Yeshiva World news

In his first radio show following the death of Osama Bin Laden, radio host Michael Savage goes on an anti-Semitic rant in a response to a caller. The caller identifies himself as a teacher in an Orthodox Jewish school, and asks Savage for advice what he should tell his students who are taught by their Rabbi’s that Jews are not supposed to rejoice upon the death of their enemies.

Michael Savage Mocks Orthodox Jewish Beliefs

Yeshiva World news

In his first radio show following the death of Osama Bin Laden, radio host Michael Savage goes on an anti-Semitic rant in a response to a caller. The caller identifies himself as a teacher in an Orthodox Jewish school, and asks Savage for advice what he should tell his students who are taught by their Rabbi’s that Jews are not supposed to rejoice upon the death of their enemies.

Savage starts off by slamming the students for not “fighting for the country” (Israel), and then calls the Rabbi’s “idiots”. He continued his rant by saying that the Orthodox hide “under their Matzah” instead of fighting in the IDF.


  • elisha

    this is called disinformation this is like saying a pizza resturant is treif

    is it true? no.

    will it hurt? yes.

    therefore i concur the puck should stop here and I will NOT be sharing it its like a one sided video of a “rabbi” saying emphatically that jesus is the messiah


  • my opinion

    It’s not antisemitic, he is just a total ignoramus. Someone should call him and ask him what’s Moshe’ mosther’s name and will we stare at you w/ a blank face. Ask him them wha’s JC’s mothers name and I bet he will get it right.

  • Ridiculous!

    What kind of idiot Jewish teacher would ask Savage for advice on how to teach Torah?!

  • Hiding under Matzoh

    This is an email I sent to MS after I heard him saying this. Just to clarify – I respect MS very much. And I know he respects Torah. He also clarified certain things in today’s show. Nonetheless, I couldn’t be silent on “Hiding under Matzo”.

    “Michael Savage,

    With all due respect, you are a potz! ”Hiding under matzoh“? More than 50% of IDF officers and soldiers are orthodox religious jews – graduates of yeshivot. Religious Jews are the core of battle units and special ops units. They are most motivated soldiers to protect Israel. Just look at the pictures of recent IDF heros – they are all wearing yarmelkes. Get your facts straight. POTZ.

    ”Yeshiva students are not serving in IDF“ is Leftist Government Propaganda. The Lefties in Israel are scared of Torah Educated ideologically motivated soldiers. They bend over the backwards to prevent religious young men from going into iDF. Since than Michael Savage is following Leftis Propaganda?

    Learning Torah IS protecting Israel! Putting Tfilin IS protecting Israel! Torah is our sword and shield of Am Isroel. Did you put tfilin and pray for IDF soldiers recently, BIG MOUTH?

    Wish you all Blessings and Success, ”

  • dovid

    in my opinion savage is right. not every stupidity what someone says or write is correct. when the torah talks about do not rejoice when your enemy falls, its talking about a dispute with a friend , not a mass murderer…any one with a pea brain can understand this. btw rabbi schochets article was shocking.

  • Mendy Hecht

    I would not call this anti-Semitism. Ignorance at best. He’s a right-wing Jew whose views otherwise are quite in sync with the Torah’s view. Give the man a break. Being an innocent ignoramus does not make you a Jew-hater. And by the way, “binpol oyivcha al tismach” doesn’t mean not to feel happiness that bin Laden is dead–it simply means that throwing a party in celebration of a death or a downfall is vulgar behavior for a Jew. Leave that sort of thing for the Mafia–not for us.

  • David

    Interesting since Michael Savage is Jewish, born Michael Weiner, parents Benjamin and Rae Weiner, Russian jews.

  • abc

    instead of talking about michael savage talk about the dumb teacher who seeks the advise of a gentile about orthodox matters.

  • what rabbi

    i didnt think there was anything anti-semetic there.

    while i must say he was disrespectful mocking rabbi akiba, i have to agree with savage that the israel charedi rabbis view regarding not serving in the army because of torah learning is cowardly

  • Some popular Jewish holidays...

    Purim – rejoicing at the downfall of our enemy Haman

    Chanukah – rejoicing at the donwfall of the Greeks

  • Shimshon

    Hey, We celebrate Pesach, & Chanukah, & Purim – all of these are celebrations of the death & elimination of our enemy – He does have a point. I totaly agree with him about not enuf religious people in the IDF – if you know savage you that is just the way he talks sometimes his point is not to bash all rabbis…. What he said about rabbi akivah at the end, that maybe a little chutzpahdik

  • haman

    we are allowed to rejoice when reshaim who seek to destry us are killed, not fellow yidden chas vshalom. dont we all ccelebrate purim- hamans downfall…

  • Simcha

    He says stupid things, and is clearly very ignorant of Torah, but this doesn’t fall into the category of anti-Semitism. When we call criticism of frum Jews anti-Semitism, it diminishes real anti-Semitism.
    His primary cricism is of frum men in Israel who don’t fight in the army. It’s a valid criticism, even if there are good answers for it. But t he criticism itself isn’t anti-Semitism.

  • lost all respect

    hopefully at his next chassidus shiur at chabad rabbi lang will know what to teach him

  • Jewish Journalism

    Certainly Savage’s comments are not depicting Orthodox Israeli Jews in a good light, and certainly his opinion of sacred Jewish texts and rabbinical authorities is not in accordance with Jewish Hashkafa; however, claiming that Savage went on “an anti-Semitic rant” is far from accurate, is quite misleading, and only causes harm.

    Firstly, Savage is always ranting, no matter what the subject matter may be. Furthermore, whether right or wrong, his statements are in no way “anti-Semitic.” His frustration with orthodox Jews not serving in the military is a sentiment shared by many secular Jews, non Jews, and even some orthodox Jews.

    Additionally, Savage is not calling all Rabbis idiots — actually he happens to have a good opinion of Chabad in general; rather, he thinks that those Rabbis who claim that Jews should not rejoice at the downfall of their enemies are idiots. Some Rabbis may agree with him on that point. Did not the Persian Jews celebrate the defeat of their enemies? Do not we celebrate annually that same defeat?

    I think that the ultimate question is: what exactly are we celebrating? Is it the mere excitement and pleasure that our enemy is dead, or is it something much broader and deeper? According to Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, this is in fact the case. He elaborates in his May 2 edition of “The Freeman Files” titled “Is It Okay to Celebrate Bin Laden’s Death” the dichotomy of the Torah perspective, stating that, when it comes to the defeat and death of our enemies, there are in fact aspects that we should not celebrate but also aspects that we should celebrate. Check it out.

  • Interpretation!!!

    Hate to say it… but Michael Savage is RIGHT!!!
    A. The Yeshivish should go to the army more often… Not hide away…
    B. Not to Rejoice at the demise of an enemy… is in his face… especially when the enemy is someone who vowed to kill the Jews and the Western World… in such a case the Rabbis should teach “Haba Lehorgecha Hashkem Lehorgo” not only rejoice, but rather DO SOMETHING to bring to the demise of your enemy…

  • mendy

    savage is right!! the pasuk is talking only about yidden not goyim. the caller IS an idiot

  • Mike Viscious

    The issue (and the problem) is:

    Why did the teacher call Savge (kisho key hu) and not her Rov/Rabbi?

  • Yakov

    I heard from Rav Avidor Miller that the Rambam says clearly that when a wicked person dies one should make a party to celebrate

  • yossi

    “Jews are not supposed to rejoice upon the death of their enemies.”
    That is not the case if the Enemeis would like to see you dead

  • M. Savage

    Easy for him sitting in his ivory tower and hiding behind his foreskin. Savage in name savage in nature. Would you trust someone with that name? Would you leave your daughter with someone who looks like that?

    Come out from behind the glasses Mikey – so I can look you in the eye – window to the soul. Or in your case a very hollow, empty space.

  • What to do....

    I guess even myopic fools are entitled to their opinions, as fallacious as they may be.

  • Anti Semitic?!?!?!

    Whats anti semitic about this? Anti Neturei Karta perhaps

  • Lipa Savage

    He is an entertainer and nothing more. The grubber you are on radio these days, the better you do. I’d sooner consider Lipa Schmeltzer the next “godol hadoir” than I would consider this character an authority on anything.

  • savage is on the money!

    michael savage is right, his point was correct. the teacher is a nut for asking savage advice when its clear as day. rejoicing of a enemy is talking about a dispute you have with a former friend not a mass murder.dont we celebrate purim? doesnt the torah tell us to never forgive amalek?isnt this simple that a child can understand.? thats why some folks are stunned at rabbi schochets dumb article. my grandfather once told me dont always rely on smart people because they say very dumb things as well at times.

  • to 38

    michael savage is just as jewish as you. nefesh hashainis byisroel chelek eloka mamosh.

  • Dallia

    Hes rite its like us Jews are like trained to be wimps Like we finally are saved and than we cant even rejoice about it! Its like ok there bad we say in davening thank G-d for not making me…. So why cant we thank G-d and make a party that the guy is Dead!?

  • chee-s brother in law

    theirs nothing anti-semetic about this and he didnt mock any belief i think is anti-semetic for writing “ms mocks orthodox jewish beliefs” and clearly a moitzey shem rah

  • TO # 17

    no. we dont rejoice that they were killed we rejoice that we were saved. that is why we dont say hallel which is for rejoicing on the last days of pesach…because that was the day that ll of the egyptians were drowned in the yam suf and we dont wanna celebrate that they died, just that we were saved

  • Milhouse

    #15, the Rebbe was very clear that those who are learning full time should NOT go to the army. How dare you criticise that view?

  • Milhouse

    The gemoro says clearly that “binfol oyivcho al tismoch” applies only “beyisroel”.

  • Leah

    Orthodoxy in Israel has issues. For example there are lots and lots and lots of pour people there b/c the men don’t work. There are issues. It’s not perfect and savage brings up an interesting veiwpoint

  • critical of NY judges

    Milhouse: two points: First, there are a lot of those who stay full time in the Yeshiva and accomplishes much less then one who really puts in limited time and then works. It is a big problem in many places. And, second it states in the Gemora that many of the great sages held jubs as well as being sages;i.e., for example, Rebbe Meir was a sofer.

  • dovber

    I remember Michael Savages talking several months ago about a Friday night meal he had at Chabad with a group of young Chabad girls. He went on to praise their spirit and portrayed them as an example for America’s youth. That article and video clip was posted on this very website http://www.crownheights.inf
    and needless to say, all the commenters, many of whom are probably cursing him here, complemented him in the greatest of terms. I think its funny that people are so directionless!!

  • annoyed

    i love how jews are always jumping to accuse ‘antisemitism!’ it reminds me very much of how blacks scream racism at every turn.

  • all backwards

    The teacher is an idiot for coming up with such twisted, liberal notions, an even bigger idiot for discussing his dilemma with a talk show host, and the ultimate idiot for asking Michael Savage of all people. Michael Savage is not an anti-semite, he’s just a non-religious Semite who has a little more common sense than this genius of a teacher. The one at fault here is the teacher for making a Chillul Hashem by presenting his warped views in the name of Orthodox Judaism.

  • Lipa Savage

    The problem is not about forcing real learners, single or married, into the army – and Chabad really is more a part of the solution than a part of the problem. Chabad Chassidim have always done their fair share and have almost no one in permanent learning except a few Yerushalmim perhaps.

    It is about the Litvish bench-huggers who are warming seats in koilelim that are funded by underhanded means.

  • I remember Bob Grant

    Also, many years ago, Bob Grant, a big friend of Yidden, made fun of a Boro Park or Willy caller who was probably just looking for attention. He kept saying the guy was “sitting under a chandelier somewhere in Brooklyn.” And no one could ever call Bob Grant an anti-Semite.

  • go-d-s right hand man

    as genius as he is, mr. savage most likely got pissed because “jayson” lied to him and the point of the mitzvah is to rejoice when victorious, it isn’t until the jordan river is crossed and the land of israel is conquered yayda, yada, yada,until king david rejoices with the torah as wife michal watches

  • Ephraim

    There is nothing anti-semitic here.

    The bigger issue is why is there merit in learning if you decide to be a welfare case and live off some elses labor that exempts you from the IDF? Because ben-Gurion said so?

    There are Orthodox, Cheredim and Hassidim that do go to the IDF. Their example should be followed.

    Defend ourselves only? There would have never been a Israel and we wouldn’t be celebrating Purim.