Picture of the Day: New Bimah for Chovevei Torah

Crown heights philanthropist Rabbi Yerachmiel Jacobson donated a new Bimah and Chazzan Amud to Chovevei Torah, in memory of his father Reb Betzalel, OBM.

The Bimah was custom built by Shmuly Shuchat and Mendy Goodman to match the design and theme of the Beis Midrash’s wall-to-wall bookcases.

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  • eli

    R’ betzalel was a true hidden tzadik in our times.

    He deserves all the honor.

    May he be a malitz yoisher for the whole family.

  • Yerachmiel is a dugma chaya

    As a yid who davens with the yeshiva minyan i can say that more important then the nice furniture. Is tge contribution he gives by showing you can be in business and daven with a warmth and energy of a chassidisher yid

  • student

    Wow !!

    Last time I was in this Bais medrash it was falling apart.
    Looks beautiful.

    BTW – I was in camp when yerachmeal was head counsler he was the nicest guy. I’m glad to see he’s doing well and I’m sorry to hear of his loss of his father