Picture of the Day: A Friday Chuppah
Cellphone photo sent in by a reader.
A Chuppah in front of 770 is a common sight, but on a Friday – it was a bit of an unusual sight. Choosing to get married on Chai Elul was enough for Yanky and Sarah Mushka (nee Cadaner) Jacobs to make their special wedding day today. Mazal Tov!
Mazel Tov Mushky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mazel tov!!
the reason they did it on a froday was becasue of chai elul????
mazel tov
MAZEL TOV!!!!!!!!!!!
go tzippy
Did they have a party after?
Esty B
Mazel Tov!
But today is not Chai Elul???
Mazal Tov!!!
yanki!!!!! such a holy yid. love you brother and mazal tov may you have everything you want, everything you need, all you deserve and more!!! so happy for you!!!!
and might I add what a wonderful and simcha filled wedding!
Mazel Tov
I was a beautiful wedding with dinner and dancing like any other
MazeL Tov Mushky and Yaackov!!
the Rama was mesader kiddushim onshabbos
There was once a story that there was meant to be a chassana on friday and due to an issue coming up the RAMO was mesader kiddushim on Shabbos, however after that time he said that there should be no chassanas on friday! has anyone ever heard this story before?
53 years ago the rebbe gave, the last cupple to get married on a friday in oholi tora ,allot of brochos and said ‘you should inspire manny outhers to have weddings on friday!’
Mazel tov Mushky!! I was so inspired by your wedding. you looked absolutely beautiful.
This never happened, it’s a buba mayse.
#11, I don’t know whether your story about the Ramo is true or false, but it is a fact that Friday was *the* traditional day for Jewish weddings, because it saved the cost of a separate seudah; the wedding dinner was seudas shabbos. Goyishe musicians were hired to play. The practise only fell out of fashion in the 20th century, with the decline in observance and the increasing concern that having a wedding on Friday would lead to chilul shabbos.
i remember hearing that most of the rebbiem got married on friday!!! mazal tov!!!! bnian adi ad
a yid
its true back in the days people got married erev shabbos and the seuda was also seudas shabbos.
“There was once a story that there was meant to be a chassana on friday and due to an issue coming up the RAMO was mesader kiddushim on Shabbos, however after that time he said that there should be no chassanas on friday! has anyone ever heard this story before?”
Yes. The kallah was an orphan, and there was a real fear that if the wedding was put off (there had been intense negotiations which dragged on and on …) the wedding would not have taken place. Therefore, the Rama made the wedding on shabbos – and spilled a LOT of ink later (writing teshuvos, etc.) justifying his decision.
It was, ISTR, the catalyst for the takanah NOT to have weddings on Erev/Motzoei Shabbos, so that situations like this would not happen.
“There was once a story that there was meant to be a chassana on friday and due to an issue coming up the RAMO was mesader kiddushim on Shabbos, however after that time he said that there should be no chassanas on friday! has anyone ever heard this story before?’
http://tinyurl.com/6fgkjzt (page 67)
Actually for your information, 50 years ago, by a Friday wedding outside 770, the rebbe said that it’s a very good thing and he hopes it becomes a thing that a lot of people do!!
cousin of mushkie cadaner musia.b
mazal tov mushkie!!!!
I miss u sooo much here in england!
love you
family of the chassan
The wedding was on Friday, not because of Chai Elul (that was just an added bonus), but because Friday is a VERY special day to have a wedding! That’s the real reason (aside from several considerations in regards to the date of the wedding and the hall.) It was a BEAUTIFUL, holy wedding!! Mazel Tov!!! :) :)
My father is from Krakow and for that reason (the Ramo’s takono) we can’t make our chasene’s on Erev Shabbos for kibbud av.