Op-Ed: Why Are People Defending the Predators?
I am a victim of abuse. Well actually, I’m a survivor. I no longer consider myself a victim, as I am slowly breaking out of that lowly hell, and moving forward to a better place in life. I came forward a little while ago about the abuse I went through, and doing so was one of the biggest and most painful decisions I had made in my life. It was like pulling off the scab off an old wound that never healed properly.
As you all know, being victimized causes unexplainable amounts of stress and pain in a person’s life. What most of you don’t know is that coming forward brings about the same amount of stress and pain, if not even more. It uncovers all those painful memories that we tried to bury behind us. We are forced to relive the experience and to look it in the face. When I was encouraged to come forward, all my natural instincts told me not to because of all the pain I would have to go through again, and because of all the public scrutiny I would have to go through. However, in my head I knew it was the right thing to do. I knew that I would be saving other children from having to go through what I went through. So I shut off all my emotions and instincts, and came forward.
Then there was hell. All those emotions that I was beginning to learn to put behind me came flooding back. The urge to jump in front of a train came back. The drug abuse came back. The suicidal tendencies came back. They all came back. And then there was the practical hell. Certain streets had to be avoided, so I wouldn’t bump into my nightmare. Taking dirty looks from people, and taking ridicule from others. That was what coming forward was like.
People accused me of looking for revenge, but revenge was not on the to-do list. Revenge was a luxury that I couldn’t afford. Which sane person would make up such a story and go through such an experience for the sake of revenge? The pain? The hurt? The scrutiny? The judging? No sane person would. A great comparison would be the notion of someone coming forward about their contraction of HIV as part of a vendetta. Which person in their right mind would do that? I came forward because facing my nightmare and bringing it to the light was a major part of the healing process, but the main reason was because I had a responsibility. I had already lost my turn at having an innocent childhood. If I had the capability, then I owed it to the next generation to do my part to help ensure that they get their chance at a proper childhood.
I would like to ask you, please don’t jump to defend these predators. Please don’t shun the victims for coming forward. Doing so makes it harder for the next victim to come forward, which thereby enables his or her predator to continue ruining innocent children’s lives. Be supportive, or at least understanding. We don’t need more pain in our lives. Remember, were not doing this for us, were doing it for you and your children. It would have been a whole lot easier to stay silent, yet we rose up, and we did it for you.
We don’t stand to lose if people doubt what happened to us, and we don’t stand to gain much if people don’t. I cannot stress this point enough. It’s your children and your friends’ children who do gain. Please think about this.
I have gained no pleasure from coming forward. The only thing I have gained is the knowledge that I can safely say I’ve done my part. Now it’s your turn. We have armed you with the knowledge of the dangers that lurk out there, and now it’s your turn to keep your children away from those dangers.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a father bringing over some of his children to my abusers house. It pained me. It was like a knife in the heart, but I knew that I couldn’t let it drag me down. I did my part. I now have to focus on rebuilding my life. But I would like to ask you first, please take our word. Please don’t wait to hear it from your child, or from any other child for that matter. I cannot explain the pain it puts one through. As the guardian of your children, please be there for them. Please make sure they’re safe. They don’t need your political debating mind; they need your protection.
That is all we want. We didn’t come forward for pity. We pay a therapist for that. We’re not driven by vendettas. If we were, there are much simpler ways. We went through this pain and agony to help ensure that the next generation gets a chance at a bright life. Please help us in our mission.
The next move is yours.
A Survivor.
P.S. As I’ve been in touch with the people behind the website on a very consistent basis, I can say that I know for a fact that CrownHeightsWatch.com only posts offenders who were confirmed beyond a doubt as being predators. As some of the more well informed people in the community know, there are close to 80 predators and child abusers in our community itself. CrownHeightsWatch.com only has 12. What does that tell you? In addition, it took a while and a lot of research before they posted the name of the man who abused me. After they did their research that man was found to have over 8 confirmed victims H”Y. He was then posted.
This Op-Ed reflects the views of its author. It does not necessarily reflect the views of CrownHeights.info or its Editors.
Any reader that wishes to make his or her voice heard, on any topic of their desire, is welcome to submit his or her Op-Ed to News@CrownHeights.info.
sad to hear.
i’m sorry for what u have gone through. thank u for standing up for yourself when it’s so hard to. noone likes to hear about someone they know doing something wrong and so they deny and defend…but every action has a consequence, whether the person is a good father/friend or not.
we should just merit the coming of moshiach right now, and all the suffering stop.
Very well written. I agree.
Pained Lubavitcher
I truly respect you for coming out, both for your own growth and healing process and for the benefit of others. I agree with you that repeat offenders and predators who have not repented in any way and continue to be involved with children should be dealt with according to the law.
On the other side, however, what about those who did work on themselves to atone for their sins, those who perhaps did therapy themselves, who make sure not to work with children and are clearly not repeat offenders, some of them are listed on the website you mention. Don’t they (and their families) deserve a second chance? Isn’t that what Teshuvah is all about?
A Mother
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
genug shoyn!
I’m sick of these drug abusing, alcoholic, abusive, abrasive, gruff–to name just a few–teens trying to ruin peoples lives. [otherwise known as “our youth”, or “kids at risk”, or “kids from broken homes”–or “spoiled brats who have never been told ‘no’ and expect life on a silver platter”]
When you post someone’s name online, you have ruined them; even when they are proven innocent in court–their name and life is destroyed.
Victims: go to the appropriate authorities, but stop this vindictive character assassination and online propaganda machine
Epis Shmekt
How can you trust an anonymous website? Who runs crownheightswatch? And now we should listen to the testimony of an anonymous “survivor?”
Victims suffer, yet falsely accusing somebody can do even greater damage.
Heads Up...
Its known that the site DOES NOT do through research as some names on the site are from victims who smoked pot or where known to call every adult figure in their life a molester. It is great that this site is standing up to these people but I know for a fact they are not looking carefully into the victims backgrounds and just taking ppls words a face value. I could just as easily email the site and claim that I was molested by Yehuda Krinsky or some other big name in Lubavitch and I am sure if I made my story sound good enough the site would post me as an alleged victim. BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT BELIEVE ALL THAT YOUR READING ON THAT SITE. Take everything with a grain of salt. Unless you know the victims personally don’t go suspecting every person out there.
Critical Thinker
Beautifully written. One point that needs to be raised however is t he fact that many times the victims remain anonymous and the abuser is the only one identified. That raises questions about the validity and motivation of the accusation. I’m not saying that the victims must come fourth with their names and social security numbers in order for the claims and accusations they make to be recognized, What I am suggesting is maybe crown heights watch could be more specific about the victims, for ex. how many there are, ages etc. to give more credibilty to the whole story.
TO #3
You say
They worked on themselves?
They went to therapy?
They don’t work with children?
They atoned for there sins?
They are not repeat offenders?
You are very selfish, not once did i hear anything about the victim? what does teshuvah consist of? do you know? let me tell you a little about it.
Teshuva means the following:
They payed for the victims therapy.
They apologized to the victim.
They helped the victim get back on track with life.
They paid money for the damage they done to that boy.
That is the first steps of tishuva. (none of the offenders listed on there site have ever done tishuva)
The only reason why they are not repeat offenders is because they got caught doing it, if they would not have gotten caught then they would have never stopped!
Another point: please tell me how bad the family gets hurt? there are predators listed that there children still got married ect.. the predators are still walking in shul head up high.
Most of this community feels more bad for the predator then the victim. i never hear anyone asking how the victim is doing, the first question is oy vey i feel so bad for the family…
And to the writer of this article it is beautiful. thank you for coming out and explaining this to people.
May god bless you & keep standing strong
A fellow victim
That is lies and you know it, crown heights watch has a big list of preditors and they have not exposed them… WHY DONT YOU TRY AND TEST THEM OUT WITH A FAKE STORY AND SEE IF THEY WILL POST IT?
How is it that half – if not more than half – do not have ANY sort of police report – charge – or anything official – let alone a guilty verdict
What is this? One person word against another? Is that enough to go and dunk families into the toilet and then dragging them through the mud? (the families members are definitely innocent whether their the person is found guilty or not)
Of course you have to stand up against predators! It has to be done responsibly though.
Is there a reason the website is run anonymously? I understand the victims – but the people running the site should be proud of what they are doing – helping the community – (unless they are just having fun on other people’s expense)
If someone like Dov Hikind – ANYONE who was known in the frum community – would stand up and say “I am making a site – and I stand by everything said there 100%”
– It would have a lot more credibility and carry much more weight
Sadly it seems these guys are just enjoying themselves – there are emails and comments where they are like children at best – they also went to harass families – of someone they themselves haven’t even posted (yet)
What is this? Is this camp? Color war? Everyone can be an alleged predator – all you have to do is say X is an “ALLEGED predator” – Try it – it means nothing and you can’t get into trouble for saying it – cuz its true – you never know – anyone could be…
And now listing their names is not enough – we have to have a link to google maps to show you where they live – Really? Are they trying to instigate some violence here?
Don’t dare tell me I don’t care about the victims – I sure do. And everything must be done to the fullest extent of the LAW (LAW!) – not have a bunch of kids making sites and Facebook pages about other people)
So you will say well – they can’t get a police report cuz its an old story…
Someone who preys on children – doesn’t do it once and then retires – they go at it – its not an on and off hobby – its an illness
How come there haven’t been any NEW fresh cases – they are still “living right here IN OUR COMMUNITY – (we have to give you their address etc.)
So you would think they can have a charge from somewhere… not existent.
Let me just say – there is a site at there by a person who LOVES juicy negative stories about frum people – yet he would NEVER post any story without some sort of official report – change – conviction – plea etc – he mate hate frum people – but even his hate doesn’t get in the way of his brains – which says its not smart to post junk about others without away to back it up (and not some rambling post by an anonymous person – who also seems to be the one living all the comments on the site in the same broken english)
Again – stand up for JUSTICE – that means being wise and doing whats right for EVERYONE involved.
Another thing we won’t have to worry about with Moshiach NOW
down under
Plenty of normal people out there that are with you. We will continue to NAME AND SHAME. Don’t be afraid. YOU ARE RESPECTED for being so VERY BRAVE.Perhaps Education to all children should be mandatory in all schools. We should stop putting our head in the sand under the name of religion. EDUCATE KIDS MAKE THEM AWARE.
Balanced Thoughts
To #5
Speak to any of the Rabbi’s who are involved in youth outreach and ask them what percent of non religious youth have been molested. I won’t give you the figure, go find out on your own.
Why you choose to so hatefully put down the youth who endured what you haven’t? I don’t know, and I probably never will. Either your a predator, a friend of a predator, or your just plain ignorant on the topic.
Perhaps by the grace of God none of your children were abused, and their all still on the religious path. Count your blessings. This does not give you a right to put down others, especially when you have no clue what they have gone through.
To #6
Read the article again. All your questions and doubts are clearly addressed there.
To #7
Please submit the story, or any number of stories to the site and lets see how it plays out.
To any further comments by people who don’t seem to understand the issue. Please educate yourself. Speak to a friend who was molested or that has a child that was. I promise that we all know someone that was.
To genug shoyn!
I guess we will probably see your name on the site soon! Chances are that someone who is so unfeeling and uncaring may very well be part if the problem!!
very ironic that all of you anonymous posters are bashing the anonymity of CHW.
what is your name?
what is in your closet?
who are you protecting?
What a Shame
There is clearly something wrong with those people who seem to be unable to stop defending these perpetrators.
Its comparable to trying to convince the Palestinians that were looking to just live in peace. Logic doesn’t seem to work.
My guess is that those kind of people are probably molesters themselves, or that their covering for someone close to them that’s a molester.
The article clearly spells out that their coming forward for us. Maybe we should show some appreciation?
To #5
Your sick. Very sick. How can you put people down like that.
Do you realize the correlation between the youth who have been molested by “religious” Rabbi’s and the youth who have turned away from that religion and turned to drugs and substances in search for solace?
All true Chasidim that I know and still respect never say such things. Never. You say “Genug Shoyn” yet you go and slander an entire group of innocent kids? Shame on you!
The Rebbe came up with the concept of Mivtzayim. We seem to have forgotten that charity starts at home.
You must be one of the “Unzereh” who feel that their untouchable. Listen up. Karma is real. What goes around comes around. Wait your turn.
Being a non religious victim who had bouts with drugs myself, I’m deeply hurt by everything you said.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
to #5,6,7
hellooo! why would someone make up such a nasty rumor with sordid and graphic details???????
80 predators and child abusers?
Where do you get this figure from? If so, what can be done about it?
To those who mention that the abuser did teshuva, isn’t part of teshuva apologizing to the victims? Did the writer of this article get any apologies from the abuser?
Crownheightswatch.com affects not only the perpetrator and his family but the whole community,since it puts the community into a bad light. What do the Rabbonim say about the site and about the methods of dealing with the abuse?
Another mother
Thank you, you are doing a Kidush Hashem as much as Pinchas did. H’ should bless you to grow be ruchnius and be gashmius in everything you do and be zocher to leave behind all suffering and only know from good.
ATT: #7
You are one of those close minded individuals who lives in our community . That cannot possibly fathom that there are in fact very sick people living amongst us. You are exactly one of the individuals that the author is referring to.
Im starting to think that those that bash crownheightswatch.com are moletors themselves trying to downplay the authenticity of the site.
Makeh chavairo basaiser???
You did not come forward. We don’t know who you are. You never gave us a name or any information. We only know that you are ruining peoples names who have not been indited. If you have a case go to police. Why are you being ‘makeh ess chavaro basaiser’? Do you know what it says about someone who is makeh chavairo basaiser? It’s one of the klolois. I dont envy you and the site for doing this. Isn’t everyone assumed innocent until proven guilty???? You think there is no Hashem here?
Oh the pain, the anguish,
that comes through in this letter.
Please, please, please,
there is much more to be done,
to prevent this type of suffering.
The survivor says that he saw a
father bringing his children
to his abuser’s home.
Please this is something that demands immediate attention.
Children are so vulnerable, defenseless, especially when
someone that is held in high esteem is the abuser.
I feel so terrible for this person, what they have gone through, what they are still going through.
But I admire the survivor as well,
for having the courage to come forward
and denounce the abuser.
His courage has saved others.
He is a very brave, honorable person.
do all you can
If the system worked, victims could just go to the system and not the public. But for the most part the system just doesn’t work in Brooklyn. Not when power people and police people have partnerships, at least. Not when the community works against the victims, at least. So the public are left to defend themselves, even then with their mouths gagged and hands tied behind them. However, there is hope: Hinei yamim ba’im ne’um Hashem…..
choose life!
I don’t have an opinion on the do’s and dont’s and why’s of all this but the one paragraph that stood out was the one where you wrote all hell broke loose and the suicidal thoughts returned. The drug abuse returned.
as someone who has been there (for other reasons -not because I was abused)I just want to wrap you in a great big hug. I know its hard but just know that every day you have lived is a victory. You live for yourself but you also live for the grandparents and parents who sacrificed for you, and you live for the children you (will) have. And the world cannot be without you.
Lastly, please go see/do something amazing and awesome you’ve never seen/done before. I did and it helped a lot. I remember thinking If I had not lived to see this day, I never would have gotten to see this unbelievable____.
My thoughts are with you…
I can’t believe some of these comments! so basically you can do whatever you want as long as you only do it once and then do Teshuva? And what about the fact most of the people listed on crownheightswatch have either been accused multiple times or have admitted to the offenses? It’s bad enough that the community hides these evil people but now we have sunk low enough to defending them?
A fellow Survivor
Really well said. It wasn’t written by me but it could just have well been.
To number 7, I don’t know who is behind the site but why not try it and let us know if it works?!
To number 8, I would totally put my name to my accusations if it were safe for me to do so. Everyone seems to brush all these anonymous victims away yet when we do put our name to it we get hounded, cursed and shamed. When the day comes that our community start defending their victims, we will all stand proud along side you, not be the ones treated like the guilty.
Come forward you cowards. No, I don’t expect a true Victim to reveal him/herself however as long as the website remains anonymous, I cannot believe a word. If you go to the national predators website, it isn’t anonymous – there is someone I can physically talk to. There is contact info etc. so it’s legit. But crown heights watch is written by a bunch of cowards. For all I know this article is fabricated. Probably written by same anonymous creator of the Chw website.
Civey Mc Donald
To Number #10: Some of the Rabbonim – particularly Rabbi Braun are 100% behind exposing the abusers and seeing to it that they are punished according to the law.I believe that Rabbi Braun is actually a supporter of the CrownHeightsWatch website.
a proud survivor
its so sad to see all the comments here. You all talk as if you know the feeling. I am also a survivor and I just because I went public got this passion in me to expose evil. Its so hard sometimes to come to terms but so many people are more scared of humans then they are of GD.
Pained Lubavitcher
To #15 that is not what I said nor meant. I specifically mentioned the one time offenders, not the repeats and I did nor do not defend their reprehensible deeds. Again, if a person who committed such an act once, and sincerely did teshuva does he not deserve a second chance? Can we have a rational discussion about this instead of just hurling accusations at each other?
What does tishuva mean? and thank you editor for not posting my comment before…. at least post the part with explaining it
Member of Crown Heights
Frankly, I don’t think the victims or Crown Heights Watch care about whether you believe them or not. They’re doing their part in trying to help the community. If you choose not to believe them then its truly your loss. Just make sure that your kids don’t get hurt because of an ill informed decision you made.
in the name of truth
crown heights watch is backpeddling now after it turnes out that one of the “abusers” might actually be a victim Out of 1100 kids that went through a certain individuals care and guidance apparently 2 came out and accused this man of abuse. Abusers dont just do this type of thing once or twice in 25 years they do it a lot lot more given the opportunity, and yet this particular individual has had 100ds of kids and noone else was abused?
something smells fishy
How is it that half – if not more than half – do not have ANY sort of police report – charge – or anything official – let alone a guilty verdict
What is this? One person word against another? Is that enough to go and dunk families into the toilet and then dragging them through the mud? (the families members are definitely innocent whether their the person is found guilty or not)
Of course you have to stand up against predators! It has to be done responsibly though.
Is there a reason the website is run anonymously? I understand the victims – but the people running the site should be proud of what they are doing – helping the community.
If someone like Dov Hikind – ANYONE who was known in the frum community – would stand up and say “I am making a site – and I stand by everything said there 100%”
– It would have a lot more credibility and carry much more weight
What is this? Is this camp? Color war? Everyone can be an alleged predator – all you have to do is say X is an “ALLEGED predator” – Try it – it means nothing and you can’t get into trouble for saying it – cuz its true – you never know – anyone could be…
And now listing their names is not enough – we have to have a link to google maps to show you where they live – Really? Are they trying to instigate some violence here?
Don’t dare tell me I don’t care about the victims – I sure do. And everything must be done to the fullest extent of the LAW (LAW!) – not have a bunch of kids making sites and Facebook pages about other people)
So you will say well – they can’t get a police report cuz its an old story…
Someone who preys on children – doesn’t do it once and then retires – they go at it – its not an on and off hobby – its an illness
How come there haven’t been any NEW fresh cases – they are still “living right here IN OUR COMMUNITY – (we have to give you their address etc.)
So you would think they can have a charge from somewhere… not existent.
Let me just say – there is a site at there by a person who LOVES juicy negative stories about frum people – yet he would NEVER post any story without some sort of official report – change – conviction – plea etc – he mate hate frum people – but even his hate doesn’t get in the way of his brains – which says its not smart to post junk about others without away to back it up (and not some rambling post by an anonymous person – who also seems to be the one living all the comments on the site in the same broken english)
Again – stand up for JUSTICE – that means being wise and doing whats right for EVERYONE involved.
Another thing we won’t have to worry about with Moshiach NOW
Good for you! You said it all.
May you have the strength to move on from here.
Ive heard someone say “Oh my G-d, I can’t believe X was posted on that site. I said whats the big deal? They said ”well, everyone who is on that site was only posted with the permission of “the rabbonim” – which means he is a verified offender“ – I don’t believe – but how can the rabbonim feel that way?”
I said are you kidding me? Who give you the idea that the rabbonim review each name posted?
They said: They have a letter of support from the rabbonim
Thats funny. The letter they have on their site is about victims going to the police not making websites and posting people’ s name, picture, address etc
The rabbonim definitely do NOT review the names posted
LA Morah
to pained lubavitcher ,hey you ought to be pained for the victims for crying out loud!!! this is a sickness and it’s not about tshuvah(did they even ask mechilah from the victims?).it’s also been proven over and over again that therapy almost never works in these cases so no they absolutely DO NOT deserve a second chance.yes it’s sad for the molester’s family but they should seperate from these sickos for their and/or their own children’s safety.misplaced rachmanus like this is evil.
It Seems...
It seems that anyone who has another opinion besides for the one is the op-ed is a molester himself – thats what it sounds like – and thats even after they say victims should be supported and encouraged to go to the police and the predator should pay for what he did
It does not look like the site does much better than all the ranting comments here
So your a predator cuz you have another opinion?
Just cuz someone doesn’t care for a couple of anonymous kids running a site doesn’t mean they do not care about about victims.
I know a a victim and I still feel the way I do – its not a free for all – the entire USA goes through the legal system – but we have to make up our own rules and create sites with rambling broken english?
Do me a favor. Grow up – let your emotions fade away and use your brain – this is out of hand – there is a mature and correct way to deal with everything – that site does not have much value – if anything it makes a joke of the issue
I am a survivor of abuse by a family member. I put it behind my head for most of my life but now its in my life every single day. Not a day, an hour or a moment goes by that I don’t think about it. It has affected my married life as well. I want no physical contact at all. Can’t bear the thought of it. So is this survival? It’s not a waaah poor me story, its a real problem. How do I cope?
no answer
Landsakes- I think there are two problems here-
1/ People don’t understand that when a child is molested or raped it is as if they are being killed. Yes they can walk around but the person they were before the incident is DEAD. The person who did this is a murderer. No one is preaching teshuvah for Levi Aron because he committed physical murder. Many survivors can’t ever get married or have a normal life. and the worst pain is that people won’t believe them! The people they thought they could trust have betrayed them. How can we want murderers in our schools, shuls, and community.
However 2 comes into play….
2/All it takes is a little gelt to some unscrupulous people to say some lies to ruin a person’s life. Schoolteachers can’t give their charges a hug if they have burst out in tears because they have a sick parent. Men can’t be seen talking to young boys to sign them up for tzivos H-shem. Some people will do whatever it takes to take revenge- hey people Moshiach isn’t here yet and there is a reason we attone on yom kippur.
It is a hard call as many times it is very hard to prove that the crime happened and it isn’t easy.
My heart breaks for the children – my heart breaks for the innocent adults (ones who ARE innocent)
I wish I had an answer….unfortunetely I don’t……
my concerns
Why is it that people look at every case as if the perp is worse than Hitler? Some cases seem like the perp is 18 years old. I don’t know about you, but at that age, I knew zilch about this topic and was never aware of the destructive nature of abuse. Thank G-d I never abused anybody, but had I had a moment of insanity G-d forbid, how would I know that it would destroy the life of the child when the camps never articulate to little pisher staff the severity of this form of abuse? In a way it’s like a child pulling the plug on grandma not knowing that she is alive only because of that machine.
It’s time that we distinguish between mature offenders and ‘barely out of diapers’ offenders. I’m sure there are people that have offended at age 18 but as soon as they grasp the insanity of their action, would make sure NEVER to repeat the act.
I can never understand the pain of the abused, thank G-d, yet if the abuser is ‘rehabilitated’, is there any gain by seeing to it that the abuser’s life gets destroyed as well? What if a 30 year old once abused at age 18 and never a second time because he realized his own insanity, and then this site exposes him; if he jumps in front of a train from shame, would you have anything to say then? I think that the motives of that site is great but their execution and discretion is beyond irresponsible and frankly frightening. It needs oversight by someone of greater maturity and professionalism.
TO # 5
worth sacrafice
for evryone who does not like it…. do something.
To #5 #6 Do you really expect victims to give their names? Why should any of them. They want their stories to be know but noot their names. They didn’t do anything so why ruin their lives more and their families .#27 Please change your attitude the predators maybe are sorry but they should of wprried about it when they did what they did, when they did it
Protect our children
Victims of sexual abuse are almost always afraid to report the crime(s) at the time they are perpetuated. More often than not they are afraid to report it years later.
They are afraid how it could affect their marriage, shidduchim and children. This is why almost always you will not see their names attached to any reports of their abuse.
This does not mean it did not happen. Quite the contrary, It did happen and they the victims are still suffering. I as a victim myself would never on auch a largely read blog ever publish my name to a report or op-ed piece such as this.
Hopefully you are smart enough to understand.
The goal here is simple, protect our children from being molested. Whether it be in the mikvah, on the streets, at school, at home or anywhere else the perpetrator may attempt to Ch”v hurt our children.
Unfortunately, as mentioned above almost all victims are afraid of disclosing their names. Again this does not mean it did not happen. But in order to make the case strong and to convince people that this really took place. It often requires multiple victims coming forward and saying that they were victims of the same molestor. The sad fact is that almost all perpetrators have abused more than one victim. That is why there are usually more than one victim when exposing a perpetrator. One the other hand this gives total credence to the accusations, because almost always you end up with more then two witnesses/victims.
Crownheightswatch in my experience is out there to let you know who are the predators that are out there. If you are a parent that cares about your child you absolutely want to know who these predators are. I was actually surprised to not see some other names listed on their site. Names that were known for years of certain predators in crown heights.
The Badatz of Crown heights ahs certainly backed up any victim to go and report to the authorities of any abuse.
But this is not enough, this does not protect our children in our communities. There needs to be a list of who the predators are. So we can make sure to keep our children away from them. Some of them continue working with children.
Crownheightswatch hopefully can provide you with this knowledge.
Finally unless you have been Ch’v a victim of abuse you have no idea what the pain is like. Please allow them to have a voice.
Disclaimer: I only found out by crownheightswatch.com this past week. I am hoping more victime will come forward and report abuse SO WE CAN PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!!!
Victimized by a hateful ex
Stories are made up sometimes. I have witnessed first hand how a mother accused her ex husband of abusing their daughter and I know it was false… because I am that father! She wanted money and figured she could blackmail me into giving it. Thank G-d I won that case.
Not every story is true. Where there is man made smoke there isn’t necessarily fire.
Site Supporter from Abroad
To 7:
You will not only not be paid attention to if you make up a rumor, but your name would end up on a hall of shame. I’m even tempted to give you my name so you could tell them that I am an offender (and I would have a good laugh if I ever found out you used my name because you’d have to really stretch the truth over a couple of oceans to prove I was ever within 100 feet of you); that is how much I trust the site.
We need to clean house. We could be harboring another Levi Aron, let alone molesters.
100% wrong attitude
To 3, abuse is like Murder even according to the Rambam which is why you can save the life of a victim at the expense of an abuser if caught in middle or about to commit the act. It can only be atoned for with the death of the abuser. In the olam haemes, hashem alone will judge whether or not the abuser did proper tshuva
Moshe Braun
Yes, perpetrators have to be exposed.
But are all the people they post on the site perpetrators???!!
They recently posted a new abuser, which according to the story never ever molested a child. The supposed victim in his own mind decided that his issues are because of that story.Based on the story he was very obviously NOT molested.
It does not look like they actually have any proof that the supposed abusers actually did anything.
Its a shame that the site ruined its own credibility.Possibly because the people running it, are not fit to do so.
statistics show that over 90 percentage of sexual abuse is never reported. when some of it finally is the victim is in their 30’s or 40s which is way past the statute were they can bring criminal or civil charges.
please STOP saying the law etc has its place and go to the police and there is a proper way to handle this. for once something is being done to stop the pedophiles. they are finally worried that they will be exposed and that’s why their is such a tumult!
before chw a predator had no reason to think twice before grooming and molesting a kid, wanna know why? because there was 1 or maybe 2 arrests for child abuse in the last 60 plus years. or they mite have thrown you out of ch (big deal).
now they know they will def be exposed and maybe even jail. chw is the only organization ending abuse, no one else.
@ 47
Yes, whenever 1 spouse is accusing another of sexual abuse especially when there is a divorce, its very hard to know who is telling the truth. CHW as of now has not listed a single predator in that scenario.
@ 42
I have seen many posters in the last 6 months with the hidden agendas masked behind questions, but really looking to discredit us at chw.
1. If hitler HY”D would have sexual abused 6 million jews, we would be finished. Abuse is worth then death for the victim and they still can damage many others.
2. Just about every single predator was molesting at the age of 18. If they know how to groom and then make sure the victim keeps the secret they are obviously a baal dass and need to held accountable. Even more so, like any claim it is based on damages. If an 18 year old abuses someone and that person has lifelong scars, are you saying they should not be held accountable on any level? And please don’t equate a child pulling the plug on grandma to an 18 year molesting kids, that’s just idiocy.
3. The camps and institutions are even more liable, because they know it goes on and they never talk, teach, discuss or have any rule in place to deal with sexual abuse. How many children go away each year and come back broken confused and ashamed.
4. No one on chw posted currently abused and then realized what they did and stopped. Because if they did they would have went thru some form of helping their victim. Eg apologizing, asking for forgiveness and paying for therapy. Not one of them has done any of those actions.
5. And then again you write about the abuser. You are obviously one of them. Were is your sorrow for the victims, whet they went thru or what their families go thru. You have so many what ifs etc. every single abuser on chw has at least
3 or more victims, and that is what we know of. And if he jumps in front of a train…nunu. At least then our children will be little safer.
6. No discretion, bad execution, it frightens you. Who are you? And then you continue discrediting us, we need to be more this and that. Mature or professionals and on and on.
To victims and parents, please be patient. Help us with any and all formation that you have. To abusers and those who harbor them, no matter who you are, what you are or what your last name is we will arrest you. And if we can’t we will expose you. The guilty will be made an example of and with hashems help we will end this epidemic.
I am totally convinced that ANY comments here playing down this article and website is 100% an/the abuser themselves.
No doubt whatsoever and you will be brought down too.
It is only true admiration for those that came forward and for this website and the other that are doing a tremendous service for the victims.
Moshe Pipik
I agree with CHW. I do think they are rough around the edges and its a dirty business, but they are doing a job that nobody wants to do and /or be involved in.
Unless somebody has has a better idea and wants to implement it, this is the best thing that has happened yet regarding raising awareness about child abuse in our community.
wake up people
OH how much I agree with 47
That’s what I wrote 2 weeks ago – claiming child abuse
became convenient and cost-effective punishing tool !!
Someone who REALLY cares about safety
If CHW would really care about protecting our children they should post their own names and pictures. They write that ever since they got abused they have the tendency to molest kids themselves. It also mentions that one of the alleged molesters was molested as a child. So if they are going through so much pain and suffering b’msirus nefesh just to publicly expose THEIR abusers they should continue this mesirus nefesh and post themselves as very real dangers to our community.
And if that makes them want to jump in front of a train oh well.. it will make the community a safer place. (To use their terminology)
If this site is meant to protect Crwon Heights/Our children, why do they post an alleged molester who has moved far away from society to a city no one ever heard of (Can’t even pronounce that name!)
Are they really worried this guy would molest kids during his 3 day stay in CH whilst attending the Kinus???
LA Morah
to #42,you are sick and twisted.18 is an adult not barely out of diapers.they are responsible for their actions and for the destructon their molestation causes.
@ 53
You are further discrediting your website by labeling people as molesters for questioning the execution of your site. If that’s your threshold for “exposing” someone as an abuser, you even moreso should desist from posting on your site until you get professionals on board to counsel what is “credible” and what is non credible etc.
Criticizing you in a ch.info doesn’t make me a molester even if you get so traumatized by my criticism that you want to jump in front of a train. My greatest concern is that the people behind your site aren’t mentally stable and thus you see your retarded allegations that anybody who questions the execution of your site must be a molester of the worst order.
Stand up please
To the authors of Crown Heights Watch:
We all side with the victims, and we sympathize with them for the horrifying experience that they have and are still going through till this day.
However, as in any other proper media site, you MUST share YOUR identity as authors. You MUST say who you are, otherwise you are causing more damage and pain to the very victims you are trying to help.
Let me make this clear: the victims DO NOT have to share their names, but YOU (the authors of this site) must share YOUR identities.
Once again, by not sharing your identities, you are causing more damage and pain to the victims.
To all of the above
To all the above that disagree with CHW, this is a free world, you can agree or disagree.
However, until somebody comes up with a better way of stopping the molesters and then implementing the great idea, (NOT JUST TALKING ABOUT IT) I think they will keep on doing what they are doing.
It-s Our Children!
Whoever is in charge of CHW is protecting OUR children! They don’t make money off of it, I highly doubt they had any personal agenda (because they’re not targeting any single person) and kids who had their lives destroyed once already are going through it all over again to help them.
Here’s something else for you (whoever is blindingly throwing horrible accusations at CHW) to think about…When these victims came forward they were stepped on and called liars. They had THEIR reputation being questioned. They have to go through all the pain again. And who caused this? Not the molester, not the law enforcement that didn’t do anything….it’s YOU! The people who’s kids he was trying to help!!!
Stop!!! I don’t believe anyone can in their right mind think this is easy or fun for the victims or the people behind CHW. So please stop destroying the lives of the people who are scratching to save our community.
P.S. I can vouch that the most recent guy on the site is in fact a child molester.
Please back off of CHW. It’s the only thing saving your kid from chas veshalom having his innocence taken away.
Big Talker
This is great, everybody talks big, about what you should or shouldn’t do and how you must have your name published etc…. I have yet to see one person put his name down, (myself included)
CHW, please keep up the good work and don’t be discouraged by all the negative feedback. This whole concept of child molesters is a hard thing to swallow.
concerned parent
a victim shares his story and the we have derailed the conversation to the point were the only info that is wanted is, who is behind chw?
why not talk about what the rabonim should be doing to pedophiles? and what the crown heights community council criteria of a pedophile even if he is past the statute. what should be done to them? maybe cheirem or not being allowed into mikvas.
or when the yeshivas will come out criteria to detect punish and pay restitution for victims.
is there any thought regarding our children? aren’t they important? why haven’t parents demanded the yeshivas let them know of all abuse allegations?
it just seems so alice in wonderland, not to worry about the one thing that can damage our children the most.
to LA Morah
You are soooooo ignorant as to what goes on in yeshivas and camps. I am 29 years old and we were NEVER told in camps as staff about the seriousness of molestation, nor in yeshiva were we told. What they are told today, I don’t know (not to mention that today a child is more exposed to ‘velt’ because of the pervasiveness of the internet even in Lubavitch homes). How is an 18 year old to know that molestation causes drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, and severest mental trauma to the victim? It is obvious without being told that it’s perverted and twisted to involve a child in such fantasy, but in a sheltered society such as the chareidi yeshiva system, how do you want to punish someone so severely when at the time of the act, he most likely had not understood the severity of his actions?
I understand a punishment relevant to the perverseness of his act, yet how do you think it’s just to punish him on the drug abuse and suicidalness etc. of the abused when the abuser at that “barely out of diapers age” most likely had no clue of how negatively transformative being molested [even only once] is? He is not “barely out of diapers” on his passport, but a bochur is frequently as ignorant and ‘curious’, as a five year old public school child. You must factor that in or you have no concept of context.
The real way in my opinion to label a molester a monster, is when he gets to the point of his life when he knows that he is doing irreparable, highly destructive acts to his victim AND YET DOES IT ANYWAYS! That’s a sociopathic monster!! In a frenzy to address a real serious problem, you are over magnifying some complex cases (such as ML who allegedly WAS APPROACHED BY THE CHILD [albeit innocently seeking help to a booboo…], thus was not the one who initiated… and the fact that he was a teenager at the time etc.) when there are real monsters doing this stuff DESPITE THEIR KNOWLEDGE that it’s destroying lives.
I don’t seek to minimize the severity of the issue at hand, I just don’t see one uniformed way to treat every perp and see that as intellectual laziness. What really ought to happen is a professional assessing the very young perps as to what their mental development at the time of the act. Obviously a mature adult (i.e. 25 year old+, based on at that age being several years out of the very sheltered Chareidi Yeshiva system) who molests, should go directly to jail (do not pass GO, do not collect $200!). You guys are amateurs playing judges in some complex cases. A 30 year old molester even an amateur is competent to understand that he is a monster. But amateurs should defer to professional analysis when there are meaningfully unique circumstances (such as perp being teen etc.). I’m not competent to understand all aspects, nor do I think you and that website are. A professional IS COMPETENT which is what some are screaming for. Involve professionals before destroying the perp’s life forever.
[Not that I think this needs disclosure, but because of some overzealous people that label everyone who questions the execution of their site as molesters themselves] I never sexually laid hands or eyes on a child (nor adult!). I am just pained by that case (and there may be others similar to him out there, yet to be exposed) where the circumstances were that the alleged perp was a teen and from a farchnyugt background (i.e. under educated about these matters), and apparently he taught and dealt with many children at a later more sober age and have yet to see any stories of him harming them. IT’S CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT!!
Crown Heights Watch should not post their names or pics. Since when is that relevant? I have no connection at all other than i am trying to protect my kids. are u so in denial that you don’t believe this is a problem in CH
@ 66
there seems to be a few different opinions as to weather 18-20 yr old are considered molesters. since you feel that chw is not professional etc you can come to your own conclusion about what he is.
i feel good about them letting me know.
more so, i highly doubt you have any experience at all regarding sexual abuse no matter what the physical contact was. did you know that its the mental/emotional betrayal that causes the most damage and not the physical act? do you have any concept of the mental stage or emotional formation that the 10 was going thru? did you know that when the abuse/betrayal comes from a spiritual guide (eg counselor in cgi detroit) it is the most devastating?
they were all rhetorical, please dont respond. point being, you should do some research before you call molestation on any level a booboo.
and once again, someone defending the abuser and forgetting about the victim.
@ 66
lets put this quite simple. im sure ml is more attracted to children then the average guy. thats what every therapist specializing in sexual abuse would say. being the case i am happy chw let me know.
im also happy that the next time a counselor in a camp wants to act out his fanatsey on a 10 yr old, he will think twice before doing so. and most probably by the time summer comes around there will be a few more case like this (already 2 on chw) and my kids will be safer in camp.
Dear Survivor
Thank you Thank you Thank you
May Hashem bless you with all that is good!
P.S. Do not listen nor pay attention to all the negative
comments . What you are doing is absolutely great!
a mother
To the victims, you are great heroes for coming forward. Whatever you are enduring from the delusional people who don’t want to believe you, just think of the children you are saving. If not for you, these people would still be in a position to do to others what they have already done to you. May Hashem reward you far beyond what you have suffered, first at the hands of the perpetrators and now from the mouths of people with their head in the sand. Nobody wants to announce that they’ve been abused! If someone has a malicious desire to ruin someone’s reputation, why would they smear their own name at the same time? This is the burden of the victim. First physically molested, then psychologically damaged, and finally called a liar and unreliable because of the psychological damage that may appear as drug abuse or other problems. If people had any idea how wide spread this sort of thing is, they wouldn’t be so quick to protect the perpetrators.
keep strong
Thank you for this Op-Ed. People need to hear the truth.
To 35-
Please educate yourself on the topic from reliable sources. Your comment reveals that you have not done so. Poor you, you’re sick of “alcoholic, drug abusing youth,” etc. What in the world are you talking about?
to #14
perhaps we’ll be seeing your name on the sight soon and maybe youl know how it feels to be accused without a trial!
@ 71
why wouldnt the person call the police?
I-m getting the idea that....
I’m getting the idea that people on this site who reject the victims or the supporters of the victims, are connected in some way to the other side of the coin. Either they are abusers and are so sick they can’t even see it, or they are in such denial they can’t admit it, or they have gotten away with it for so long that they can’t face the possibility of being punished, or they have gotten away with it so long it is a natural part of their life, or they know an abuser and are afraid of the repercussions if they do something about it, or they think the activity is o.k. (I’m sure there are more reasons.) I think there is something wrong with them. How about a good ol’ open forum to finally, once and for all, get to the roots. It will be painful and difficult at first; but after it’s all over there will be a better chance to have a healthier group of people, more available on more levels to live more fully in their values and beliefs. Courage and knowledge are needed now.
To the otherside
I wonder how many of you people will end up on the crownheights watch within the next year good luck and may hashem save your soul
To #66
If, as you suggest, it is not out of the question for an 18 year old to not realize that sexual contact with a little boy is inappropriate because yeshiva life is so sheltered, isn’t there a deep problem with the degree to which young men are sheltered? When parents explain to their small children that they can say “no” to a grownup who makes them uncomfortable, whether said grownup is a rabbi, counselor, or random man on the subway, those children grow up to be teenagers who know it’s wrong to molest younger children. Not that knowing something is wrong stops everyone from doing it, but we won’t be making excuses for young men turning a summer camp into their own personal prison yard.
Exposing is healing
When an illness is hidden it can not be healed Only when it is revealed can it be healed. For both sides.
CHW, you are wrong, the way you go about publishing peoples information is not resolving anything and is not affective. What is needed is a group of people (who don’t mind going to prison for 3 to 6 months if they get caught) who can confirm that XYZ is a molester and put him in the back of a van and give him a full bris. I can promise, that after 2 or 3 bris’s CH will be free of child molesters. If they own a house they will sell it and run…
This is the only sure way you can guarantee that a molester won’t do such despicable atrocities ever again.
Velvel the Vender
To number 80
You have a great idea and i’m sure most people would agree with you. But Until your idea become a reality, CHW still gets my vote for doing something and not just some ideas from a keyboard warrior.
the Russians have it rite
Russia introduces chemical castration for pedophiles
to #75
I can’t explain the psychology of it, but they never do call the police, or tell anybody. There is something about the intimidation of the predator that prevents the victim from calling the police. This is the way it is in every case. By the time the victim is old enough to realize he’s the victim of a crime, he’s old enough to be ashamed of what has happened to him. Only a very small percentage of these cases every come to light. In most cases, the criminal gets away with it.
crown heights parents watch
The website is giving people a false sense of security.
To prevent future victimization:
Parents should not leave their children unsupervised (including around shabbos guests etc), and when leaving their children with others, there must intentionally be redundant supervision.
Organizations camps etc hosting children (shabbatons as well) need to make sure that redundant supervision exists.
Watchers and watchers to watch the watchers.
Schools need to take care on a regular basis in every situation. Watchers’ watchers.
According to Rambam, people should err on the side of caution when it comes to assuming any person is capable.
The same goes for children going to mikve, an older sibling should go to supervise.
The fault is parents (and orgs) conducting themselves as if there is no threat.
The entire website is predicated on telling people who to watch out for (since fear didn’t stop the alleged offenders given that jail is an eventual end).
As a victim of abuse it seems that many victims making noise are using a bad experience to get attention and single themselves out as different, and avoid taking responsibility for life and moving forward.
And for those suggesting apologies, I think victims should be left to move on and move forward, not be confronted with reminders of the abuse and the perpetrator.
And surely the perpetrator shouldn’t be the one to decide to resurface the issue and confront their victim.
A good portion of the ill-effects of abuse come from the stigma put on victims, and the placebo affect that results.
Do you really care about curbing victimization?
Write op-eds that firmly advise parents, schools and camps etc to protect their children as they should.
Share good pro-active suggestions.
The website regardless of intentions, offers nothing but negativity and embarrassment to the community as a whole, since parents shouldn’t leave their children alone with those posted even were they not alleged or convicted offenders.
Tracht GUT vet zayn GUT!
LA Morah
to #66, this is getting more and more twisted.you think a person has to be educated in the ways of the world to know that fondling a young childs genetaila etc etc is wrong? i went to public school in LA and no one ever had to tell us that.a normal person knows that rape,in any way,is wrong. and it doesn’t matter how much info you know about the effects because molesters think they’re doing goodness to the child-love,pleasure etc. again-NO RACHMANUS FOR MOLESTERS!!!
Truth and Justice for All.
I agree 100% that the goal for all of us should be to rid the community of pedophiles. Alleged pedophiles have to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
First, they have to be properly identified. Then they must be prosecuted. If they are found to be guilty, then they will be legally prohibited from being around potential victems, and their status as “pedophile” will be posted.
Do you really think it is a light matter to place someone on CHW based on an allegation?
It is terrible enough that our innocent children have to suffer at the hands of sick pedophiles, but why do we have to bloody our hands with the fate of possibly innocent people who may find themselves on CHW in grave error.
Courts make mistakes even with trials, investigations, & psychological evaluations. How much more so with CHW?
A victim-s parent
First, I want to say thank you to this victim and to chw for standing up to protect our children. I wonder why ‘defenders’ think you’re doing this. For all this glory?
Second, my child was a victim of a predator who had already victimized many young people in CH. I know this because I was close to the predator’s family and they shared that they had believed he was cured after therapy and was no longer a threat.
I and my child, like the other parents and theirs, have not come forward publicly because…we don’t have the guts. We’re cowards.
My children still need shidduchim. And I’ve seen how the community responds to victims who DO come forward. They’re raped again. Emotionally. My child has already gone through hell from him. Why should they go through hell again from YOU?
And actually, my child’s predator still has free access to children. His family has made it clear that they will make our life miserable if we come forward. And they have more clout than we do.
So, I guess you can say that we are doing exactly what those defenders want everyone to do. We’re not ruining the predators name and reputation. His family can hold their heads up. And he is free to do what he wants.
And while I am ashamed that I am gutless, I know that it is not I or my child who is at fault for the culture of secrecy our community lives by. It is only those who are willing to take the verbal and emotional abuse of those who defend abusers who are starting to make a difference. Because of CHW, I now wonder if ours will one day be an environment where predators are afraid to prey.
Third, one of my sons was staff at Parksville CGI. While he didn’t give me specifics, he did say that the head staff there have apparently made it very clear to everybody that there had better be no sign of anything inappropriate or there are consequences. I do believe that they have followed through on that as well.
I apologize to the community that we have not made the environment safer for your children by exposing the predator who victimized us. Maybe one day. Meanwhile, please warn your children.
another mother
To #87,
First of all my heart breaks for your pain, and even more so for that of your child. I don’t know what I would do in your position, and may I never be tested, but as an onlooker, I beg you to find a safe way to tell somebody what happened. If your son’s predator has not been named, he’s posing a danger to others in the community. And how does your son feel about being the family’s “dirty little secret”? You all need to get help so your son can also refer to himself as a “proud survivor”. Surely he will feel better about himself if he can do something to help others. And if not, chas v’shalom, we have to wonder if this isn’t exactly what happened to the predator – somebody did it to him, and it was shoved under the carpet, and this is how he’s dealing with his own trauma. Hashem protect us and our children.
Not defending the affenders
But my family doesn’t have to suffer because someone hates my father and used this WITCH HUNT to put him in the worst light yet.
My father is innocent and never deserved to be at the receiving end of such BUSHOS, embarrassing lies. HE IS ABSOLUTELY INNOCENT. Only thing we can say is that is Min Hashamayim and Hashem is the true judge. Hashem knows. Websites like CHW are playing with fire – huge things like “motzei shem Ra” and “richilus” of the worst kind – they can never take back their words.
But go tell that to the woman who ignores my mother at a wedding.
Go tell that to the woman who sadly smile at my mother and say they have nothing against HER but…
How horribly low are we ready to go?
Once again Crown Heights Watch. You are playing with FIRE. in the time of the Beis Hamikdosh you would be Michutz LaMachaneh with TZORAAS – much like you’ve tried to do to my father. But my father is a man of Bitochon and Hiskashrus. He has the Rebbe on his side. He has Der Aibershter on his side. Hashem knows just what is going on.
I dare you to post this.
thank you # 60
you articulated it well.
Witch hunt :(
Yes. This situation is getting out of hand. Witchery is bad but gotta be careful who is accused.
THis has become the latest and the dirtiest version of the Salem Witch Hunt yet.
to # 62
It’s a free world? Really? What happened to Halacha, what happened to the Torah? It ain’t no free world, sorry. Think about it.
to #89
I read that one of the alleged victims took and passed a polygraph test. Why doesn’t your father do the same?
To #88 from #87
Thank you for your empathy. Yes, we immediately sent my child to therapy and gave the emotional support needed so that it was clear that we blamed the perpetrator and not our child. Now our child, several years later tells us, and other close friends, that we did everything right. My child is now emotionally healthy and feels not only a survivor but a strong advocate for victims. Never-the-less, it changed our lives and has affected our trust in others. And even my child knows (and prefers) that we cannot publicize this person because it will be my child and my family who will bear the brunt of the naysayers.