ULY Students Rewarded for Tanya by Heart

Part of the Bat Sheva Tanya Baal Peh campaign a large group of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva students were rewarded for learning whole perokim as well as lines by heart. The highlight of the program was when 5 Talmidim from 4th grade, who each completed at least 12 Perokim Ba’al Peh, went up on stage and each recited part of Perek 12 by heart!

For a number of years already Rabbi and Mrs. Kanelsky have been encouraging extra learning and Mitzvas to be done in honor of the passing of their infant daughter Bas Sheva.

One of the projects is to have the Talmidim from the Yeshivos to study Tanya Ba’al Peh.

Once again this year, the Kanelskys came to ULY Crown St., to award all those who participated in this wonderful Mivtza with certificates, money and Sforim.

However, this year was different. A record number of Perokim were learned Ba’al Pe by the Talmidim. Over 210 Perokim were memorized by heart just from 4th grade alone!!

Rabbi Simpson, Principal of the Yeshiva, who tests all the boys personally, and keeps on encouraging the students, addressed the audience with warm words. The boys were listening intentively, as Rabbi Simpson explained the importance and the impact the holy words of Torah have.

Rabbi Kanelsky, who came with his wife from NJ, also addressed the crowd. He thanked the teachers and especially Rabbi Simpson for being the ones behind this special campaign.

The highlight of the program was when 5 Talmidim from 4th grade, who each completed at least 12 Perokim Ba’al Peh, went up on stage and each recited part of Perek 12 by heart! Those Talmidim were Yisroel Matusof, Michoel Rivkin, Mordechai Levilov, Mendel Tenenbaum and Zushe Vigler (Zushe actially completed 19 Perokim Ba’al Peh!).


  • Kol Hakavod

    The Rebbe must be Shepping a-lot of Nachas from this.
    May the Tanya which they learnt B’al Peh be a Shmira for them where ever they go.

  • Peninah Castro

    Mazal Tov to all the kinderlach!! Great Job!! May HaShem bless you all with much learning and wisdom and much brachos and nachas to the families!!

  • fan of rabbi kanelsky

    with all the great work you do
    here you again b/c of you 200 perakim of tanya were learnt
    keep up the good work
    and help bring moshiach come

  • qkfngers

    Mazel Tov Levi Teich and Mendy Rochester. We are very proud of you!!

    Rivka Teich

  • phenomenal!

    Simply phenomenal!!

    What a great present to the Rebbe for Gimmel Tammuz

    Yaasher Koach to all the bochurim, mechanchim , R’ Simpson and R’ and Mrs. Kanelsky !

  • anonimys

    GO RABBI ZWIEBEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST TEACHER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Zalman Neubort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarty pants!!!!!!!!!!!!