Photos: The Group Picture in 150 Photos!

It is extremely challenging to capture more then 4,000 Rabbis in a single photo, not so with 150 photos. Here is the gallery behind the group photo!


  • Proud to be a daughter of one of them

    A true chossid never sits and wastes time, and you can see a few of them learning instead of just sitting/standing around for the photo to be taken.

  • to # 1

    a true chossid is also dan lechaf zechus. a lot of them who aren’t learning are seen connecting with their fellow shluchim. many are on the phone – perhaps connecting with their wives at home. and yes, many of them are “just sitting/standing around” – maybe they are taking a quiet moment to connect to G-d.

  • s.t

    amazing job and kol hacavod to rabbi O’ and rabbi o’.
    amazing shluchim and mechanchim!!!!

    a student.