Governor Cuomo’s To’eiva Marriage Bill Now Just One Vote Shy of Becoming Law in New York State

NY Daily News

Thirty two votes are needed to approve the bill Gov. Cuomo formally introduced on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Sen. Roy McDonald (R-Saratoga) – in a dramatic reversal from his earlier opposition – became the second Republican in as many days to give his blessing to To’eiva marriage, bringing Senate support to 31 votes – Just one vote shy of becoming law in New York.

Thirty two votes are needed to approve the bill Gov. Cuomo formally introduced on Tuesday.

McDonald’s change of heart came hours after Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan led a band of religious groups hustling to halt the momentum.

“The stampede is on,” Dolan wrote in a blog post. “Our elected senators who have stood courageous in their refusal to capitulate on the state’s presumption to redefine marriage are reporting unrelenting pressure to cave in.”

Dolan equated passage of the bill to life in China or North Korea, where “government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values and natural law.”

“Please, not here!,” Dolan wrote. “We cherish true freedom, not as the license to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought.”

The opposition from Dolan, other religious groups and conservative political outfits threatening retribution at the ballot box has turned the Senate into a pressure cooker for Republicans.

Multiple sources say they expect the bill to be voted on – and passed – as soon as Friday.

Cuomo finally released the bill he wants passed – which insiders say is another sign the nuptials are gaining steam because he vowed only to go forward if approval was assured.

In hopes of attracting needed Senate GOP votes, Cuomo’s bill offers some exemptions from anti-discrimination laws to religious groups and affiliated organizations.


  • oh Hashem please help

    next thing you know we will be no different than Connecticut or Massachusetts!!

  • Not Marriage Anyway

    By goyim there’s no chupa and kiddushin anyway. They get married just by moving in together.

  • Two women married isn-t a to-eivah

    I don’t know why you call it a “to’eivah bill” since it equally includes women’s marriage which is not a problem.

  • To #2

    By goyim there’s no chupah v’kiddushin…there is also no chupah v’kiddushim by yidden if the bride and groom are both male.

  • Call it what it is

    Can you please not call this “To’eiva Marriage.” it doesn’t even make sense and besides this is not Williamsburg and people do speak English. Same-sex marriage is not a forbidden word as much as you may disagree with it politically. I hate bike lanes but I don’t add a Hebrew word to it to make it sound cooler. If you’re for it then be for it, and if you’re against it than be against it, but what’s the point in trying to dumb down your audience by not calling it what it is: same-sex marriage.

  • call it EXACTLY what it is!

    You’re ABSOLUTELY right! It should be called AN ABOMINATION or A DISGUSTING THING IN THE EYES OF HASHEM – “to’eiva” is relative only to those who speak and understand Hebrew.

    Are we trying to make a sickness (that’s what the Rebbe called it) “normal” and PC?!

    It’s high time we stop making crazy into normal!

  • WHo cares what others do, live your life

    Who cares?
    If you don’t like this lifestyle; don’t live it.
    If other people like it: live and let live.
    Next thing you know; a bill allowing the sale of nonkosher food or letting stores be open on Shabbos will also be “To’eveh” too.

  • Yankel

    The people of Crown Heights should call their assemblyman and state senator and tell them we are against it. In reality the Vaad Hakohol should do this, but for some reason Chanina Sperlin has no problem with it.

  • Leaders?

    It seems from the comments above that it would be helpful if one of our community leaders could help us understand why it is important that this bill not be passed.

  • Yawn

    I can care less if two guys or two gals want to get married to each other. Why does CH.INFO care so much?

  • abc

    to all those that think there are more important issues then this:
    (1 there is no mitzvah in the torah to get food stamps and money for yeshivos. however gay marriage is a isur d’oraisa and there is nothing more important then torah, EVEN if we loose support on other issues.
    (2 to say it will only affect goyim, this is ossur even for a goy. it’s included in the sheva mitzvos bnei noach (see rambam). and it’s our acharayus to make these mitzvos known.
    (3 if it becomes legal the you must accept it you’r business will get sued for discrimination ect.
    THEREFORE it is a chiyuv for us to do whatever we can to stop it even at the cost of other issues.

  • No Busha?

    This site is read by LOTS of people.
    Of ALL ages!
    WHAT IS THIS DOING HERE?????????????????????????????????????????????
    We think we are safe letting our children see pictures of friends, relatives, simchas, graduations, and the like, only to find out that THIS is what comes along with it!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE be more sensitive.
    PLEASE DON’T Start commenting on how internet is REALLY NOT SAFE FOR ANY HOME, CHILD, etc. That’s a SEPARATE ISSUE

  • #13

    what are you so scared of? this is our world today. no one is forcing you into same sex marriage.
    and for you to suggest that this is unsafe for children insinuates what? that our children will all of a sudden turn gay?