Lubavitcher Girl Missing in London [Update: Found]

[Name removed] left her home in Stamford Hill this morning on her way to college. It is now Midnight in London and she has not been heard from since. Please say Tehilim for [Name removed].

Update 9:52 PM: Boruch Hashem, [Name removed] has been found and is reportedly safe and sound. We will update with more information as it becomes available.


  • hashem yirachem

    may she return to her family speedly! may we hear only good news soon

  • shame

    to number 5&6..a girl is missing and her parents and family and friends are suffering right now not knowing where she is and all you can be bothered doing is making silly and irrelevant comments? shame!
    i have said tehillim for her speedy return and may we hear only good news.

  • to number 6

    are u insane??!! how insensitive can one be in a time like this!!
    obviously it’s not a normal situation otherwise her parents, friends and community wouldn’t be so concerned!!
    maybe u need to start talking to ur parents some more,so they can teach u a thing or two!

  • #6

    apparently, she does, which is why were worried- this is not her usual way

  • Take

    Please remove comment 6 obviously an idiot they think shes missing bc she isnt supposed to be not bc she nevfer calls home moron

  • thank you Hashem

    may all Yidden be found always safe and sound begashmiut and beruchniut

  • answers?

    where was she?

    We all sat and said tehillim, can we know where she was?

  • Answers??? 26??

    Were was she??? I would assue that at 26 a person can fend for themselves, so is there something more to the story that we dont know about??? or are her parents just way overprotective??
    I agree with #6, can we know if there was truly a cause for concern

  • Respect people-s privacy

    On the subject of ‘the less said the better’. It seems that every incident must turn into an orgy of invading people’s privacy. The person involved ends up suffering from wildly exaggerated gossip and insolent stares long after their initial ordeal- whatever it was- is over. Vulgar curiousity and the need to publicize and expose info about everyone and everything is much more contemptible than people realize. Unfortunately, these days even some volunteers- who volunteered for the wrong reasons (ego trip)- can’t do a good deed for another without publicizing it and seriously invading the privacy of and the dignity of another human being created in the image of G-d. Here’s an idea, if something doesn’t need to be said, don’t say it. You’ll feel like a million dollars. How’s that for an ego trip?

  • To love a fellow Jew

    The main thing is that she is safe, B”H.

    We all witnessed a miracle here because we all sadly know what happened to a little boy just a few months ago R”L.

    I am sure that the power of our tefilos and unity helped.

    Is is quite heartening to physically see that there is true Ahavas Yisroel in Chabad and among Anash.

  • agree with 25

    we dont need to know everything- we heard what we needed to hear and that’s enough.

  • Arieh

    Baruch HaShem, she has been found.

    Any person who goes missing, regardless of age, be it 5 or 95 is a serious issue — that is not a joke.

    But please, a 26 year old is a woman, not a girl. I find that the article calling her a 26 yar old girl to be quite insulting and insensitive.

  • Re #6 is not really off the mark!

    I have to agree ladies and gentleman I mean come on…soon we will be putting out APB’s on our grannys and gramps, kitchens and kaboodles and anything between age 1 to 78 not seen within 90 seconds – yes agreed we deserve an explanation for gettin panicky over a 26yo that seems to be independant and college bound.

  • strange

    I hate to say this, but when you invite the whole world into your private life, then it is only respectful to say thank you to the world for saying tehillim, and giving some sort of explanation as to where she was.

    privacy is only given when you don’t publicize your private life.
    that said yes i said tehillim, but the whole time was thinking, she is 26. not 6.

  • not kosher

    if we were all asked to say tehillim, and we were all very concerned, by not telling us where she was all day, just leaves us all speculating that all is not as kosher as it should be. the best story is as above, she flew to her friends wedding as a surprise. though, why would her family not know this? something stinks here.

  • bh

    we have to say tehilim bc shes our sister and be happy bc shes fine!!we dont need other reason

  • Ahavas Yisroel

    Boruch Hashem!!

    Thanks to Hashem for a happy ending. The rest is
    irrelevant. Not everyone is looking for publicity.
    Only good news.

  • to 31

    She didn’t invite the whole world into her private life. (Her family member/s did.) She is an adult. In hindsight, they probably should have waited until 24 hours passed before announcing it to the world, because often adults do their own thing without notifying family members. She owes you nothing. you want a plaque for saying tehillim?

    In life sometimes you’re curious, and you’ll have to live with the knowledge that not every curiosity gets satisfied.

    BW – Crown Heights

  • to 31

    im sorry but who do u think you are?? you’re allowed to say tehillim without getting a reason! just be happy that your tehilim helped the family!

  • Londoner

    She did NOT fly into fly anywhyere so stop spreading rumours! Don’t you all think that if the police and Shomrim found it serious we are talking about a not typical story. Sometimes I wonder where people’s common sense is. Fact is she is safe BECAUSE of the search parties. She was found had not been it could have been dangerous.

  • shlomo as always with bad English

    it like story about boy, that scream wolf! wolf. and when real wolf arrive, nobody come to protect. some case like this, and police stop to help us. so sorry it look like not kosher, and IMHO ireshamaim can’t marry such girl. period!
    p.s.all people speak about Lubavitcher GIRL , and what if it was simple Jewish lady, for ex satmar?