R. Avi Piamenta playing the famous ‘side’ flute at his daughters wedding this year.

In an interesting reproduction of his famous song “Siman Tov U’Mazal Tov” Avi Piamenta created a unique and interesting A cappella song, in which all sounds recorded are done by mouth, with no instrument accompanying, thereby making this music allowed in the Sefirah.

Click Here in order to listen to the song!

Avi Piamenta Playing Music, Without Instruments!

R. Avi Piamenta playing the famous ‘side’ flute at his daughters wedding this year.

In an interesting reproduction of his famous song “Siman Tov U’Mazal Tov” Avi Piamenta created a unique and interesting A cappella song, in which all sounds recorded are done by mouth, with no instrument accompanying, thereby making this music allowed in the Sefirah.

Click Here in order to listen to the song!


  • Yanky

    WOW! very nice!

    (webby, could be it slipped, but maybe give some credit to COL – like you alway do!)

  • Curious...

    If we are not supposed to be listening to music, is this allowed? I mean it’s practically the same as using a digital keyboard. They took bits and pieces that they recorded seperately, put them on the computer and then used them as “keys on a keyboard”.

    Just wondering.

  • Ish hayoshar b-einov ya-asse

    Article states: “all sounds recorded are done by mouth, with no instrument accompanying, thereby making this music allowed in the Sefirah”

    And who paskened this halocha?

    Since when is music not music when produced by ‘other’ means?

    Without authority of a Rav, willing to give his name, it is irresponsible to publicize this as a valid position in halacha.

  • just helping

    the halacha is right btw you cant listen to insruments but w/ the mouth every rav says yes unless they want to make themselves holyer then they really are. it is not a heter ints totly fine just learn a little before u bash the edditor