HUNTSVILLE, TX [CHI] — Members of the Jewish Community of Houston celebrated Yud Tes Kislev and Thanksgiving in Huntsville State Park, where they camped over the weekend.

Tex. Jews Celebrate 19 Kislev & Thanksgiving Camping

HUNTSVILLE, TX [CHI] — Members of the Jewish Community of Houston celebrated Yud Tes Kislev and Thanksgiving in Huntsville State Park, where they camped over the weekend.

Rabbi Moscowitz of the Meyerland Minyan brought a Sefer Torah for Thursday’s Torah portion, and Ben Cotlar did the laining. The Minyan was comprised of about 25 men, 10 of whom were pre-Bar Mitzvah aged boys.

Thursday evening all 30 of the campers gathered around a camp fire for a different kind of Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen, led by Rabbis Danny Fishman and Shmuly Barnett.


  • Shocked

    So sad that these people celebrated 19 Kislev with camping. Thanksgiving and 19 kislev in the same sentence? since when do we recognize Thanksgiving???

  • Go Ari Faigenson

    It looks like you decided to take off your mother wig forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kid in your bunk from The Three Weeks Kicks

  • golus

    Yud Tes Kislev… thanksgiving… vifil a shiur golus?

    I think it is time to realize the dark golus that we are in. Lubavitchers celebrating thanksgiving while camping and calling it Yud Tes Kislev? Is this what Yud Tes Kislev is all about? I wonder if these people would be proud to send this very article with the pictures as a Duch to the Rebbe to show how they celebrated Yud Tes Kislev. If people want to go have fun, good on them but please don’t mix Yud Tes Kislev and Chabad into this. This is not what the Alter Rebbe and our Rebbeim went on Mesiras Nefesh for. We don’t have to shlep our Rebbeim into all of our Meshugaasen. – I’m shocked that you can post such post. this is an embarrassment to Chabad, nothing for us to be proud of. On a positive note, maybe you should have a Mashpia that you consult with every time that something like this comes up. I don’t think that any mashpia would allow this to be posted on a chabad news website. What is the message that we are giving to the children – der Rebbe’s Kinder? Is that what we want the entire world to know about how people celebrate Yud Tes Kislev? By posting such posts, you are being Mechazek Ovrei Aveirah… Veyehi Rotzon sheyitamu Chatoim velo Choytim. Men meg zich shemen un Teshuva ton

  • Ignorance is Bliss

    Mr. Shocked & Mr. Golus. You know what I am shocked at? Your ignorance! And you know whats even more shocking? You going and displaying that ignorance of yours to the thousands of readers that visit this site daily.

    Was it not just a week ago that the I watched a video of the Rebbe saying a Sicha in which he *gasp!* bundled Thanksgiving, Yud Tes Kislev and Chanukah all in one, and compared them to each other?

    If you didn’t watch it, than I strongly suggest that you do, here is a link to the article:


    Only thing is thankfully you remained anonymous so that I cant walk up to you on the street and laugh at you to your face. But thank G-d you *seized* the opportunity to take something nice and different, and bash it. This is Loshon Horoh at it truest form!

  • yoniqua

    Dear Numbers 5 and 14,

    Your comments highlight the mentality of many in Crown Heights who do not know what it is like in other communities. I’d like to call to your attention that this event displays one of the best ways to infuse chassidishe minhagim into peoples’ daily lives who might otherwise not gravitate toward a farbrengen, etc.

    Only in Crown Heights, and in a few other insular communities, do the residents have the maalah of seeing the difference between what is gashnius and what is ruchnius.