Picture of the Day: Voting Instructions!

A reader sent in this photo of his voting sheet, showing who he voted for in today’s mid-term elections.


  • proud

    hey blondie, that is a really good question… but maybe whoever sent it in is proud to support one of his own?

  • better question

    the better question is why are you voting for any democrat candidate for ANY office??

    you should be ashamed of your self!!!

  • גלח

    if chanina wants you to vote for a גלח GALACH = Priest
    but how could you ???

  • Andrea Schonberger

    I would consider this very unethical. The ballot is supposed to be secret and not shown for the entire world to see. It’s the same as campaigning at polling stations–it could unduly influence uninformed voters who are not educated on the candidates or issues. This photo should not be on this site.

  • to 6

    I agree with you! Crown Heights info has a life feed at the polling stations so everyone can catch the latest breaking news so this post is unethical and many will be swayed bc of it


  • To 6 & 7

    Showing a random ballot is hardly unethical. The issue of people being swayed is only if they know who’s voting card it is.