Photo Gallery: Oholei Torah’s 53rd Annual Dinner

Full report soon to follow.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • Shmuly

    The dinner was very nicely done. Kudos to the organizers. I would not be a valid graduate of this institute of higher learning if I did not say “it was very good, the dinner”.

  • Nice but a little Overdone

    Wow! what a beautiful dinner. Though i do think the decor was a little overdone, this is a dinner for a so called yeshiva that is “in the red” and falling behind in their budget, doesnt have enough money to pay their teachers… I wonder how much this dinner costed them last night. I personally think they could have made a great impression without the expensive lighting, extravagant floral centerpeices, square tables…. that extra money spent could have gone to far better usuage. Come next year, when i go to register my kid for school, dont give me the bull that your school is struggling, it sure didnt look like that last night.. and by way who were you trying to impress anyways….

  • ex melamed

    What happend to all the outside supporters?
    The Jewish people who live in New York and have billions.
    Seams as all the fund raising is directed on Anash and nothing on outside support.
    I guess that’s why they keep raising the tution and never have money.

  • Chabtaignery

    Maybe now tha your an ex-melamed you can go around outside crown heights to raise money for the yeshiva.. You think its easy? “shtick idyot”

  • grandchildren and nieces

    gooooooooooo uncle yossi and zaidy, you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ex melamed

    response to chabtaigenry
    no one said it’s easy but it’s what should be done.
    I guess it’s a lot easier to raise tution and pay the teachers half of what they should be paid.
    By the way try to make this not personal.
    It’s a more mature way to converse.

  • Spelling Correction

    TO Friend:
    its Dovid Junik spelled Junik not Unick
    Unick has a totally other meaning:)

  • to comment #2

    It seems that you like to complain no matter what.If they had a plain setting you would say How cheap they are. How do you expect people to give money with a chaeply set and organized dinner?
    Maybe Oholei Tora would do better without a complainer like you.
    Lighten up a little Chag Purim Sameach.

  • 12121

    Honsetly, I give credi to OT. Yes I’m sure they are struggelling, and the reason is they keep thier word, I spoke to the rebbes and they said they never missed even one paycheck, and it always comes on time. I mean we are talking about over 100 staff members. and what about the 5000.00 check for the melamdim award? Yes they are having a tough time, but at least they are working and having dinners every year. How many mosdos in CH take parent dinner fees and do not even have a dinner?