Jews & Politics: Republican Jews Do Exist

by Yosef Abrahamson

This past week I had the privilege of accompanying my Mother to Washington, D.C for the Republican Jewish Coalition Leadership meeting, where I had the opportunity to hear such speakers as Congressman Artur Davis, Senator George Allen, Fox News Channel contributor Michael Barone, several analysts in US defense policies, foreign and Middle Eastern affairs and RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks.

By the end of the meeting a single thought was reverberating through my head… why isn’t every Chasid in some way involved with them?

I first made contact with the group during the Republican National Convention, where the RJC had a suite where my family watched the Convention from. Although my working duties prevented me from spending much time with them, I couldn’t help but think how great it was that this group existed. I was not alone in this thinking: during the 4 days of the convention, every elected official attending the convention found their way to that suite to meet and talk to the group gathered there. Jews are largely viewed as being completely Liberal, so being with a conservative group that had members all across the United States was a great experience for many; it makes the hard work the RJC does all the more important.

So this week I was thrilled to join my mom in attending a Leadership Meeting and really seeing what they where all about; I was more then impressed. The group perfectly understands the gravity of the upcoming elections. The speakers and material perfectly demonstrated how the Obama administration has turned its back on Israel by: a) brushing off the threat of Iran, b) calling for Israel to hand over the land they conquered in the 1967 six-day war (granting them secure borders) to their enemies who want to eradicate them, c) blatantly snubbing and disrespecting Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

This is likely the most important election of our time, given the state of our Country and the decreasing safety of Israel.The RJC understands this perfectly; as Jews, they are the only game in town for us. From Executive Director Matt Brooks to the newest members, they are constantly campaigning day and night on our behalf.

With the stakes this high for all of us, I would encourage everyone in these last weeks before the election to get involved with the Republican Jewish Coalition; use the link below to become a member, or at the very least volunteer for an evening of phone calling.

Please take this opportunity to view the RJC mini-documentary Perilous Times, and forward it to your undecided and Democrat friends. Also, if you have yet to contribute to the RJC during this critical election year, please do so now by clicking here.

For more information contact the New York RJC office (212-922-0839) or the D.C office (202-638-6688).


  • Photo-s

    Photo #1 and 3 Matt Brooks, Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director.

    Photo #2 Ameritrade Founder and former CEO Pete Ricketts

  • Few and Far Between

    Although there are about 30 Jewish Congressmen currently, only 1 is a Republican, but he is the second most powerful member of Congress. Eric Cantor is the House majority leader. We still need more.