Photos: ULY’s Father and Son Melava Malkah

This Motzai Shabbos, Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Crown Street hosted a special father and son Melava Malka and Farbrengen which coincided with Yud Tes Kislev.

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  • smart !

    wow !lots of nachas to all the parents of this beautiful boys. may they grow up to be yerei shomyim. chasidishe .yidishe bocherim . to be a source of pride to lubavitch .the rebbe . and kllal yisrol . chaim meir .menachem .we are all very proud of you .

  • Wheres rabbi karp?

    When rabbi karp used to run it there was a chassidishe bingo game…. arts and crafts….what happened?

  • Ouch

    Another “Father and Son” program which is wonderful for most students but deeply pains the sons who don’t have fathers.

    Some students have lost their fathers to death, absenteeism / divorce, or simply because their father is on shlichus in a far-flung place.

    Such students can be VERY hurt by such programs which do not accommodate THEIR feelings in any way.

    Is it worth making a program which is great for 99% of the students but painful to even one sensitive child?

    For the child who is pained, I say ouch, I drop a tear and voice a protest for you.


    you are so right..

    I say end it shut it down, make it history.

    its time we become sensitive…

    but don’t keep your hopes up…

  • Ouch


    The answer is NOT to “shut it down” (that is simply silly), but to ACCOMMODATE those who have special needs that ALL should feel welcome and included, even sons without fathers available to attend.

    Why should the school cause pain to some children because their fathers cannot attend? Some fathers died or abandoned the family (divorce) or are far away doing shlichus or are in jail or in a hospital… the child suffers enough without the added pain of an in-your-face school program.

  • Shaliach

    I am on shalichus in a place that does not offer a chassidishe chinuch. I send my son to CH at great expense – both financially and emotionally.

    My son is a real “trooper”. He is not “over” sensitive when given a school paper that needs to be signed by “parents”, but he was bothered greatly when the school had planned an evening of “fathers-sons learning”.

    He cried to me on the phone. “Tatty, you are doing the Rebbe’s shlichus learning with others, but who will learn will be here to learn with me at the Fathers-Son program?”

    I told him helplessly and with a sigh, “You are a shaliach! The Rebbe is with us on our shlichus and he will learn with you.”

    At the “fathers and sons learning evening” my son attended and learned. On the chair sitting opposite him was a picture of the Rebbe!

    My son did not tell me the story. I was told the story by a friend of mine that was at the program.

    When I was told the story – I cried. Not in pain, but in joy, that my son is a true Shaliach, that he has the hiskashrus to the Meshale’ach, the he is indeed a soldier in the Rebbe’s Army.

  • Wondering

    Dear Shliach: Is your son in OT or ULY? They each had father/son events. I would like to do something to help such children, who for various reasons don’t have a parent. Maybe invite them for a pizza.

  • Joe The Plumber

    I see both sides of the coin – it is a tough question: what to do with kids who are in a different situation than most other students?

    Do we go after the majority, as many issues in Torah, or do we forgo on what is best for most kids because of a few individuals?

    I think chinuch experts guided by halacha experts should decide such tough questions. The chinuch experts might have a negiah (such as making a school program, PR, etc.) so they need guidance from unbiased halachic experts and input from chinuch experts that have ZERO negiah.

    The issue raised is beyond the ability of just a regular parent – ba’al habayis to weigh in on. Joe the Plumber or Farmer McGoldberg’s opinion has no validity to answer the question.

  • Shaylos are treif

    When you ask shaylos you make it treif. The schools know what they are doing. Leave them alone. Geez, everything these days becomes so complicated with all the deep thinkers. Just jump in the mikve and all your shaylos will be gone.