Shlucha Thanks Crown Heights Community

In a letter addressed to the Crown Heights community, a grateful Shlucha thanks residents for their help during the snowstorm.

To the Crown Heights Community,

I am a Shlucha who recently returned home from another very uplifting Kinus Hashluchos!

I am writing to thank all those in Crown Heights who were so helpful during the snowstorm.

I was one of those mothers who came in with a baby and a stroller, during and even after the storm hit Crown Heights it was very hard to be pushing a stroller and whenever I asked for help, people were always willing to help lift my stroller over the snow, someone even willingly offered to help me push it to Oholei Torah! The Chessed and care the Crown heights community showed to the Shluchos the few days we were there was amazing!

So thank you Crown Heightsers for all your care and concern for the Shluchos.
This isnโ€™t to mention the amazing Hachnoas Orchim you all have during this time.

Thank you again,

A grateful Shlucha


  • Mina Richler, Mullica Hill NJ

    I agree; it was so beautiful to see the hospitality and generosity of the Crown heights residents.I was DREADINg coming to town covered in 18 inches of snow. i did not know how i would get from one place to the next.But everyone was so helpful and so nice abt it. I also have to thank all those who helped me with my stroller, lifting it over mounds of snow, giving me a ride, and helping me get my stroller up the stairs to the apartment i was staying in. Where else can you stand on top of a flight of stairs and consciously know that someone will be willing to help you and you won’t be stuck there for the next thirty minutes!

    May all the acts of ahavas yisroel hasten the coming of moshiach!

    Thank you Crown Heights!

  • a babysitter

    i thought from the picture that a shlucha would be thanking the babysitters who broke their necks for the kids.. oh well…

  • not a shlucha, a CH tser

    thank you babysitters, but was this a volunteer effort (like the hachnosas orchim and helping push strollers), or were you paid for your time?
    Not to minimize the wonderful and caring job you did, but it is different if you were paid…