Just the other day, as we were getting ready to set up dinner, my 12 yr old daughter asked me an extremely shocking question. “Why don’t you and Tatty get along?” My heart skipped a beat. I finally found my breath and asked, “Why would you say that?" In a most innocent voice, she simply replied, “Because Tatty is always on the computer.”
Op-Ed: Are Shalom Bayis Op-Eds OK for the Public?
Just the other day, as we were getting ready to set up dinner, my 12 yr old daughter asked me an extremely shocking question. “Why don’t you and Tatty get along?” My heart skipped a beat. I finally found my breath and asked, “Why would you say that?” In a most innocent voice, she simply replied, “Because Tatty is always on the computer.”
I was taken aback and thought to myself, why would my daughter conclude that my husband’s online business ran from our home means “we don’t get along”? After explaining how her Tatty needs to be on the computer to work in order to make parnassa and that Baruch Hashem her parents get along quite well, I still felt my daughter was left genuinely confused.
I was left pretty uncomfortable with our discussion and tried racking my brains as to why she’d even think like that. Baruch Hashem, my husband and I get along quite well and have never shared negative feelings to one another in public and specifically not in front of our children. So why would my young teenager question our relationship?
After dinner and once the kids were in bed, I kicked off my shoes and sat down to relax in front of our computer. I began my nightly routine of scanning through my children’s most visited websites of the day and to my shock came across a title, “Is My Husband Addicted”. My curiosity rose and as I clicked into the extended article the truth suddenly dawned on me, where the naivete behind my daughter’s question came from and her conclusion as to why we don’t get along.
Husband + Computer = Unhappy wife.
Why on earth would a website post such an intimate topic? I’ve only recently convinced myself of the fact that hopefully my children aren’t interested in the weekly shidduchim discussions and now this? Is it that important for marital issues to be openly published for young readers to also take an interest in?
While I completely understand the need for traffic, discussion and perhaps a bit of controversy to keep a site running and remain successful and as the authors question is very much an important one, can we not have a private forum to discuss such intimate issue?
Do we have to leave the parent’s door wide open for viewers of all ages to read?
On further note, my kids are no longer allowed on the internet even though I had hoped for them to be able to be in touch with Chabad News around the world. Unfortunately the main innovative and interactive website, that I had relied on most, has almost zeroed out the opportunity, for now.
I’m really hoping for a solution as to how we can help couples with marital challenges and at the same time keep our children a safe distance from complex grounds.
I wonder if it would be plausible to separate specific discussions into private forums or logins?
Penina Gordon
what ever
None of the chabad media is clean, or good for our children. Just bc some portray themselves as such. Remember none of the sites are non for profit community services they are all buissnesses out for clicks and hits.
the whole thing is stupid
For those who need to read online forums closed or open to help solve a issue they might be having need to see a professional. Period. No book forum or tape can give you the tools to fix anything.
thank you
Mrs. Gordon- thank you for signing your name.
I believe this should be a requirement for publishing any op-eds. That would automatically reduce the amount of nonsense being published.
Sad for the klal
Why on earth would you let your kids go online if it is not for parnossa or specific homework?
Why is crown heights info posting a picture of a women who is not tzniusdik al pi the minhag of lubavichers ( or at least what they aspire to?)
Sorry, maybe your 12 y-o shouldnt be going so much on the internet. Now a days is very difficult to keep them isolated but might have other options.
Very interesting point.
However, I don’t think it would be practical for there to be “adult” logins.
Why don’t you just explain things to your daughter?
Why don’t you send this letter to that other website you are mentionning?
So True
My children aren’t “grown” yet, but my sister keeps telling me that even the innocent sites aren’t innocent enough for children and you just proved her right.
My guess is this author is a liberal – to think that such marriage issues are “inimate?!” The author had a perfect chance to educate her child, and not leave her stranded and “confused” but instead decided to rail against a neutral marriage issue and try censoring such articles in the future. Did she ask her child why she felt that way? This sounds like a vent instead of a genuine dilemma.
Dear Penina
All these news websites are adult websites. If you wish to restrict your kids from viewing them, then you have every right to do so, but it is not right to bury our heads in the sand and pretend these issues don’t exist in our very community. There was nothing wrong with the article posted about internet addiction.
Personally, if I was you (I also have a 12 year old daughter), if I was in your situation, I would have gone back to my daughter and told her that you knew where she got it from, and briefly explain to her what the article meant and that it doesn’t mean that every person who spends time on the computer (you mentioned it is for parnassah) is addicted and has problems.
Quality Time vs Quantity Time
Your point is well taken. Many spouses have wonderful relationships even though they do not spend loads of time together. Wasn’t Moshe Rabbeinu accused of the same thing from Miriam and Aharon? Quality time is worth more than anything else. Many men work 12 hours a day selling insurance or lawyering. Does this mean their marriages are failing?
The main point for every couple is, that the children see how the spouses behave with each other. The Quality of their time.
On the same note… if a husband or wife is spending way to much time on the computer to talk to other people… or to play games etc… then my dear friends… mission control we have a problem!
b’h you caught the reason.Lots of parents dont even keep a tab on their kids.best thing to do is to make computer room in public.
I agree. Please all keep something private.
You just successfully separated the discussion into a private forum–keeping your daughter off the internet! At the end of the day, though, it’s your responsibility to raise your kids, not webmasters. I’m glad you took the first step. Perhaps, though, this could be a teachable, parenting moment where the family turns off the phones & computer and talks through this. She should feel free to discuss these thoughts freely and not be afraid she’ll get more things taken away.
How true. There are ways to say things subtly without there being potential for harm to those who are innocent, namely children. Being a Frum psychotherapist myself I found the article referred in this op-ed ambiguous and unprofessional. There are so many factors that need to be considered before stamping a diagnosis. Such OPINIONS should not be aired unless it is dealing with specifics such as a case study.
Yet, in response to the writer I say first off you must be a great parent since your daughter feels comfortable enough to reveal such concerns. Second, it’s ok for children to ask such questions because it gives an opportunity for an open discussion about such topics. However, you should chose the right time to have this discussion.
to 15
I agree. i would think even though that whole post could have been a paid ad that if the guy wanted to sell books or services… or what ever he should… get a pro to write it up for him…
Does CH stand for our comunity???
got to love the blurred pic of wife holding onto husband very crown heights looking…
Viewer discretion is advised
Great Op-ed! After reading the Shalom Bayis article on the other website, I wrote a comment expressing your sentiments – It was never published.
Both websites need to use more discretion when publishing articles that deal with adult topics.
Ma Toivu Oholecha Yakov...
As a family therapist in the frum community,Daniel Schonbuch should be more in tune to what is proper to discuss on a website that is visited by our children.
Please be more responsible in the future – these issues need to be discussed in a private forum.
Ma Toivu Oholecha Yakov Mishkinosecha Yisroel
Attention all parents – The web masters couldn’t care less about your children – their only goal is to increase their readership by any means possible.
It is your Achraius to keep your children away from sites that are inappropriate for our children.
children and teens shouldn’t know of possible marriage issues yet. let them contine to view the world happily and innocently.
What’s more concerning than a girl reading about shalom bayis on the internet, it is even more concerning how a twelve year old girl could ask such a foolish question. Frankly, that sounds like a question a four year old would ask. Of course her father’s on the computer to make parnossoh, I mean, duh! Really! Does she think her father doesn’t work and just lolls around the whole day playing on the computer?
Children need real life education, to learn what life is supposed to be like when they grow up, and not to be sheltered from it like many of the CH schools do to the children (as if this is Kiryas Yoel and not CH) so they won’t be so naive and immature and ask such ridiculous questions.
Mrs. Shaindel Leer
Skirt length -when standing, barely at knee;
Sleeve length -elbows showing;
Legs uncovered – no stockings;
Holding husband in public…
Forget about the children – I can’t even let my husband see such an explicit photo!!
I’m not a “fanatic” but doesn’t a “frum site” mean ANYTHING?
Oh I forgot – it’s Crown Heights, that explains it.
Beis Din Rabbonei Lubavitch in Eretz HaKodesh put down very strict guidelines for the Israeli sites. They include: no photos of women or girls whatsoever. That includes photos of mixed affairs (event organizers take note) and excludes many film clips as well. There are other guidelines but this is the most prominent one. It would be nice to see others making a Kiddush Hashem and adopting this, as a start.
When commenting, bear in mind that the author courageously wrote her name, and not to have her child or relatives read people lambaste her opinions.
If you have her name, it should not be to hard to find her number, and call.
Lucky Charms
I finished reading the second article on sholom bayis – now I’m looking for a divorce lawyer. I never realized how bad my marriage is. Now I feel foolish for being happily married for so many years. The articles opened my eyes and now I am miserable.
friend of girl in pic
to 23. its not her husband its her brother. there are tights called SHEER SHEER SHEER and if u cant touch them u cant know they are there. just a little backround info. the skirt is COVERING the knees, did u ask her to sit down to check if doesnt cover when sitting???? sleeves might have come up they clearly can cover the elbows.
who are you to pin point what u think the other one is wearing?? didnt know gd needed judges
So let me get this straight.. The author wrote an article with the intent of having it published on the internet decrying the fact that such articles (like her own)are published on the internet???!! Am I missing something?
Let me wish the author that this be the worst thing that your child is ever exposed to. Maybe we also need to censor Chumashim and other books and Seforim that deal woth sensitive topics.
i totally understand the author. these“ chabad” sites are covering a wide range of news pieces such as siyum alef beis, parades, hachnasa sefer torahs, etc… and even very young kids know that if a photographer takes a picture of them at an event, it might be “on the computer” that night.
how many times have our younger kids ages 8+ gone online, (with or without and adult near them) FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF seeing what is new in chabad, to see the pictures of their class, to see the pictures of their cousin’s l’chaim,etc…
so, to say that these sites are exclusively for adults is wrong especially, when the titles are so catchy and you get a glimpse of the first few lines, it is not very hard for a 12 year old to have read that article or at least the juicy part.
i agree, such topics should be left to chabadtalk.com where you need a login name and password.
i agree that young children should not be on the internet, especially alone but bottom line is they are curious about what is being reported about CH and other major chabad communities.
i mean, if people want to vent about shidduchim, parnassa, child rearing, problems with our mosdos, sholom bayis problems,etc… at lease publicize it on a forum where it will be harder for our chiildren to reach.
let’s just stick to local news and mazal tovs and leave these op-eds for other forums. by doing so,our children will be able to view a 100% kosher website, and what is wrong with that, i ask you?
Chaim Cohen
Mrs. Gordon,
Yasher koach! And thanks for signing your name. I agree with the folks who want that to be a requirement for any op-ed.
Seems to me, there are some real issues here, with different perspectives and angles, and it’s great to discuss them, civilly, as a community. We ALL want good chinuch for our children. When we start criticizing and griping at each other we don’t get closer to that goal.
menachem shuchat
YES, THE SHOLOM BAYIS OPEDS ARE VERY GOOD FOR THE PUBLIC! The lack of sholom bayis is a prevalent virus in the frum Jewish community & IT MUST BE ADDRESSED IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. IN FACT, abuse exists even in the so-called choshuveh mishpachos. Very often, the receiver doesn’t even realize that what he/she is experiencing is abuse. These victims wish they had read such articles before marrying. LO SAAMOD AL DAM REIACHO. The abusers thrive on the fact that the frum community is naive. Thus,they treat & talk their spouse into thinking that he/she really deserves it.
Rabbi Twerski wrote the book “Shame borne in silence – abuse
in the Jewish community”. Rabbi Twerski is not a bored soul. He wrote the book because abuse exists & unfortunately is alive & well in the frum Jewish community.
The warning signs must be exposed. A miserable marriage is a war zone. It ruins the children. For this reason alone it is worth publicizing this issue.
There is even a school online for shluchim
if u look properly she is not holding onto him – his who jacket sleeve is visible
Safe mom
You need a good internet filter. You need to realize children are children and should not have access to adult sites (I mean grown-up when I say adult), and I think it is good to have these forums for us older readers. I think Shmais is more neutral as far as topics go. I only allow my kids onto Gmail and a camp website. The rest is password controlled.
tznius problem, HELLO!!! ANYONE HOME?
It might interest you to know that CH has a BIG tznius problem!
Ad kedai kach – that there are schools in BP & flatbush who will not allow Lubavitch girls into thier places because of tznius.
This must be addressed NOW!!!
It is most abhorrent to drive through Kingston Ave. and have to cover kids eyes because it’s simply too disgusting for frum kids to see such pritzus.
P.S. If stockings are SOOOOO sheer, sheer, sheer that you mammash can’t tell if they are there b’chlallal, then THAT is NOT proper tznius! If you need MEFORSHIM to explain that a skirt REALLY is below the knee – then THAT is NOT proper tznius! If a woman is an EISHES ISH – she shouldn’t be holding anyone’s arm or hand – especially in public.
Tznius is the ROOT of all problems – fix it, and you stand a good chance at tackling all these other issues.
MOMMY to a 12 yr old too---
Mrs Gordon, thank you for “saying it out loud”.
1) no need for lubavitch to air out their laundry at all, especially not the dirty of it
2) no need for children to be exposed to any other marriage material then what their parents choose to tell them
3) TY again CrownHeights.info for allowing a concerned and honest parent speak their rightful mind!
to 9: Eli
It is up to the parent to discuss marriage issues and what is relevant for their children to know at their stage in life.
Spouses who have a problem with addictions such as computers, that to a point controls their marriage- y the need to discuss with a 12 yr old?
why have to explain other ppls marriages to your children. why cant the kids live in lalaland for as long as possible. why do they have to be thrown into adulthood on other couples behalf “to educate them”????
To address number #9.
Eli wrote, “The author had a perfect chance to educate…”
I totally agree with you, but, Reb Eli, Lubavitch is notorious for blowing perfect chances.
sorry but this is your fault
i’m sorry but if you do not want your twelve year old daughter to see such things you should keep her off the internet and thank you for signing your name only a true person can do something like that.
I find myself increasingly disturbed by cries to stop discussing sensitive things because a child might read it. This is not just an internet thing – I see it in every frum print publication as well, and it was happening before the internet became as pervasive as it is. I am also astonished at these suggestions.
Did no one ever hear of the term “age appropriate”?! Some discussions are perfectly legitimate, and even necessary – FOR ADULTS. But, they are not appropriate for children. The solutions is NOT to ban the discussions. The solution is for parents to restrict access appropriately. Are you going to keep adults from making Kidush on wine because a five year old could wind up in the hospital from the whole becher? Are you going to make adults take PolyViol (and infant vitamin formula) because an infant or toddler could get poisoned (I mean that literally) by an adult multi-vitamin?
The bottom line is that children SHOULD be restricted on the internet – and in what they read, etc. But, just as you don’t ban all books and all Jewish periodicals because some are not appropriate for children, you don’t necessarily have to ban all internet from your children. You DO, however need to monitor – and you need to be proactive. If you can’t do that, then maybe banning internet for your kids is the way to go (assuming they won’t go somewhere else for internet access, instead). Just understand that, unlike the truly BAD stuff, the kinds of things that you are complaining about are not bad per se, just not appropriate for your children.
pictures are misleading...
she is NOT holding onto him!!!! Her hand is up – ppl talk with their hands a lot and photos can be misleading..how bout being Dan Lekaf Zechus…
I agree , these arnt certified marriage proffesinoals. its just a bunch of amaterure web site folks trying to make a buCk off more clicks, YOU CAN DO MORE DAMAGE THAN GOOD TO A MARRIAGE WHEN YOU START PREACHING A BUNCH OF JUNK YOUR NOT SURE IS EVEN TRUE.
sick and tired
what i like about this oped is the fact that it points out how the other site isnt a family freindly site
its just another buissness with a very good marketing concept that can be even scarry, as it can fool you, but opeds like this shows you they, like chinfo and others will write and say anything… to keep us there…
crown heights has become sold to the media, everything we say and do gets told over, some sites will paint you one way, while the others do it a differant way, in the end its al the same…..
A mother of a 12 yr old too
Children should not have free reign to internet access, even if you are able to “check in” on which sites they visited at a later time during the day. When my 12 yr. old goes on the computer (not too often) I’m usually one step behind her,and she knows to just read her email, and if she wants to visit chabad.org, she asks me if she can read the specific article there. This should be the way it is for everyone, only we can have influence on what our child reads or not, not the printed media.
to #4
i agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least she’s wearing a SHEITEL…
Proper education
Honestly, for people like #26 there should be a way for women in CH or in the frum communities in general to be able to talk to each other or at least educated on what abuse or a bad marriage is. It bothers me greatly that some women go by living in abusive relationships and never realizing that it’s not healthy.
To everyone else talking about limiting internet usage for their children. Having grown up with the internet unless parents lock their computers down the kids are going to find out. Also, by locking down certain websites or not giving the children computer access it will make them want to use the computer even more for the computer is now a big mystery to them and it can be taken as an act of rebellion. If parents don’t want their children to go read about adult topics then explaining the topic with honesty is key. If a child knows that their parents are being truthful for why the internet or certain sites and topics are bad they might be less likely to seek them out.
For #21, children are not as naive or stupid as we think they are. Although we want to believe that if we shelter a child it will keep them innocent the reality is that it wont. Children see what happens in their families and the families of others.
Proper education is key!
Mrs. Gordon,
As a mother to a 10 year old son I find myself in the same situation. My son wants to go online and read the articles and look at the pictures and over the past couple of weeks I have found myself constantly monitoring every article he clicks on. While I actually do think that the Shalom Bayis and many other topic OP-ED’s are very important I think the real solution to this, other then banning our children from going on the Chabad sites is to start a special chabad site for children – one where there would be pictures and short explanations of Chabad House events and the likes, perhaps even questions for professionals or childrens’ op-eds for children’s problems. I would do it myself aside for the fact that I have no idea how to set up a website.
Esther Hadassa
Wow. Anyone who is married to an addict is so grateful for ANY support and perspective from our world – our Chassidishe world, as well as the recognition of the fact that they are not alone in dealing with this problem – and as some of the above pointed out – that this situation may benefit from outside support. This can save lives. And for those of you under the illusion that this has little place in our world – it can be a daily battle for both addicts and their spouses, affecting many very lovely, loving, beautiful people. We, as a community, so blessed to be the Rebbe’s children, can be there for each other.
But it is adult stuff, and we do our best to keep our children as safe as possible, so some of the articles may not be appropriate.
And here we are (temporarily :-)!) in Galus – some less than positive stuff does exist; better your child should hear the explanations from you on the topic, rather than from other (perhaps less holy) sources. Great that your child felt safe to come to you.
This information is discussed by children ANYWAY – amongst themselves, as with all things that are “hot topics”. So there is an element of hashgocho protis that you have this opportunity to discuss a subject that is obviously important to your child, and share your wisdom.
Best of luck to you..
Moshiach Now!
kids, KIDS, kids, KIDS
So CH.info, what do you think of CrownHeightskids.info – purely for kids?
Everyone should throw the tv’s and internet out of their house! The Rebbe didn’t even want us to have non-kosher animals for kids to see and play with, how much more so the internet.
G I V E H E R A C H A N C E !!!
shes my sister-shes yours too. She belongs to our family, our klal. She belongs in yisrael.
We’re not criticizing her, not really.
To some extent, we’re pointing out that this picture might not have been a great one to put up on the website.
On another level, we’re bemoaning the fact that are a lot of people, R”L, who dress like the lady in the picture and are NOT trying to do better. *That* is what is sad in CH – that the atmosphere is such that we have to *struggle* to do the right thing.
to the lady in the picture-s sister:
What’s this c**p about “trying”!?
Is this person frum or not?
Is it kosher or is it not?
If a person becomes frum – then they become frum all the way, not “trying” to be frum.
Tznius is just like any other halacha – a frum person keeps the whole shabbos not just part of it. You don’t “try” to keep a whole shabbos. Besides tznius – there is another KEIL ZOR that is filling the minds and mouths of Crown Heights’ers and that is RACHMONA LITZLON – making frumkeit into a “political” choice?! POLITICS AND TORAH DO NOT MIX!
kosher for kids
i like that ch.info partnered with awarmfocus.org, a truly clean site!! getting children involved with activities beyond academics- brilliant!
maybe they can gear for kids as well who dont know photog, like a step further, doing diff competetions, gettign all kids involved.
i don’t think ppl are judging her- i think ppl are complaining that this particular picture was used to illustrate what a crown heights couple looks like…
my take
“ If parents don’t want their children to go read about adult topics then explaining the topic with honesty is key.”
Thank you 47,
We cannot scare our children or WOMEN into being what we think they should be. And this is ironic, the ONLY thing we can do is educate our OWN children, teach critical thinking skills and yes limit their exposure but more inportantly TALK to our children about the things they do see and hear. Even if you have no internet, your kids sees plenty simply by observing people’s interactions and conversations. Our kids see plenty of things and it is a parent’s job to make them feel comfortable coming and talking about it. To the author- I understand your concern, but YOU need to decide what is appropriate for your child, and talk to her about the rest of the things she comes in cntact with inadvertantly that cannot be filtered, and that is how she will grow strong in her confidence and faith.
PPL with the tznius complaints- don’t be so holy as to embarrass someone in public, if you were really interested in helping the situation, you would email the site owners quietly to change the picture, instead of ranting about the uncontrollable women of lubavitch. And yes, go and do something productive, teach your kids about what tzius actually means, TALK to them about it, but for heavans sake, what a complete stranger does it between her and G-d, you don’t know her life, her struggles, and her zchusim, so get over yourselves. Having gone to a “non-lubavitch” school I actually learned the laws of tochacha, here is one to start with- you must be saying it becasue you actually think it will make the person change, if you know they won’t listen, you are NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT.
:On another level, we’re bemoaning the fact that are a lot of people, R“L, who dress like the lady in the picture and are NOT trying to do better”
How on earth would you know that.
Get your facts straight!
Hi Crownheights.info
I know the people in this photo, and just to let all you judgemental people out there know…
A young girl and her daughter walking with her BROTHER!!!!
I hope from this you can all learn to THINK and not JUDGE before you start going crazy about TZNIUS!!
and this, in short, is what is preventing moshiach…
not tzniyus
not the internet
not any issues of sholom bayis
not ‘inappropriate’ pics of a poor woman that is just trying to live her life.
nope none of these
just a simple lack of ahavas yisroel
i feel bad..
i feel bad for your daughter mrs gordon.. why are u posting your name??
altadin es chavercha ad shetagia limkomo
the whole purpose in life is to go higher and higher in ruchnius (till moshiach) each one is on a different level. for some people the simplest things are hard and for others hard things are simple. even basic halachas are hard to keep sometimes. like tznius. u can never judge a person by her tznius. tznius is a big nisayon in our dor. and im”yh we will get there. it doesnt take a day. im a teenage girl on my own and i know what its like to be tznius. but halacha is halacha and we try to keep it..
At what point is it okay to violate another halakha to decry the breaking of halakha? I often ask myself this question as I have seen it all the time out here in California. Even though CH is far removed from California and we’re seen as the “crazy liberal bunch”, frumkeit and yiddishkeit does exist out here.
Torah, and therefore HaShem, is against lashon hara. But, there are individuals who feel its okay to talk badly about others who are not “up to code”. The sad irony is that lashon hara is just as much a sin as any other. Indeed this most recent parasha involves slander of ERETZ HAKODESH!
Similarly, as 57 said, if one knows their advice isn’t likely to be followed one is not to say it. Torah doesn’t relate this as “hate on that individual and embarrass them”, it just tells us not to bother if nothing will change.
I agree with 47 on what should be done, in response to the original poster (Mrs. Gordon). Honesty is important, honest discussion is important. While I am a BT in spirit(but a ger from technicality), I can credit my parents with having raised me with enough honesty to discuss difficult matters, which led to my making good decisions while my fellow secularly raised peers went on to make terrible decisions quite often.
Married life will have its’ ups and downs for sure, but, one is entitled to prepare and find the proper ways to handle a situation. Children can have access to the internet, tv, and other social media and still maintain their innocence. Its’ all about proper enforcement of values.
Many BTs didn’t grow up understanding mitzvot, most did a lot of things we wouldn’t approve of as kosher. However, how many also turned back and made teshuvah?
Moshe Rabbeinu was the most humble man. Why? Because he always knew who he was. We should be teaching our kids to do the same.
Chaya M
61 – I agree with you.
Moshiach is not here simply cuz of the lack of Ahavas Yisroel.
I Love Jews :)
Being Jewish is VERY hard!!! So........
A. Become a GOY?
B. Don’t do the “hard” stuff?
C. Only do the “easy” stuff?
D. Turn it into a “lifestyle” – and then you can throw around the B**L S**T that “it’s MY life & style” so you can’t tell me what to do!?!
E. All of the above?
F. Equate tznius with loshon hara – so it becomes an automatic aveira to tell someone “hey, by the way – you’re dressed like a prostitute”?
G. Equate EVERYTHING with “preventing moshiach from coming”?
Being Jewish is VERY hard!!! So........
A. Become a GOY?
B. Don’t do the “hard” stuff?
C. Only do the “easy” stuff?
D. Turn it into a “lifestyle” – and then you can throw around the B**L S**T that “it’s MY life & style” so you can’t tell me what to do!?!
E. All of the above?
F. Equate tznius with loshon hara – so it becomes an automatic aveira to tell someone “hey, by the way – you’re dressed like a prostitute”?
G. Equate EVERYTHING with “preventing moshiach from coming”?
I have heard comments about the picture (it turns out someone thinks this is a brother and sister?) I never saw a brother and sister looking so intimate…
Internet comments:
NO passwords work.
Spouses each sit on the internet (forgive me) WASTING the time. (todays Tanya) when they should be paying attention to their kids or each other. Certainly they are not learning.
I cannot believe this site (which claims to be lubavitch) is posting such an untznius picture. Anyone who thinks those people in the picture are Lubavitch? So since when do we call “Modern Orthodox” Lubavitch? Chabad is FRUM.
Those people are NOT frum. They keep Shabbos, eat kosher, but they are not frum. The Alter Rebbe said once: My chassidim are Baalei Nefesh.
Having a TV or Internet (which is worse than TV) in the house means that a person is not a Baal Nefesh. The picture above, nobody would argue is of Baalei Nefesh.
Some of the language used on the above comments? Also not: “Baalei Nefesh”.
Shalom Shalom Ve Yesh Shalom….