Many Young Lubavitch families from across Southern California joined together at the picturesque Chabad Running Springs Resort this past weekend, some three hundred men, women and children in total; for the Young Lubavitch Chevra of Southern California's 4th Annual Shabbaton.

Young Chevra Hold Shabbaton in Running Springs

Many Young Lubavitch families from across Southern California joined together at the picturesque Chabad Running Springs Resort this past weekend, some three hundred men, women and children in total; for the Young Lubavitch Chevra of Southern California’s 4th Annual Shabbaton.

From the outset it was evident that it was a first class event, as was demonstrated by guests being greeted at the entrance gate with champagne served by a steward in full tuxedo; a first for Running Springs.

The “scholars in residence” included Mrs. Miryam Swerdlov, Rabbi Moshe Kesselman, Rabbi Shlomo Bistritsky, and Colonel Chaplain Jacob Goldstein.

They kept participants engaged all weekend with many inspirational lectures and farbrengens culminated by a thought provoking panel discussion on Motzoei Shabbos that lasted until 1:30am. Guests were also treated to a preview of the award winning show “THINK! The Mentalist” which will soon debut in Hollywood.

The children were occupied all weekend. Up bright and early to be entertained at Camp Young Chevra and the famous Kol Yaakov Yehuda Jr. Congregation, led by the effervescent Rabbi Mendel Duchman. Kids had a chinuch-filled weekend that they will never forget: scavenger hunting, learning, a Shimon Omer competition and Chasidic Fitness session on Sunday morning.

Sunday’s chilly weather did not deter the exciting events planned including the Animal Planet Reptile Show, a Cirque de Soleil performance and the crazy BMX Stunt show. Following the action packed Sunday morning, guests were treated to the Grand BBQ featuring delicacies from Jeff’s Gourmet Sausage Factory.

At the Shabbaton, Young Chevra of SoCal also launched a new “Arichas Yomim Life Insurance Initiative,” the importance of which was highlighted following the recent tragic passing of a Young Chevra colleague.

Young Chevra was established with the goal of promoting achdus among the young and rapidly growing Lubavitch communities of Southern California. The Board of Young Chevra is comprised of members from the many local shuls and regional communities. Earlier this year Young Chevra held a very successful Melava Malka Cocktail Evening to significantly expand its Keren Avrohom Eliezer Gemach Fund.