Matzeivos for 7 Sassoon Children Erected

Marking 30 days since the tragic fire in their Flatbush home that claimed their lives, the Matzeivos for the 7 Sassoon children were erected today on Har Hamenuchos in Jerusalem, Israel.

Click on photos to enlarge

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  • Still so numb

    Still davening for their mother and sister
    Gail bat Siporah and Siporah bat Gail for a speedy refuah shalayma

  • updates:

    On a another website the father said the daughter is getting better and walking. she’ll be released within a week but she’ll need therapy. his wife still needs to recover due to her age and she’s under anesthesia. may they know of no more pain and have a complete recovery- speedly!

    • Anonymous

      I know them very well. The daughter is up and doing very good. The mom still needs a big refuah shelema