The Hanhalah meet with with Kevutzah Bochurim, circa 1993. Pictured [L-R] R’ Yaakov Goldberg, R’ Yitzchok Goldberg, R’ YY Wilshansky, R’ Kuti Rapp, R’ Dovid Raskin, R’ Yankel Katz and R’ Shlomo Zarchi.

From Days Gone By: Meeting with Kvutzeh Bochurim

The Hanhalah meet with with Kevutzah Bochurim, circa 1993. Pictured [L-R] R’ Yaakov Goldberg, R’ Yitzchok Goldberg, R’ YY Wilshansky, R’ Kuti Rapp, R’ Dovid Raskin, R’ Yankel Katz and R’ Shlomo Zarchi.