Weekly Letter: In Connection With Our Final Redemption

In honor of the birthday of the Rambam – Erev Pesach – and in connection with our final redemption – we present a letter in which the Rebbe clarifies the teachings of the Rambam (Hilchos Melochim) regarding the sequence of events preceding the ingathering of the exiles at the time of our final redemption, with his brochos for the coming of Moshiach with its great miracles, speedily!

By the Grace of G-d

4th of Nissan, 5736

Brooklyn, N.Y.


Westbury, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

This is in reply to your letter in which you refer to “A Thought for the Week,” specifically to the quotation from the Rambam, Hil. Melochim, regarding the sequence of events preceding kibbutz golyos. You question the definitiveness of the sequence on the Rambam on the ground that he uses the expression v’im  – “And if…”

However, the p’shat in the Rambam is not, as you suggest, that the Rambam gives here only one possible example of the order of the actions which Moshiach will carry out. Rather, as can be seen from the continuation of the text there, the v’im refers to the person of the Moshiach and how he is to be identified without a doubt by his actions and accomplishments; it does not refer to the order of his actions.

As for your argument that the Rambam should have used a definitive expression, such as “Osid le…,” he does indeed begin the whole chapter that way, as you note in your letter. Note here too the order:

המלך המשיח עתיד לעמוד ולהחזיר מלכות דוד לישנה, ולממשלה הראשונה, ובונה בית המקדש ומקבץ נדחי ישראל

At this time, with the approach of Pesach, Z’man Cheiruseinu, I extend to you and yours prayerful wishes for a kosher and joyous Pesach, and may we all, in the midst of all our people, achieve true liberation from all distractions that hinder avodas Hashem wholeheartedly and with joy, and merit the fulfillment of the prophesy  כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות, בביאת משיח צדקנו בקרוב ממש      

                                                                                 With blessing,

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