In the Israeli town of Sderot, just 7 km from the Gaza Strip, children cannot play outside due to missiles raining down from across the security fence. Tonight, November 7, Osem and the JNF dedicated a missile-proof indoor playground for the local children to play.

Missile-Proof Indoor Playground Dedicated in Sderot

In the Israeli town of Sderot, just 7 km from the Gaza Strip, children cannot play outside due to missiles raining down from across the security fence. Tonight, November 7, Osem and the JNF dedicated a missile-proof indoor playground for the local children to play.

300 Sderot families attended the event, along with David Buskila, Mayor of Sederot; Russell Robinson, CEO of the Jewish National Fund U.S.A.; Izzet Ozdagan, President of Osem U.S.A.; and Yaakov Yarmove, Corporate Business Manager at SuperValu; each of whom addressed the grateful crowd.

One Comment

  • Ben

    Nice indoor playground… every other country in the world would have bombed wherever the missiles came from!