Missing Orthodox Jewish Teen – FOUND!
Nearly 48 hours after the disappearance of a sixteen year old Massachusetts teen, community members have joined police in an organized search for the missing 11th grader.
Caleb Jacoby, son of Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, was last seen Monday afternoon at approximately 12:30 PM. A student at Maimonides School, Caleb is described as 5’11, weighing 140 pounds and was wearing glasses, navy chino pants, a navy polo short, a brown hooded winter coat, white socks and brown shoes or sneakers at the time of his disappearance.
According to the school’s Facebook page, volunteers age 18 and up were requested to come to Maimonides this morning for a search to begin after shachris this morning.
“We need people to search, to get his picture out and to hang flyers,” Efrat Lipshitz, one of Caleb’s teachers at Maimonides told VIN News, adding that Caleb was not in school on Monday, the day of his disappearance.
According to Brookline Police, no foul play is suspected at this time.
“He could be either missing or a runaway,” said Captain Thomas Keaveney of the Brookline Police Department’s Community Services Division. “It doesn’t matter what term you use, the key is that we don’t suspect any foul play.”
Jeff Jacoby expressed his appreciation for the outpouring of support following Caleb’s disappearance last night tweeting, “We are so deeply, deeply grateful for everything being done to reunite us with our beloved son Caleb.”
Caleb, a Brookline Village resident, is known to frequent libraries and the Young Israel of Brookline. The public is asked to daven for the safe return of Calev Avraham ben Elisheva.
Anyone with any information about Caleb’s whereabouts is asked to call the Brookline police at 617-730-2222.
UPDATE [9:00pm]:
The Yeshiva World News has reported that the missing teenager has been found.
As per the Brookline, MA Police Department, 16-year-old Caleb Jacoby has Boruch hashem been found in New York City. He is reportedly “safe and well”. Caleb went missing from Brookline on Monday.
Jeff Jacoby just tweeted out: Words can’t express our gratitude for the extraordinary outpouring of kindness and support that we have received from so many people.
Jacoby, 16, of Brookline, had been missing since 12:30 p.m. on Monday. He is an 11th grader at the Maimonides School, a Jewish day school in Brookline. Jacoby is the son of Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby. His disappearance had sparked a large community response, with more than 200 volunteers searching for himthroughout the Boston area.
The Brookline Police announced via twitter just before 9 p.m., “Caleb Jacoby has been found. Safe and well.” The police said more information will follow as details become available.
They released a statement on their blog:
The Brookline Police Department is happy to report 16 year old, Caleb Jacoby, reported missing since January 6th, and has been found. The Brookline Police, working with many other agencies over the past few days were able to provide information to the New York City Police Department that Caleb Jacoby may be in the area of Times Square. Based upon this information at approximately 9PM New York City Police informed us they had located Caleb and he was safe and sound. Plans are now being formulated to transport Caleb back home. Thanks to all agencies that helped in this investigation. Also thanks to all those who took to social media to help get the story out.
must read letter caleb from his father on his birthdays
complete hebrew name please
we will daaven
his father is a staunch supporter of israel, and writes so much in defense of yidden. now the malachim must must come to his aid
please say tehilllim
Calev Avraham ben Elisheva Rut.
Linda Tawil
hello! there is a world marathon perek shira tehilim and in which we are asking for the speedy salvation of Abraham ben Ruth Caleb. It is a system in which you enter and choose whether you wanna read perek shira (full) or a small block of tehilim when you can read it no matter if it is night, as it is a life-threatening situation.
To enter make click on the following link:
halajotlh.com/yeshua. It’s in Spanish, but all you have to do is pick tehilim or perek shira or both and enter your email to receive the chapters to be read.
At the time we complete nearly 10 books of tehilim and almost 50 books of perek Shira .
Hope you will join together with prayers to move heaven and have good news!
All the best!
Linda Tawil (halajotlh.com)
ch mom
Davening for him. Mention him in panim. Can Shomrim help?
Did they find him yet
B"H he has bin found
according to news here in Boston he has bin found B”H
found him
the guy was found in NY, Times Square – looks like he decided to take a trip without saying bye to his parents
It’s easy and inexpensive to get from Boston to NYC– Yobus does it for $20.
Baruch HaShem
We are all so happy to hear the wonderfull news we all עם ישראל were davening for him for a safe reTern home, what a great news before shabas? הודו לה׳ כי טוב, כי לעולם חסדו
commenter number 8
may Hashem protect you because your sechel certainly won’t.
Stupid Boy should have known better. Left his parents in a fright with lots of Agmas Nefesh.
Plenty problems in this world this is something that did not have to happened.
Thanks to HASHEM, he has been found. (What was he doing in Time Square?)
He has to be thought Kibud Av Voeim.
It would be my son I would not let him out for a long time from the house.
he needed a break….
Cholent Mit Kugel
Perhaps he needs some therapy?
for all the people with stupid comments
may Hashem never wizen you up and have you experience the horrific pain the Jacobys went thru and so that you callous heartless tipshim can understand and feel the “hartz fun tatte mamme”
was it a runway or a los?
chummous and crackers
full story?
BUs ticket
“Boston to NYC– Yobus does it for $20”
and the chinese bus off the Manhattan bridge goes for $10
this story sounds like other teenagers who’ve gotten on a Greyhound cross country to, um, never mind.
may it be בשטומו”צ
ובנין עדי עד כו’ וכו
when I was a teeen in 1776
and came home late my parents also went bananas and called the police etc so to teach them a lesson and to show them that I was a person for myself I decided its not their business and took a flight with a couple of friends for a few days vacation and when we got back we found them as berserk as buffalo but in the end they learnt their lesson and from that day of independence my parents have hatched out of their shell and became the wonderful parents who they are