Lag BaOmer Parade in London

London, England — Lag Bomer in London rocked with over 2500 people (according to police estimation) attending the parade, the main high street in Stamford Hill was closed especially for the parade.

All spectrums of anglo Jewry were represented. Rabbi ND Dubov, shliach in London was the MC for the parade. Children from all over the UK and even as far as Holland said the Yud Beis Pesukim. The guest speaker was Rabbi MY Engel, shliach in California.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Bochrim from the Lubavitch Yeshiva made the floats – one with the mivtzoyim and another for mivtza tefillin – 40 years. A man was so inspired by the float that he has agreed to don tefillin each day.

The parade marched down to Springfield Park, where a fun-fair, carnival and petting zoo were taking place.

The atmosphere was electric, there was a true feeling of achdus. The whole days program was organized by Rabbi Yossi Simon of Tzivos Hashem. It was an exciting day out for all the family with attractions and rides for all ages and sizes. Fun was had by all.


  • s1 from england

    nice to see england on the web for a change!!the parade looks amazing thnax for the pics.


    GO US!!!

  • goooooo london

    GOOOOOOOOOOO London it was gr8 wow we did it fun fair parad every thing well done evey one

  • Lodnon Fan!

    I was at the parade, it seriously rocked! And Thank you so much to the Bochurim who worked so hard staying up nights… to put up those floats!
    And Thanx a ton to the LSGS for everything at the Funfair, it seriously couldn’t have happened without you all!
    And big Sh’koiach, to Tzivos Hashem and Rabbi Simon, You Rock!!

  • Att: LSGS ROCK

    you did not make the parde happen neither did lonodn….2 very specail and devoted individules made it happen -Rabbi Chanie and Yossi Simon. Chani and Yossi you are both truly amazing and shown every1 that london is no diffrent to anywhere else – just have to do the work and not just talk about to. YASHAKOACH!!!!!!

  • lsgs student!

    the parade n funfair totally rocked thnx 2 us- lubavitch senior girls school!
    and of course CHANI N YOSSI SIMON!

  • Tzivos Hashem UK

    The parade and funfair was a great success due to EVERYONES help – we could not have done it without YOU.
    May we have the ultimate parade to the Geulah Shelaima RIGHT NOW
    Thank you to all who helped.

  • londoner

    i was there it was unreal it was amazing the floats were unbelevible fanshmastic