Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: R’ Pinchas Cunin, OBM
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Pinchas Cunin of Crown Heights at the age of 72.
Rabbi Cunin grew up in the Bronx, where he was instilled with a Chassidishe Chinuch by his parents and grandparents, who were from the first Chabad Chassidim in the United States.
He is survived by his 12 children; his wife, Bina; and his brother Reb Shlomo Cunin, head Shlaich to the west coast.
The levaya passed in front of 770 at 9:30 this morning.
is this the Rabbi Cunin, who was the building manager of ULY ocean Parkway for many years?
A very special and dignified person. A true Chossid and a great masmid (very studious). would sit nights in 770 (as a yungerman) and learn. would be mchazek ppl. who were in need. vhokitzu vranenu etc vhu bsochom!
Gam chessed, gam emmess, hayu bo.
Pinny Cunin, as we knew him, together with his brother Shlomo, trail-blazed by organizing an aron design to facilitate the kevurah of their grandfather, hachasid Reb Mendel Cunin, without a hefsek of holtz (between the niftar and the karka). He was thus a mezakeh ess harabim.
is this the rabbi cunin from the chabad telethon?
no its the one from crown hights
to number 5
no this is not it is his brother