With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Necha Rubin, OBM, on Wednesday, the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, at the age of 81. Mrs. Rubin was a long-time member of the Lubavitch community in Montreal, Canada.

Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: Mrs. Necha Rubin, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Necha Rubin, OBM, on Wednesday, the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, at the age of 81. Mrs. Rubin was a long-time member of the Lubavitch community in Montreal, Canada.

Born in Russia, she was one of the pioneering members of the Lubavitch community in Montreal, along with her husband, Reb Hershel Rubin, OBM.

She was one of the few women in Montreal to staunchly follow the Rebbe’s directive to wear a shaitel back when it was still a novelty.

She is survived by her children: R’ Yitzchok Rubin of Montreal, Canada; R’ Yisroel Rubin of Crown Heights and Mrs. Rochel Mendelsohn of Ramat Shlomo, Israel; as well as her siblings: Mrs. Menucha Gerstel of Montreal, Canada; R’ Avrohom Neumark of Bet Shemesh, Israel and R’ Berel Neumark of Long beach, NY.

Shiva info will be posted when it becomes available.

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