Faculty and Friends Attend Shloshim for School’s co-Founder

This past Sunday, a Shloshim gathering was held for Rebbetzin Esther Teitelbaum, OBM, wife of Reb Michoel Teitelbaum, founders of the Moisad Chinuch Oholei Torah, in the East Flatbush Kindergarten. Despite the busy time of year, a large crowd of over 150 people attended.

Among those attending included many of the Oholei Torah Staff, faculty and dear friends of Rebbetzin Teitelbaum.

The evening opened with a Minyan for Ma’ariv in the shul area, where the Teitelbaums served the B’nai Abraham Shul for over 40 years, followed in the main auditorium was held a Seudah and the actual event.

Rabbi Mendel Lerman, who was close with Reb Michoel Teitelbaum opened the evening with the Rebbe’s Kapitol.

Rabbi Eliezer Teitelbaum made a siyum, followed by kaddish. Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld spoke heartfelt words how we all can learn from Rebbetzin Teitelbam’s ways, and how over the 55 years Rabbi Rosenfeld knew and worked with her, he still did not grasp her true essence and ways she conducted herself.

Rabbi Rosenfeld then presented a sefer Tehillim to Morah Faige Winner-Hertzel that was given to Rebbetzin Teitelbaum at a previous event, as a token of appreciation for her loyal dedication for these past years. Rabbi Rosenfeld also thanked all those who gave Rebbetzin Teitelbaum much comfort and care in recent years.

A video presentation was shown, where Rebbetzin Teitelbaum herself speaks of her memories and stories of her involvement in Oholei Torah.

Rabbi Sholom Ber Levine, a relative of the Teitelbaums, spoke of her yichus, history, and shared with the crowd his memories as he spent many years as a ben bayis in their home.

Rabbi Nosson Blumes was the master of ceremonies, and also shared of his memories and interactions with Rebbetzin Teitelbaum. Rabbi Blumes said “It was a most memorable event, and one that carried Rebbezin Teitelbaums’s spirit and way of life”

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