Photos: Lag Ba’omer on the River Thames

Cheering, dancing, laughing… as the Golden Flame cruised along the River Thames, the girls of Lubavitch Senior School in London were entertained and amused by a fantastic series of games and challenges, and of course extremely lively dancing!

After joining the Lubavitch of London annual Lag B’Omer Parade, the girls had exclusive access to the boat, the Golden Flame – even the name hints to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, and a fabulous program which kicked off with girls being quizzed on their knowledge of Lag B’Omer to entitle the girls to dessert.

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and excitement as Year 11 dressed up with creative and realistic imitation of their teachers and the most daring girls in the school faced challenges including peeling and eating a banana without using their hands, having their teeth brushed by a classmate and the bravest of all were faced with a fish eyeball!

The atmosphere was extremely Achdusdik and inspiring. The students praised the organizers and the program, saying “Insanely Fun! It was the best school program EVER!” and ”It was a huge surprise, I didn’t think it would be that good!”


  • ny cuzin


    UR AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lubavitch girls senior school:
    its time for a dorm for out of towners.
    i seriously will love to go but i dont want to have to bored
    because i live in ny!

  • Thanks

    It’s gr8 to see beautiful Tzniusdik girls notice their hair is tied back on of the many “little” things not seen in C.H.
    Please take note and learn…