Bloomberg Pledges to Restrict Metzitzah B’Peh

City & State

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday rebuffed rabbis’ threats of legal action if the city goes through with a proposal to restrict a controversial Orthodox Jewish circumcision procedure.

“We have an obligation to keep people alive and safe and the courts have held that up repeatedly,” Bloomberg said yesterday at a press conference.

“There are certain practices that doctors say are not safe and we will not permit those practices to the extent that we can stop them. You don’t have a right to put any child’s life in danger, and this clearly does.”

His comments came in response to Orthodox rabbis who defended the controversial practice of “metzitzah b’peh” at a New York City Health Department public hearing this week. During the ritual, a mohel uses his mouth to suck blood from the circumcision wound, which has led to the transmission of herpes to some infants, in a few cases leading to their deaths.

One mohel, Rabbi A. Romi Cohn, defended the practice, saying rabbinical law guidelines are “much stricter than the medical profession,” though he admitted some people without training as required by rabbinical law pose as mohels to make money, a practice he strongly condemned.


  • Daniel Botnick

    Bloomberg made statements indicating a bias against religion before running for his first term. He has pandered, somewhat, to religious groups since making those statements. His position on this issue, especially since he is finally term-limited out, comes as no surprise.

  • AA

    How about Bloomberg doing something useful regarding your “obligation to keep people alive and safe” – doing something about the crime rate – instead of all of this Il Duce Jr. nonsense of his?

  • Rabbi

    Rabbi A. Romi Cohn, the distinguished and dedicated mohel on behalf of the F.R.E.E. Circumcision Program for over three decades, serves as a testimony to his true dedication and ultimate sacrifice for the Mitzvah of Milah.

    May the ‘Ribono Shel Olam’ grant him many more years of service as a mohel and public advocate for Bris Milah.

  • What-s the big deal

    I understood Bloomberg just wanted to require informed consent from parents, not ban. What’s the big deal? If you understand there is a risk of infection, you can sign a form and proceed. Or not. Or ask about using a pipette, which is also common practice.

  • Kma also

    The longevity of medical practices, religious practices, and city regulations is in question as the benefits of complying with each has costs that are unascertained.
    I strongly recommend staying out of each others business until each can afford to make good decisions for the involved parties.
    New York city as nothing to gain and needs to listen to itself !
    It is a power struggle that no one will ever have the highest hand over !

  • Milhouse

    Wait a minute, I thought the proposal was only to require the parents to consent. I don’t see why anyone would have a problem with that. But now Bloomberg is talking about banning it?!

  • Chaim

    Bloomberg has got to go. How you people kept him in office or even elected him to begin with is beyond me.
    He is like the hanhala member that everyone hates even years after they leave the system.
    He aged war against:
    the list goes on
    get him the heck out!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Send Him Packing

    Time for Bloomberg to go. His failure to plow the streets two years ago was bad enough. Now the arrogant jerk is messing with HaShem Torah.

  • CR

    Good to see that Mayor Mike has finally solved the bedbug problem and the outbreaks of whooping cough and measles plaguing the city so now he can focus on issues not pertaining to public health like Big Gulp soda cups and how those JOOOOS! conduct their religious ceremonies. I feel so much safer now….

  • May Bloomberg downfall become a reality

    Bloomberg is predicteing his own downfall right now, as he is now claiming to know better than G-d does. He’s not starting up with people, he’s waging war with G-d.

  • Milhouse

    #12, ask other people, just like you choose a doctor or a plumber or any other tradesman. Go to a few of his brissos and observe how he operates. Talk to him and see whether he makes you feel comfortable.