First Shabbos at CGI-Parksville an Inspiration
The first Shabbos of the summer at Camp Gan Yisroel-Parksville was a sight to behold. The camp spirit that is present throughout the week is especially prevalent on Shabbos, and the singing by each seudah, davening with chayus, and Mishnayos Ba’al Peh energized the entire camp.
On Erev Shabbos, after the second activity, the campers were dismissed to their bunkhouses for cleanup. There was time to call home and prepare for Shabbos. Then came bedside inspection, followed by a special Erev Shabbos learning class and a lebedike Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos.
Seudas Shabbos in camp is a truly memorable experience. After a delicious meal, the tables are cleared and song sheets distributed. Reflective melodies are followed by joyous singing and dancing; it is a memory fondly looked back to for years to come.
In true Gan Yisroel tradition, many of the aliyos were “sold” for lines of mishnayos ba’al peh to be studied by the bunk with the winning bid, who then honored a staff member with an aliyah. Following Krias Hatorah, Rabbi Shemtov addressed the camp. With great feeling, he gave over the message that the Rebbe sent for the first Camp Shabbos ever, in 5716. An inspired Mussaf and seudas Shabbos followed.
After rest period, the day concluded with learning classes, Mishnayos Ba’al Peh, and shalosh seudos.
After Ma’ariv, the winners of Shabbos competition, who will go on a special trip, were announced.
to see you in a photo, Dovi. We miss you,
and are glad you’re having such a good
Zaydie and Bubby Feller
Love these pics great camp!!!!!!!