From Days Gone By: Prime Minister’s Chassidishe Tanz

Knesset Member Menachem Begin, later to become Prime Minster of Israel, dances with Lubavitcher Chassidim after returning from an audience with the Rebbe in New York, circa late 1960’s.



  • Rabin's yartzeit

    Funny that you posted a picture of Begin with the Rebbe – is there one with Rabin? Today would be more appropriate to post his pic if there’s one with the Rebbe, as it’s his ‘yartzeit’.

  • This is not in New York

    This picture was taken in Israel, not New York. Last time I checked, the rebbe never held yechidus in Israel. This means this picture was not taken after yechidus, either. It is actually at a yt Kislev farbrengen in kfar Chabad.

    • Milhouse

      Are you illiterate? The description is clear and accurate. Nowhere does it say or imply that the picture was taken in NY!