here is why:
It is (1) a non-Jewish custom; (2) it encourages the wasting of food and (3) it’s message is to use food disrespectfully. For these reasons I find the sign inappropriate and publicizing as normative offends me..
One must not treat food with disrespect (Rambam Hilchos Berochos 7:9, Shulchan Aruch 171:1, Levush 171:1, Mishnah Berurah 3, Aruch Ha’shulchan 171:1). Even to clean a stain with a lemon is only allowed because of a special heter (tzorech adom and derech ha’olom ( Avnei Yushfei 1:34:1, Eitz Hasadeh 17:footnote 10).However, one may not insert sticks into fruit to make a fruit sculpture (even for Tu B’shvat) that will ruin the fruit
(Ben Ish Chai Bechukosei 1:16. Refer to Moadim L’simcha (Shevat-Adar) pages 1-51 on the inyun of Tu B’Sheva). So is it really APPROPRIATE to encourage wasting carrots as snowman’s noses??!!
We are forbidden to destroy a fruit bearing tree.
ספרי derives this from a וחומר קל. If the תורה commanded us not to destroy fruit-bearing trees because they might eventually provide food, certainly the fruits themselves must not be wasted!
So is it okay to encourage wasting carrots?
Ba’al tashchis issues very often apply to items worth less than a pruta. Obviousley carrots have value, often of many prutas, and are not to be wasted.
Seeing such pictures creates an anti-Torah mindset and a hashkafa which is inconsistent with Torah values. Frum Yidden should find their values offended by such sights.
Wow. Just wow.
1. What’s non-Jewish about it?
2. If you’re concerned about the carrot, you can eat it afterwards.
It is a form of pessel with orgins in avoda zara – not very Jewish!
Bizuy Ochel is a serious issur which is a “segulah” for poverty and hunger – not to be taken lightly, even by “lite-Jews”.
Ba’al tashchis needs no elaboration, cutting fruit trees is recorded in seforim to cause death (of children), the Sifri as a k”v for food itself.
A carrot left outdoors in the elements is likely unfit for consumption (by today’s standards).
As Torah Yidden we follow halacha and not what we consider “clever”!