Weekly Letter: The Woman’s Role in the Miracle of Purim

In preparation for PURIM – we share a letter where the Rebbe underlines the preeminence of the woman’s role in the miracle of Purim – even more so than her role in the Chanukah miracle.

By the Grace of G-d

25th of Adar 2, 5727

Brooklyn, N.Y.


London E.5, England

Blessing and Greeting:

I duly received your letter with the enclosure, the minutes of the Bnos Agudas Chabad.

May G-d grant that you should have good news to report in ll the matter about which you write, both personal and general.

Especially as we are about to conclude the auspicious month of Adar, a time of hatzlocho and rejoicing, which should be carried over into the coming days and months of entire year.

This is a particularly significant time for Jewish women, mothers and daughters, because of the central role which a Jewish woman – Esther – played in the miracle of Purim. While it parallels in many respects the role of the Jewish woman in the miracle of Chanukah, there is an obvious preeminence of the woman’s part in the event of Purim, as evidenced also from the fact that the Megilah of Purim – one of the twenty-four sacred books of the T’NaCh – is called not after Mordecahi, nor after Mordechai and Esther jointly, but solely after Esther – “Megilas Esther.” 

I trust that you and your friends have taken full advantage of these auspicious days to spread and strengthen Yiddishkeit in a growing measure and to the fullest extent of your capacity. May it stand you and yours in good stead.

                                             With blessing,


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