Parents of 6-Year-Old Terror Victim Visit Rebbes Room
Visiting New York to raise money for security of their school, Rabbi Yaakov Monsonego, the principal of the Ohr Hatorah school in Toulouse France, who also lost his 6-year-old daughter Miriam in the infamous terror attack last year, stopped by the Rebbes room with his wife.
On the 25th of Adar 5772, March 19th 2012 a terrorist open fire and gunned down four people in front of the Otzar Hatorah elementary school in Toulouse, France. Among those killed with 6-year-old Miriam Monsonego, the daughter of Rabbi Yaakov and Yaffa Monsonego who serves as the school’s principal.
Before their trip they reached out to local Head Shliach Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Matusof and expressed their strong desire to visit the Rebbe while in NY. Rabbi Matusof put them in touch with Rabbi Moshe Klein who arranged the visit to the Rebbes room.
They were accompanied by Mr. David Guedj, a businessman and member of the schools board.
While in New York they will be attending a number of ‘tea parties’ to raise much needed funds to improve the safety and security of the school – which now counts over 200 students and is the only religious school in the area.
Where can we donate?
If we want to give them a donation, what should we do?
send over to rabbi klein