Op-Ed: Growing Up Is Optional
There is an old American saying: “Getting Old is Mandatory, Growing Up is Optional.” This morning I discovered that the option of growing up was not approved by the local Beis Din: as I walked past the Badatz offices, I saw what looked like a Meah Shearim wall after a torrential rain. But it wasn’t an act of G-d, it was an act of babies masquerading as Rabbis.
A bit of background:
About one month ago, Rabbi Shlomo Segal (who serves as a Dayan in the Beis Din, as per the Psak Din) hung a sign with his working hours and those of Rabbi Avraham Osdoba (senior member of the BD).
Hours later, the hate mongering Shmuel Kraus (who serves as the Mazkir for Rabbi Yosef Braun and Rabbi Aharon Schwei, and also was the architect of destroying the Beis Din with the Osdoba-Schwei wars since 2003) came and removed the sign.
So, a new sign went up, this time glued with liquid glue. It lasted for a day, and was removed, leaving a mark on the window.
Since Kraus couldn’t get his way, he wrote a letter decrying Machlokes and got Rabbis Braun and Schwei to sign it.
A new sign then went up and stayed for a few days, but it kept going on and off.
Last week, Kraus wrote an anti-internet letter for the Citi Field Asifa, and managed to stick in the “Machlokes” to hint to this issue.
This morning, the Beis Din Door had an embarrassing array of leftover glue, and Rabbi Segal’s sign taking the only empty space at eye-level.
Do like Breslov
This will stop all machlokis. Let all parties, whether officially or otherwise, party to the Beis Din just give up.Let Rav D’vorkin, A”H, be the Av Beis Din. Everyone else will just be advisors or assistants, where decisions are rendered by majority vote.
I am very surprised that there was ever such a thing as an Osdoba-Schwei war. This is appalling. Two Tzadikim at war with
each other?! This does not make any sense whatsoever.
What the Internet B.S.(Braun and Schwie)letter was really about…
War On Internet Is A War On Information
We all know that the Crown Heights Beth Din is nothing but a tool/proxy/puppet of the Cabal that is the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, Inc. Anything (for example: letters, statements, edicts and even Psak Dinim) this so called Beth Din has done (past and present) has been on direct orders of the cabal who run the corrupt CHJCC. This fact became very obvious with THIS letter, which when coming under extreme fire was defended by non other then the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, inc. Why was it defended by the CHJCC? Becuase it was written by the CHJCC.
So when we wake up in the morning and see a six page letter at our doorsteps from the so called “Beth Din”, we ask ourselves what is the cabal up to now, what is their agenda today?
They are not fooling us by having B~S (Braun and Schwei) sign at the bottom.
Sof maaser b’machshova T’chila.
Knowing already how their propaganda works, I start reading from bottom up (from the end to the beginning), because the last part is always the bottom line, the point of the letter, the true agenda. Everything before is an attempt to dress up the true agenda in self righteousness. All the cabal is doing with the first page and half is jumping on the ban wagon, their using this war on the Internet as an opportunity to propagandize an agenda.
So the bottom line, the main point and the true agenda of the letter released by the cabal this past Friday (May 18, 2012) was to attack the local web-sites.
Why attack the web-sites (again), what is the agenda?
The answer is simple. Information is power.
In the past, before the days of Internet, it was the cabal that controlled all the information the residents of Crown Heights consumed. The cabal using grant money meant for the needy of Crown Heights (writing this printing off as advertisement) would print their propaganda (in forms of booklets) and again using grant money would distribute their message to every door step in the neighborhood, this is how they operated for years, this is how they controlled the information. Not having to pay from their own private pockets they were able to do this as often as they liked. Anybody who has printed and distributed knows how costly it can be.
All this ended with the Internet. Once the Internet made it’s way in every home, the cabal lost their control* over the information and like I wrote above, information is power. This is why the cabal wants and needs to go back to the “good old days”. The days where only they can control the information flow.
Guess what? those days are long gone, there not coming back, the web-sites/Internet is here to stay, WIS is here to stay!!!
* This (Internet treat) holds true to all community dictators. Throughout history the first course of action taken by a dictator was shotting down the media/press. Note: You’ll notice that also joining the war on the Internet fray are the magazines and newspapers. Business has been very hard for them as a result of the Internet.
War Criminals Of Crown Heights
What the letter ‘decrying Machlokes’ was really about…
The best way to describe the behavior of the Mossrim – Meshichistim; the CHJCC cabal; Shmira faction of Crown Heights as of late, is ‘War Criminals’ and this is why…
When the dictator is in power, he brutally kills and tortures his people without mercy; he is G-bless and has no morals nor principles; has no rules and laws, he does what he wants when he wants and to whom he wants, it goes without saying that theres no concept of justice, the only justice is his justice. If you slightly disagree with the dictator he will cut you down, erase you from existence and he does this because he’s in complete power, complete control and he can.
The dictator will do all this up until the moment he is captured. Once the dictator is captured, all of a sudden you will hear him saying to his captures things like… “you are better this, your religion doesn’t allow you to do this”, “you must have mercy”, “where is my fair trial?”, “won’t you listen to reason?”, “just tell me what you want, I’ll give you anything”, etc…etc.. all of a sudden the captured killer becomes G-d fearing, demands you to go by the book (keep the laws of human decency), wants a fair trial and all of a sudden he understands the concept of mercy. But one thing you won’t hear from them, even at their last moment, and that is an apology.
The same can be said of the Mossrim of Crown Heights. For years they ruled without mercy, brutally embarrassing, harassing, intimidating, terrorizing and doing acts of Mesira against good innocent people, who either simply dared to disagree; tried to expose their corruption and fraud; tried to actuality do some good in the community.
Most of the Mossrims victims and controversies were just used as a distraction (click here for more about that). The Mossrim created distraction so we would not focus our attention on them but rather on stupidity. Many of these good people could not deal with the pressure and sadly got sick and passed away, many at young ages.
The Mossrim did all the above without fear of G-d, without mercy, without reason, without any consideration for their victims and their families. They took good Jews and maliciously prosecuted them. There is not a lamp-post in Crown Heights that does not have innocent blood dripping from it.
But now all of a sudden, when the tables have turned, the victims of their malicious prosecutions are pushing back and pushing hard by exposing them for their corruption, fraud and Mesira, now all of a sudden, like a bunch of War Criminals they know G-d, now they know the 10 commandments by heart, now they know the laws of Messira by heart, now they speak of “understanding” and “mercy”, now they speak of “brotherly love” etc…
But now it’s to late!
This is all a big distraction, the real issue is ‘Where is the millions the CHJCC has received by way of government grants to help/assist the needy of the Crown Heights Community’?
Camp Scholarships
Camp tuition is very expensive, I know the government gives money to local organizations to assist. Does anybody know where in Crown heights one can go for assistance?
help is here
To #4 go to braun, schwie, sperlin, spritzer and co. they will pretend to help you.
what was that all about, what happened in khal chasidim shul with a psak.
how do these men sleep at night, do they really think they’re serving the Rebbe’s inyonim? Do they think they are making Jewish history rich and are they thinking that they are real chasidim? Do they think that they are helping the hard working chasidim of the Rebbe to do their inyonim which the Rebbe directed us to?
My zeideh would question this
to #4 –
leah & eli lipsker on mont – avroham elizer camp fund
ok labs on troy ave
crown heights community council – on kingston
then you can also speak to the directors of the individual camps
rabbi Karp – oholei torah
rabbi karp – lubavitch yeshiva – crown street
benji karp – bais rivkah
rebettzin hecht – camp emunah
ncfje – gan yisroel – parksville ny
of the other schools –
bnos menachem, bais chaya mushka, darchai menachem, ohr menachem, lamplighters, etc – i dont know – sorry
To #4
All you have to do is walk into the CHJCC, I noticed lately that nobody is ever there (unlike in Williamsburg where there are dozens of workers assisting hundreds of people everyday), so I’m sure that they will welcome your inquiries with open arms and they will serve you a heaping dose of camp advice and a cup of fresh brewed coffee.
Try it, you’ll like it.
Stop the Machlokes
Krauss is behind all of this since day one! Go to the source of the machlokes since he moved to CH…
Sad, disheartening. That’s all there is to say….