Inspected Mezuzah Found to Contain Printed Paper
A Jewish merchant in Manhattan was the proud owner of a beautiful looking Mezuzah which he purchased a few years back at a Judaica store. Last Friday, as two bochurim paid their weekly visit to his office, they suggested that – as is customary in the month of Elul – he allow them to inspect the Mezuzah and make sure every letter is Kosher.
This was no small task, as the Mezuzah was sealed in the back in a way that, once opened, would not be easily resealed. But the man accepted the offer nevertheless, and the bochurim took down the Mezuzah and removed the back cover.
What they found shocked them all. Instead of parchment with handwritten letters of Shma in black ink, they found a printed slip of paper with an English version of Tefilas Haderech.
Needless to say, the business owner happily replaced the Mezuzah with a kosher one, and thanked the bochurim for bringing about the discovery of the counterfeit Mezuzah.
Going Nowhere Fast
I hate to think where someone with that mezuzah would be going.
Car Mezuzah
There has been a popular item around for several years called a “car mezuzah.” They are small and sealed an contain tefilat ha-derech. Clearly this unfortunate business man was not experienced enough to realize what he was buying.
There is no basis in halacha to have or produce such an item. I would strongly encourage judaica stores not to carry these car mezuzahs. The potential for confusion and chilul Hashem is immense and risky for everyone involved.
When one buys a mezuzah case one should not expect to find a real mezuzah inside, any more than when one buys a picture frame one expects it to come with a picture worth framing. The picture that comes with a frame is only an example, and you’re expected to replace it with a real one. The same applies to any piece of paper that comes with a mezuzah case.
These are found in many many Judaica shops. They are sold as “Car Mezuzahs”.
Good Job Bochurim!
to #2 I had a phone call today from a car dealership wanting to know if we, Chabad, sells “car mezuzot”. I, of course, told them no, we don’t sell them. But why would a dealership call I wonder? Unless for a prospective buyer? Strange….
The Mezuzah Guide
Where these bochrim inspired by the new Mezuzah Guide App on their iphones?
to number 3
well said!