Op-Ed: The Vanishing American Bochur

by Anonymous

You can still spot them, now and then: Friday morning, clambering aboard a Mitzvah Tank, blaring Nichoach on loop; ducking out of the Kollel late at night, sefer securely tucked under the arm; or massing outside the NCFJE international headquarters Wednesday afternoons. But in many ways, the American 770 bochur is a breed endangered, disappearing fast.

Don’t be fooled by some op-ed on your favourite Chabad news site harping on about the shidduch crisis. There is no yeshivah bochur glut, but a serious shortage: ‘Bochur’ doesn’t connote marital status, but a transcendent idealism, a carefree, yet impassioned, single-minded devotion to things like Torah, Chassidus, and the Rebbe; unfettered by constraints financial, social and familial. So in a certain sense, the guy with the natty Borsalino tilted just so and smoothly tucked-in shirt in front of you in line to buy sushi, isn’t necessarily a bochur. And in case you were wondering, the young men spilling out of the Mikvah at 7:25 in the morning, towel slung over the shoulder, bounding across the Parkway, to the disapproving frowns of morning commuters, may well be 770 bochurim, but invariably, they aren’t American.

So what happened? These bochurim have been captured in reels of film packing the bleachers of farbrengens with the Rebbe and dancing with abandon on Hey Teves, immortalized in song, story, and on the front cover of The Rebbe’s Army. For generations, their existence has been taken for granted, assumed; their presence in Lubavitch assured. But what about now? What has made the ages of 22 and up such an inhospitable climate for the American Bochur?

The truth is, of course, that a bochur is not born; he is made. For a hundred years, the yeshivah infrastructure, with its attendant mashpi’im and mashgichim, has been in place to cultivate, nurture, guide, and inspire young temimim to access their true potential. So it has been, and so it still is, in many way, as bochurim in mesivtas and many zals throughout the world continue to grow and advance further in the ways of the bochur. Until, that is, they reach 770.

The fact is, that for those unfortunate bochurim outside of the Israeli ‘kvutza’ program, the yeshivah at 770 is no longer the spiritual oasis it once was, but more of desolate wasteland, without oversight, without guidance, and by now without expectation. How can some fresh faced intrepid bochur, just returned from a year or two on shlichus, and especially after smicha, be expected to achieve anything with such rampant levels of neglect? Are they supposed to feel accountable to this make-believe hanholo? Are they to report regularly to some phantom mashgiach?

While in recent weeks there have been faint stirrings of progress in these areas, far more fundamental issues remain soundly unaddressed. Even if there were to be a semblance of a curriculum or direction in learning provided, sitting and studying Torah an entire day is somewhat of a challenge if you don’t have a seat. It isn’t much easier staying a Yeshivah that doesn’t provide a place to stay. But in 770, bochurim spend hours hunting for spare spots, moving to fresh seats, fighting over contested territory, retreating to distant outposts like Yagdil Torah and the kollel, like some primitive nomadic tribesmen. Securing a prized bed in the dormitory at 1414 is an even greater challenge. Months of enduring a sadistic game of telephone tag with the dormitory office sometimes come to end when a bochur waiting for a bed is abruptly informed, “Sorry, we’re full.”

Which yeshivahs do that? Does Bunoy accept bochurim, only to tell them that they to learn what they like, they are to seek board somewhere in Paris, and they may prepare their own food? How is a bochur supposed to feel part of a yeshivah, he is officially enrolled in, when the entirety of his interaction with hanholo is, “Sorry, we’re full”?

Full? Filled up when? Filled up by whom? Apparently, policy assures space only for bochurim signed up to Kvutza. Perhaps there isn’t room for everyone, but whatever happened to ‘First Come, First Served’? Maybe bochurim who plan on learning can be given rooms before mashgichim in Manhattan restaurants in need of space to store the fruits of their H&M shopping expeditions.

Taking care of foreigners at the expense of other bochurim isn’t some elevated form of charity, it’s the product of a twisted conception of selflessness. In this inverted world, neglecting your own to give to others is somehow more noble, and to do otherwise shameful. Taking care of your own first isn’t bigotry. It’s normal, never mind that it’s mandated by halocho. It’s this kind masochism that sees misguided Israeli politicians evict families from their homes and endanger Jewish lives so not to offend Arab sensibilities.

Even if local bochurim were not given some sort of preferred treatment, as is the practice of schools and yeshivas worldwide; even if the Kvutza program didn’t have a place reserved for learning outside of 770, as was the case some 20 years ago; even if non-Israeli bochurim could rely on a room in the 1414 dormitory, as was the case before the fire there in 1989, when bochurim were first moved into basements; why should they be treated as inferiors? Are some bochurim somehow more equal than others? Are some beards blacker than others – or whatever the appropriate metaphor?

Of course, much of this discussion would be moot if the hanholo of 770 would be able to offer all 98 beds in the dormitory at 749 Eastern Pkwy to prospective talmidim. But, for some reason, 749, although owned by the yeshivah, remains “out of their control”. Whatever that means.

Whispers of change have begun to be heard in 770, and real solutions can still be found. A 23 year old single Lubavitcher can still aspire to be something more than a tzenter on a billionare’s yacht. But without action, it’s just a matter of time before another bochur is slowly reduced into a quivering, gelatanous mass of Kahn’s coffee, food stamps, Buncho bagels, pressed shirts, and shiny belt buckles.

That might not sound so awful, and possibly comedic, and maybe that isn’t doing it so tough.

But on any given Shabbos, take a look around 770. You’ll find some bochurim there, along with a few others, long after the main minyan has ended, still davening. And while all around them old men drink their inhibitions into stupid noise; while the indifferent talk about the football; and while the disillusioned look for new shuls,;they stay in their places, but a few feet higher, their eyes shut tight, and their minds on bigger things. And on Friday nights, you can find them in seder, hours after everyone else has gone home, lost in a maamer, committed.

That’s what a bochur can be, it’s what bochurim still are, and if that isn’t worth anyone’s support, then it’s hard to know what is.

This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of CrownHeights.info or its Editors.

Any reader that wishes to make his or her voice heard, on any topic of their desire, is welcome to submit his or her Op-Ed to News@CrownHeights.info.


  • Another opinion

    We just had a group of bochurim to our home this Friday night (as we often do) and they love being in Crown Heights and they love learning in Crown Heights. They think this is a great place to learn and that it is one of the most inspiring places in the world.

  • No comparison

    Well written

    However there is no comparing the bochur of today and the 80’s version you’ve seen on film. They had the Rebbe. The bochur of today has no Rebbe. This difference is huge and you ought to be grateful for what can only be described as miraculous.

    Oh, and while kosher sushi was not readily available in 1987, there were plenty of shiny belt buckles around Ess un bench as well.

  • see it as it is - Time for new Hanholoh

    Zalman Labakovsky is the one to point fingers at
    His israeli following (Kevutza)allows him his everlasting platform and his seat , as long as the Israeli shows up in 770 he will be the king, the Tzfati terorists who terrorize the Gaboim , is his prize bunch , Americans are not welcome !
    Glukowsky gets his salery by enlisting bochurim for college programs , the older generation has left the vacuum is now filled with misfits and uneffective hanholoh SIC , who have to answer to nobody , why does the gaboim get not 1 cent from Labakowsky for lighting and air conditioning , why do they have to resort to shuting off the shul Air conditioning in the sweltewring hot summer , because Labakowsky has not paid 1 cent to the Electric bill .His israeli bochurim are forced to sweat this is not the way the Rebbe would want bochurim to be treated , but labakowsky cares less !and so goes for the fake hanholoh . we need change !!749 is a drug infested hang out for drop outs and misfits send them back -Mr Brod !

  • yankel der chuchem

    what an article

    well written and covered all the points. and maybe a hint of solutions

    but there is NO BOSS in the yeshivah people are getting paid a salary and they do nothing.

    there is no accountablity BY anyone and TO anyone. so the place runs on remote control and by MOB rule

    is there a registration process to the yeshivah at 770.
    can the hanholo if they wanted to resrve places downstairs in 770 for bochurim to learn. (and close sectiond from davening ?

    does everone that works there have a job description and what they are responsible for

    did the hanoholo ever meet in recentt years to discuss strategy.

    the shul is a free for all and so is the yeshivah .. what a shame 770 should be the pride and showcase for the world and what do we haveto show.

    yes there are bochurim that learn and daven as the writer says. but it aint what it shoul dbe

  • # 3

    If he is a bochur, then he has the Rebbe. Even today.
    It is possible, through the Sichos, videos, maamorim, living with the Rebbe is possible.

    P.S. Learning a year with the same kvius is one of the easier ways to connect. One of this years kviusen is 5745.

  • mordy s.

    How about the vanishing American baal teshuva?

    What happened to all those bright-eyed penitents that used to flow from the zaal of tifferes in morristown? Where are they now? Led to a stream of knowledge and then told not drink too deeply. Yes, lies and corruption can also bread contempt for the “system”.

    Sadly, the powers that be have also found a way to limit their growth, that is unless they can fork over the cash.

    I will never forget the feeling of anguish i experienced when they told me i would never be capable of learning like a ‘true’ chossid.

  • Completely Agree

    מלה בסלע
    This article should really be a movement.

  • BEDBUGS in 749 Eastern Parkway

    Something needs to be done about the infestation of bedbugs in 749 Eastern Parkway dormitory. These boys sit in 770 and go to the mikvos, meaning everyone in Crown Heights can catch it from them! This will ch”v cause unnecessary cost, time and agmas nefesh to remove from people’s homes. Something must be done – but what??? 749 is someone’s responsibility – own up and act now! Help the boys there (bedbugs are itchy and bothersome to sleep with) and help prevent a bedbug outbreak in our community.

  • Working Baal Habos

    Re: #9 I learned in Morristown from 1988-91 and went back last year for the first time since then. The difference was like night and day. No one there seems to have a clue what’s going on and there’s no noticeable derech for the yungerleit in either zal. A bochur told me that Ivy League graduates and other bright kids are being turned away (fancy that) because their parents in Westchester won’t fully finance another year of yeshiva like they did for college. Wow, you can be sure they will not be receiving any more checks from me. The place as it exists today would make the Rebbe cry.

  • mimush

    I love the article .i wish we could return to a more holy’er time !!! I was a bucer in 770 from 92 -94 770 downstairs it was empty of buchurim & unsupervised the whole yeshivah was upstairs and if you had no seat you were out of the loop.

  • Bal haba

    The bucher who is learning the mammer has the rebbe and is connected to the Rebbe even more so then the bochur of the 80s

  • um...

    this author doesnt have experience with real yshivas i guess. Go to the Mir, Ponevicz, slabodka, BMG, Yatev Lev… more bochurim than beds. More unenrolled bochurim than enrolled bochurim. Not enough food to go around. its the way its been for 200 years.

  • 11-year 770 Alumnus

    You are so right on so many levels. Well written.

    I am curious to know of the specifics about the whispers of change that you mention…

  • Another opinion

    The Rebbe said “I’m leaving it up to you.” So let’s get working! Instead of complaining about “them,” you be the one to bring positive, chassidishe inspiration.

  • rabahjack

    Great article! I think the real issue is…American Buchorim sitting around doing nothing. They should all be in college getting an education so that they can earn an honest living

  • The train

    770 is only the last stop. The American bochur disappears beforehand in yeshiva ktana and gdola, becoming modern under the carefree eyes of his mashgichim. If he wasn’t already modern on arrival.

  • Eli

    Very interesting, first the problem is that no one is showing up, and then the problem is that there’s not enough space. Secondly by the time you reach 770 you expected to be old enough to succeed without having a mashgiach breathing down your back. the problem is not 770, but rather is with the American Yeshivas before you get to 770 as you alluded to this in the name of, your own article.

  • to # 9

    There still are a lot of Baal Teshuvas however, since they are not American, or we politically disagree with them we no longer call them Ball Teshuvas, but Tzfati, Terrorists, and many other names. yes, a lot of “tzaftim” are Ball Teshuvas.

  • wow

    wow sad but true. i was in 770 20 years ago and it was a lil diffrent. we didnt like some hanholo however we all felt like a family and took care of each other in our beastments as there was no 1414 and 749 was a dump

  • Same old, same old

    Well, look at the bright side of things: things haven’t changed much since I was a bochur in 770 25 year ago!
    Really well-written opinion! Kudos to the author!

  • A Jewish Mother

    All bochurim that are learning in 770 are our bochurim.
    If they are Israeli,American,French, Russian etc. they are all Lubavitcher bochurim, chassidim of the Rebbe. I believe that the “tfati” bochurim are the ones who are learning the
    most and are doing what a chassidisher bochur should be doing. Stop with the rechilus and lack of ahavas yisroel. Lets love all of our children and bring moshiach now!

  • Shameful

    Yes, as a mother I can attest to the fact that this article is unfortunately accurate. If your child makes it through Yeshiva Ketana and Mesifta unscathed, with belief, idealism, and sense of self intact; there is the shlichus and smicha administrators to get past. Yes, many finally give up when it comes to dealing with the Hanholo of 770.

    And why is it like this? No oversite. They do it because they can. The administrators mentioned above, mashpiim, and all their associates, have no one to answer to.

  • Shloimeh

    Do you know what the problem is why there are no more bochurim? LOOK AT THAT PHOTO! LOOK IN THE BACKGROUND AT THE SIGN! READ WHAT IT SAYS! CRY FOR THIS CHILLUL HASHEM!!!!

  • You get what you pay for

    As we pay less tuition money, we must expect less from the yeshiva and we have no right to demand anything. In Yeshiva Ketana and Mesivta when tuition is charged – we have rights and our children are serviced by the mossad. On shlichus – there is no tuition and therefore no rights by there is idealism. After shlichus in 770 there is no tuition and no idealism. Folks, we get what we pay for! If we would have to pay $10,000 for tuition in 770 we could demand a bed, decent food, an interactive hanholah and program, but we don’t.

  • sum guy

    While this was written in an grammatically acceptable fashion – it lacks accuracy and fact.
    The # 1 reason “american” bochurim are not in 770 is not because they are being pushed out by israelis or french or any other nationality – but, rather because they THEMSELVES choose to follow those who worship Corporate Chabad – and thus, do not want to be portrayed as meshiachistim because they “learn in 770”.
    This would certainly be a blemish for their “resume”, that would have consequences for them being able to be “shluchim”.


    There happens to be quite a few very good Chassidishe American, French and South American Bochurim. They are yorah shomayim, they learn with hasmada, and daven with kavana. keep mitzvahs with hiddur and are a pride to the Rebbe and to Lubavitch.