A Yeshiva student challenges well-known Crown Heights personality Charlie Buttons to a game of chess on the eve of Nittel Nacht in 770.
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Very nice.Can you post the winner?
to number 1.
charllie buttons won the game! and he clamed that he is not good at chess.
winner obvious
He kids queen is taken
Go freidfertik!!!
Ur awesome!!!!!!!!!!
so awesome!!
go shalom!!
One move win
In middle-school (I was 14) i belonged to the chess club. So, after showing me two move check mate, when these same kids (btw jewish) said you can win in one move – that one, I was sure was impossible. So, I confidentally took up the bet (a quarter) that you cannot win in one move – this was before I knew better about Jewish Law on bets. Anyway, I made my first move – guess what he did, he knocked his King over!!! So, I won in one move.
Two move mate(some call it “suicide” mate):
White moves King Bis. Pawn one or two moves.
Black moves King Pawn. White moves King
Knight Pawn two moves. Black Queen comes in
for mate.
Very nice.Can you post the winner?
to number 1.
charllie buttons won the game! and he clamed that he is not good at chess.
winner obvious
He kids queen is taken
Go freidfertik!!!
Ur awesome!!!!!!!!!!
so awesome!!
go shalom!!
One move win
In middle-school (I was 14) i belonged to the chess club. So, after showing me two move check mate, when these same kids (btw jewish) said you can win in one move – that one, I was sure was impossible. So, I confidentally took up the bet (a quarter) that you cannot win in one move – this was before I knew better about Jewish Law on bets. Anyway, I made my first move – guess what he did, he knocked his King over!!! So, I won in one move.
Two move mate(some call it “suicide” mate):
White moves King Bis. Pawn one or two moves.
Black moves King Pawn. White moves King
Knight Pawn two moves. Black Queen comes in
for mate.