TRAGEDY: With great sadness, shock and deep pain we inform you of the tragic and untimely passing of Hatomim Yossi Alexandre, a 19 year old Bochur from Crown Heights.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Yossi Alexandre, 19, OBM

TRAGEDY: With great sadness, shock and deep pain we inform you of the tragic and untimely passing of Hatomim Yossi Alexandre, a 19 year old Bochur from Crown Heights.

Yossi is survived by his parents, brother and sister.

The Levaya will take place today, Sunday, and will be leaving from the Shomrei Hadas Chapel at around 10:00am, from there it will continue to the Beis Hachayim.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes



    The Rebbeh says the community who’s member has fallen untimely-tragically must “introspect”!!!

    i will not wont fingers at another but at my self WHAT CAN I DO to restore Hashem’s protection babck to our community!!!!!!

    oy!! Hashem!! enough enough already!!!

  • Me.

    I never come to this website, but I came here specifically to say this.
    It is incredibly sad that this boy had to pass away at such a young age. It is truly terrible. And, the fact that this happens so often in Crown Heights makes it even worse.
    That being said, the fact that your community as a whole is against education, the fact that you don’t have D.A.R.E programs in your school, the fact that you don’t educate your children against drug use, the fact that your programs spoon feed alcohol to children, the fact that this is condoned and not educated against, is terrible.
    You need to say why this is happening. No one is at fault for these things when everyone has the option to choose. But how can they choose when they’re not educated about it. No one is at fault, unless people are actively denying drug-education to these kids.

    This is a respectful criticism. It is not written to bash anyone, and certainly not this wonderful boy. It is written so no one else in the future has to experience this. You guys cannot hide from reality no matter how much you try. Denying that there are issues, or thinking that god will take care of them, will only make these things continue. It has happened way too many times there, and it needs to stop.
    Stop feeding your children alcohol, and educate them on the dangers of drug use.

  • Lama

    Yes it is chana Alexander may no one ever have to suffer like he did! May he have Aliya haneshama …where is the Menachem ovel gonna be?!

  • 0ld friend from school


  • A friend!

    Im sickened to hear this! Chana alexander is my good friend and i knew her brother personally. May his soul rest in peace

  • To number nine

    Hey number nine, you’re a total moron.
    The kid was hit by a car, unfortunately.
    And for you to preach what I assume are your own problems, in the time of someone elses sorrow, makes me gag.

  • Nechama

    To #9…
    While you raise some valid points regarding alcohol consumption & drug addiction this was not the case in this unfortunate situation.
    I don’t know where you got your incorrect information but Yossi was hit by a car.

    May his neshama have an Aliyah.

  • Yitzchok c

    Bde so many good young people taken from us in the prime of their lives. May hashem comfort Yossis family and all of am yisroel with Moshiach already.

  • CAR?

    HIT BY A CAR? This was not an accident – although an accident waiting to happen. See the earlier comment. We are not looking for recrimination but this needs to be addressed once and for all.

  • so sad....

    so sad!!! what a sweet boy, my tears are flowing……. he was drowning and no one
    would lend him a hand…. what a selfish world we live in….. at least hes now in olam haemes
    were there’s only emes and good, yossi I love
    you i/we should have done more for u…