Support for Obama Drops 10 Points Among Jews

NY Post

Support for President Obama among Jewish voters has plunged 10 percentage points since his election in 2008, according to a new Gallup poll. Gallup said the drop is “five points worse than his decline among all registered voters, compared with 2008.”

The president has the support of 64 percent of Jewish voters.

Republican Mitt Romney has 29 percent support among Jews.

The Republican Jewish Coalition pointed out that the 29 percent of Jewish voters who back Romney is the “highest level of Jewish support for a Republican presidential candidate in 24 years.”


  • ctsm

    its unpleasant to even see a picture of him at the Kotel. Does he really think he knows about the Kotel because he says he has Jewish friends? This is synthetic.

  • Religious Liberty is the point.

    Is that all? He should have near zero support. He’s not good for Israel or Jews in general. His leftist liberal agenda puts religious liberty under ‘fairness’ so-called.The idea of forcing everyone to fund abortion through insurance by specifically earmarking a certain amount of money from each person’s premium specifically for that (without allowing for religious exemption), is just the start. Separate seating, women ‘rabbis’,refusal to teach abominations such as same sex unions being legitimate whatever they are called or evolution,shecita without stunning, or bris without ‘bal peh’ etc are not ‘fair’ and are racist, sexist, cruel,or whatever. If he wins another term he won’t have to compromise with anyone, and he will have 4 years to pack the courts(including the Supreme Court C”V) with true blue ‘party members and really give us a sanitized soviet style tyrammy. We can live with almost any system if we have to except one that in any way restricts our religious freedom

  • FYI

    ultra orthodox and orthodox jews will vote republican. reform and conservative jews will vote democrat. NOTE: obviously much more conservative and reform jews so obamawins that vote, also, too bad all the ultra orthodox votes for romney here in ny will go for naught as obama will take ny easily as its a clear blue state.

  • yes

    “its unpleasant to even see a picture of him at the Kotel. Does he really think he knows about the Kotel because he says he has Jewish friends? This is synthetic.”

    yes and mitt romney and his mormon magic underpants etc etc is totally cool and kosher right?!

  • Chassidim for Obama

    I am voting for Obama in Crown heights. I voted for him last election and will do so again.

  • Informed

    Mormon over Muslim who wants to sell out America & Israel. You obviously don’t follow world news. He legitimizes terrorists, and even invites them to the White House in droves. A Mormon isn’t ideal, but who’s really pulling the strings there? If Donald Trump’s daughter became frum from marrying a genuine Orthodox Jew, I think we will be okay.

  • AA

    “Yes,” do you ever have anything relevant to say? The man’s religion is not the issue, and it is pathetic and bigoted of you to keep bringing it up. First of all, Mormonism is a form of Christianity; second, it’s not as though mainstream Christianity has been that friendly to Jews either over the centuries; third, we’re electing a president, not a spiritual leader.

  • did a whole siman in shulchon oruch

    #3, Why not? What’s the difference to us between a Mormon and a Xian? What have you got against Mormons?

  • Open your eyes

    There are 3 people who want to Control the World.




  • Milhouse

    “Yes” is an 0bama operative. He only comments here to campaign for the rosho 0bama. And he hates Mormons. Hey, “yes”, did you know that Harry Reid ia a Mormon? And that your hero 0bama’s father was a polygamist?

  • yes

    if you think the president is muslim than poor you,you are a lunatic on the fringe. sorry

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    Number Four: you asre right, and do not forget, that if the Obama care is not overturned by the Supreme Court, you will have a massive health insurance bureaucracy established by the government with mindless and faceless bureacrats making life decisions for you and your family. It has been warned that there might develop a scenaro where women will be told that they have to have an abortion because they have to many kids already(like China) or you will have to pull the plug because the patient can perform no useful purpose and so forth. When the objection is raised that it is against your religious beliefs, they will laugh in your face
    And, number ten:You claim to be a Chossid, but how can any Chossid vote for a person who would harm a fellow Jew? Obama has pleged, publically,–ALTHOUGH HIS FRIENDS IN THE NEWSPAPERS HID THE STORY–to Abbas that he would have the Palestian state on his terms and that is his guarantee to Abbas. He pledged to do this after his reelection. If this would occur, C.V. it would mean the death of Israel and the death of untold number of Jews. Need I say more

  • hey to 17

    youre just perpetuating a right wing talking point that has zero merit.

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    to #18: Not right wing talking point–it is just reality and did not Obama t ry to lecture bibi about what should be the beginning point for negotiations of israel’s boundaries?

  • Wondering!

    America has nobody capable of leadership at this point. Can’t help but wonder if it is a judgment of Gd on the people.