On Friday, April 9th, the government issued a sentencing memorandum urging the court to impose a life sentence on Sholom Rubashkin, facing his conviction on bank fraud charges.

This recommendation comes despite the fact that Mr. Rubashkin is a non-violent first time offender, who made timely interest payments to the lender bank until his plant was raided. He never intended to cause loss to the bank. Despite massive pre-trial publicity, all immigration charges were dropped. The life-sentence recommendation entirely disregards Mr. Rubashkin's exceptional record of charity and good deeds and that he is the father of ten children, including a severely autistic 16-year-old son, all of whom depend on him greatly.

Rabbis Urge Jews to Support Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin

On Friday, April 9th, the government issued a sentencing memorandum urging the court to impose a life sentence on Sholom Rubashkin, facing his conviction on bank fraud charges.

This recommendation comes despite the fact that Mr. Rubashkin is a non-violent first time offender, who made timely interest payments to the lender bank until his plant was raided. He never intended to cause loss to the bank. Despite massive pre-trial publicity, all immigration charges were dropped. The life-sentence recommendation entirely disregards Mr. Rubashkin’s exceptional record of charity and good deeds and that he is the father of ten children, including a severely autistic 16-year-old son, all of whom depend on him greatly.

In their sentencing memorandum, Mr. Rubashkin’s defense counsel pointed out, that in a recent bank-fraud case in St. Louis involving a similar loss to the same bank (US v. Mark Turkcan), the imposed sentence was one year and a day.

Mr. Rubashkin’s sentencing is scheduled for April 28th and 29th before District Court Judge Linda Reade. She has a record of usually adopting the prosecutor’s sentencing recommendations.

Prominent leaders have signed a proclamation urging Jews to convey their concern to the Department of Justice. Please see below.

In joining the many Jewish leaders and organizations nationwide issuing this call, we are in no way condoning any criminal conduct. Rather, we are asking that Mr. Rubashkin be treated like any other American.

In addition to praying on his behalf (Sholom Mordechai Halevi Ben Rivkah), community leaders are urging concerned individuals to help in the following manner:

1. Raising Awareness in the Legal Community: It is important that Judge Reade and the prosecutor learn that the legal and judicial communities are aware of this travesty and are concerned about the upcoming sentencing.

Professor Paul Cassell, a former federal judge, has drafted a letter to Judge Reade detailing how a lengthy sentence would be disproportionate and unreasonable. A supporting letter – to be signed by retired judges and law professors who agree with Judge Cassell’s letter — is being circulated for signatures.

Several former prosecutors have drafted a similar letter to Judge Reade – also describing how a lengthy sentence in this case is unduly harsh and disproportionate. That letter is also being circulated for signatures.

Please e-mail dearjudge@justiceforsholom.org or call 888-614-6996 ex 1, if you are aware of any former prosecutors, retired judges or current law professors who may be inclined to sign either of the 2 letters.

2. Raising Public Awareness. It is also tremendously important to increase public awareness of the government’s disproportionately harsh treatment of Sholom Rubashkin. You can assist in this effort by posting your comments on line in response to articles that have been written (links are available onjusticeforsholom.org or by drafting letters to the editors of newspapers that publish articles relating to the case.

If you have connections with journalists, talk show hosts, potential op-ed writers, blog managers, etc., please email media@justiceforsholom.org or call 888-614-6996 x 2.

3. Join the Equal and Fair Justice For Sholom Campaign. To volunteer, please emailvolunteer@justiceforsholom.org or call 888-614-6996 x 3. To receive CALL TO ACTION alerts, please email info@justiceforsholom.org or text JUST (5878) to 82257. To donate, please emaildonate@justiceforsholom.org or call 888-614-6996 x4

For more information, or to sign the online petition, please visit www.justiceforsholom.org
or call toll Free Number: 1-866-614-6996

4. Contribute to the campaign which is raising money to pay for legal expenses. Pidyon Shvuyin Fund, 53 Olympia Lane, Monsey NY 10952.

May we hear good news and may we merit the ultimate redemption speedily in our days.


To our Jewish Brethren Worldwide:

Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin is due to be sentenced shortly, and as the situation now stands, is facing the possibility of a very lengthy jail sentence, G-d forbid.

US Legal experts have informed community leaders involved in this case, that the recommended sentence (by the US attorney) is overzealous and excessively harsh, and is totally unparalleled to similar offenses by others.

According to the experts involved in the case, phone calls and letters to department of justice (expressing concern) about this situation can be helpful. Therefore, there is a holy obligation for every single individual to get involved in this matter of utmost Pidyon Shvuyim , and to do whatever they possibly can to assist in this matter.

As well, anyone who has the ability to urge the department of justice or political officials to rectify the (undue) harshness (displayed by the DOJ) should get in touch with the committee as soon as possible, and do whatever they possibly can to help rectify the (undue) harshness, and hereby fulfill the mitzvah of ‘Lo Taamod’ – not standing by idly while a fellow’s blood is shed.

As the Shulchan Aruch Yoreah Deah rules (252:3): Every moment that one delays the mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim, when there exists the possibility to assist sooner, is tantamount to committing bloodshed. As the Rambam’s states famously in the Laws of Matnas Aniyim (8:4): There exists no greater mitzvah than that of Pidyun Shvuyim ; One who looks away from assisting in helping to free the person, violates the injunctions of : Do Not Harden Your Heart, Do Not Be Tightfisted and Do Not Stand By While The Blood of Your Fellow is Being Shed. The Rambam then states an additional five mitzvahs involved in this.

Our Sages have already stated (Shabbos 151b): All Who Have Compassion on Living Beings, Heaven will have compassion on him.

May Hashem positively change the hearts of the authorities to good; May the cries of the imprisoned come before Hashem, and speedily extract him from his imprisonment. Amen.

Month of Iyar, 5770.


  • Achdus

    This is a big display of achdus amongst Rabbonim and Yidden from different kehilos. May the Aibeshtor grant Reb. Sholom Mordechai freedom together with all Yidden with the coming of Moshiach.

  • Yisroel

    We should also help out the immigrants who were imprisoned and lost their jobs to get financial assistance. What a Kiddush Hashem it would be and this aid to the many poor immigrants would be. It would also be a big channel of blessings for Bnai Yisroel and in particular for S Rubashkin.

  • mister vister

    This is madness. Justice which is administered only when you want to and has never been implemented for such a felony anywhere near what they are asking for now i.e. life sentence, is not justice at all. It is criminal behaviour on behalf of all who are seeking to impose a life sentence on Sholom Mordechai.

  • To Yisroel

    They weren’t immigrants, they were illegals. Remember how this all began- a raid? A channel of blessings?- it is his channel of curses…………….
    The rabbonim’s letter is truly beautiful. Let the kedusha of Pesach Sheini and the achdus of klal Yisroel bring a true redemption.