Fox News

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, right, with U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Mitt Romney, after picking Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday, charges into the final pre-convention stretch giving voters a much sharper picture of where his campaign stands as he hits the reset button on the race.

Mitt Romney Resets Campaign with VP Pick

Fox News

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, right, with U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Mitt Romney, after picking Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday, charges into the final pre-convention stretch giving voters a much sharper picture of where his campaign stands as he hits the reset button on the race.

Ryan’s selection ends months of speculation and puts in place the final piece of his campaign heading into the Tampa convention. It also leaves no doubt that the Republican candidate aims to run a campaign that draws a sharp contrast against President Obama on both the economy and the debt, considering Ryan’s reputation as a budget slasher.

Within minutes of Romney announcing that Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, would be his running mate, the two men and their families boarded the campaign bus for a four-day tour of swing states Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Ohio.

In two Virginia stops, an energized Romney called for an end to ugly campaign attack ads by the Obama campaign, while praising Ryan and hammering the president about his recent “You didn’t built that” comments regarding American small businesses.

“We took a step forward to restore the promise for America,” Romney said about Ryan, in Ashland, Va. “I selected a leader.”
Romney will face a tough challenge over the final months leading to the November election.

His overseas trip that included stops in England and Israel received mixed reviews, and he has slipped several percentage points to Obama in recent polls.

The choice in Ryan and his focus on a balanced budget also could help Romney return the election narrative from his tax returns and tenure at the Bain Capital private equity firm to the economy and Obama’s failure to significantly cut unemployment and bring other significant changes over the past three-and-a-half years.

Democrats wasted no time Saturday in trying to foil that strategy — attacking Ryan with a familiar and expected assault on his tough-love budget proposals, which Democrats suggest would help millionaires and hurt seniors.

A clearly well-prepared Obama campaign led the attack, launching a website within minutes of Mitt Romney’s official announcement that called the House Budget Committee chairman’s budget proposals a “sham.”

The website, “Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan: The Go Back Team,” cites five facts that voters “need to know” about Ryan.
“Paul Ryan’s top-down budget plan is a sham,” reads the first entry.

The Obama campaign by Saturday afternoon released its first video ad, a 94-second spot titled “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies.”

The Ryan announcement essentially puts the final chess piece in play for the upcoming GOP national convention. And Ryan will have a chance to square off directly against Vice President Joe Biden in an Oct. 11 debate at Centre College, in Danville, Ky.

Democrats, in their rapid-fire responses Saturday, seemed eager to draw attention to Ryan’s balanced-budget plan, which they said would increase taxes on the middle class so millionaires can continue to get tax cuts. They also said Ryan’s conservative views are “out of touch with most Americans’ values” and would move the country backward on civil rights and women’s health issues.

Ryan, a seven-term congressman, also wasted no time Saturday, attacking President Obama in his first speech after Romney had announced him as a running mate.

“No one disputes that President Obama inherited a difficult situation,” Ryan said when introduced as the GOP vice presidential candidate, during an event at a Norfolk, Va., naval yard with the USS Wisconsin in the background. ”Whatever the explanations, whatever the excuses, this is a record of failure.”

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina said the Romney campaign will try to portray the 42-year-old Ryan as a fiscal conservative whose House GOP-approved budget is an earnest attempt to scale back government and reduce the federal deficit.


  • Milhouse

    #1, Al yishalel choger kimfateach. 0bama is a cornered rat, and will fight viciously. This will be the dirtiest campaign in living memory, as the Democrats pull out every possible trick to pull themselves from the brink. And there are some very stupid voters who will fall for it. So don’t be confident that they can’t win.

  • DaasTorah

    Wonderful! A VP pick who wants to end Medicare and Medicaid, two programs that keep thousands upon thousands of elderly and disabled yiddim alive. If even one yid casts a vote for him then they are violating Torah and halacha!

  • CH bochur

    Obama had my vote before, and has it even more now.

    Do you research on Paul Ryan. It’s terrifying.

  • to #3

    Okay, Rov.

    What if robbing banks feed the elderly, is it a halachik mandate to rob banks?

  • Comments #3 and #4

    Comments #3 and #4 are both living on foodstamps that I pay my blood-earned taxes for.

    #4, do your research on Obama, it’s WAY more terrifying. Fool!

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    Most people do no realize that the major funding for the future of obama care comes from two sources, (1) the 7 dirwect and the 13 indirect taxes leveled upon each and every person and (2) massive funds stripped from medicare and social security. contrary to the big lie of obama and the democrats, it is Obama actions that will do more harm and destroy Social Security and Medicare then anything else. Social security needs to be reformed and improved–not destroyed like Obama wants so that every person will have to beg big government for a handout. Let us not forget as well that it was Obama who told Bibi that he should make peace with Abbass based on the 67 borders–in other words, Israel should commit suicide ‘s 3/4

  • Thank Me Later

    I am voting for Obama so that Milhouse and all the other conservatives can afford health care.

  • #4 TO #6

    How dare you presume to know anything about me? I am not now nor have I ever been on foodstamps. I am a young, liberal, highly educated (two Master’s Degrees) person who earns a very nice living and owns a home in CH, B”H.

    I voted for Obama before and proudly will again, as will most people from my generation. We support his economic policies in addition to his social stances, such as marriage equality and a woman’s rights to choose.

  • to#8

    your comment is not just insulting as stated but bears no halachic or intellectual heft. Obama 2012!

  • Re: #3 & 4

    I wouldn’t normally comment, but I felt compelled to neutralize your stupidity – and take the opportunity to call you both, mindless drones that hate hard work and self-sufficiency. You expect everyone to serve you and you can’t see past your own nose to think for yourself.

    Romney & Ryan have no intention of ending the Senior care programs. They do however, wish to get rid of reckless spending. Get it now?

    If Obama was so good, why does he have to attack Romney with lies and smears Mr. Researcher? Shouldn’t he have his own record to run on Mr. Researcher?? Answer: he doesn’t and to realize that, takes intelligence – something you both are sorely lacking.

  • Moishe

    Paul Ryan is a fraud who never met a corporate welfare handout he didn’t like. This man has voted for every big government program since he arrived in Washington, and suddenly morphs into a “fiscal conservative” when it becomes opportune. He and Romney are like two peas in a pod — unprincipled chameleons who change their colors every five minutes. At least with Obama I know what I’m getting.

    I’ll hold my nose and vote for Obama.

  • antimesira

    To #4 who wrote:
    “Do you research on Paul Ryan. It’s terrifying.”

    Where should we do research, on liberal blogs?

    It’s like telling us to search ‘Shomrim’ on (meshichist web-site) to research shomrim.

  • Milhouse

    The self-named “Daas Torah” isn’t even Jewish. How do I know? The giveaway is that he thinks there’s such a word as “yiddim”.

    I’d like to know where in the Torah there’s a heter for forcibly taking money from one person for another person’s benefit.

    And what exactly is terrifying about Ryan? Unlike you I’ve known his name for years, and there’s nothing scary about him; he’s a decent person, unlike your hero 0bama.

    And how can any Jew (or any decent person) vote for a friend of terrorists? With personal friends and mentors like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said, Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfelger, Van Jones, Samantha Power, Frank Marshall Davis, etc. how can he be anything but an antisemite? How could any decent person be in the same room as a terrorist Bill Ayers without wanting to punch him in the face? And yet 0bama became his protege, and even launched his political career in his living room!

  • Chabadniks for Obama

    I wish to start a PAC called “CFO”. I was fantasizing but there are many like me, alas. Anybody interested? I am very serious.

  • Mitzva Guy 770, Edited

    Mitzvah guy 770:
    I would change your wording so that it goes like this

    “I’m not sure a frum Jew as dumb and ignorant as myself is even allowed to comment publicly for I am a chilul Hashem equal to Saddam Hussein.”

  • Chabadniks For Obama


    I stopped reading you after your lunacy defending Mccarthyism. Now I just see your name, laugh, and move on.

  • Mitzvah woman 770

    Frum jews need to stop being lazy and get real jobs. Stop living off the hard work of others (medicaid, snap etc)

  • Hard working jew

    I hope frum jews will stop being lazy and stop demanding others pay for their food. Only a lazy frum jew will vote for obama

  • Re: #12 (#4)

    You consider yourself educated, yet while calling yourself a “CH bochur” (Jewish) you also support gay rights and abortion – 2 items which are against the Torah. You have some serious soul-searching to do.
    No wonder why you are liberal – you have no problem disregarding a timeless Torah while supporting your own arrogant modern views.

  • to#16

    yes im sure you dont get YOUR news from terrifying conservative blogs LOL if you get your news from the D report, than its obvious where you stand and your bias to the right!

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    Milhouse et all,

    I made this past twelve months about $97,000,000, after taxes and social security. I voted for Obama and I will vote for him again. Although I do not support his foreign police agenda concerning Israel.

    Most wealthy Jews in this country who will not benefit from higher taxes voted for Obama and will do so again, while most poor Jews such as the ultra-Orthodox (generalizing here for the sake of making a point, will vote and did vote against Obama even though they are the ones who will most benefit from President Obama’s righteous heath plan and budgets.

    Most Jews in Crown Heights will benefit from Obama. That is an economic fact.

  • to#24

    nice for a man to choose what a woman can or cannot do. its not like these laws are for just jews. they are for everyone! this is what we call a democracy, get a grip, people have rights!

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    Not all voters agree with everything a candidate espouses to be allowed vote and support most of the other important initiatives.

  • In Romney-s speech last night...

    I like when romney says that we’re a nation to acknowledge the accomplishments of every child and when that child comes home and says “I made the honor roll”, we celebrate that child’s achievement….
    “I know they had to ride on a bus to get to school and there was a bus driver, but when the kid gets on the honor roll, he gets the credit, NOT the bus driver”

    bottom line. Obama want’s to share a bit of what everyone already has. This is never how America worked. We’re a nation that is composed of each individual, where everyone of us works to better ourselves. i.e. the speech, if we have success, such as making the honor roll, we don’t accredit the bus driver because he drove us to school to take the test.

    Everyone has their own single purpose in life. Our successes shouldn’t be hindered by someone else’s failure.

    You want to know what that failure looks like? Look to Cuba and you’ll see their still stuck in the 1950’s, with no change, no progress, and it’s because everyone is portioned the same amount of everything.

    This idea of equality is not how America works!!!! You have to WORK FOR IT! people who don’t believe in that are simply lazy.

    Ask yourself:
    Is Australia a superpower?
    Is Russia a superpower?
    Is England a superpower?
    Is France a superpower?
    Is China a superpower?
    Is Canada a superpower?

    The answer is NO! If you ask anyone, the dream is to be American!!! Obama can’t copy the ways of other countries (listed above) to figure out how to run America, because WE are built on our own principles and WE are envied by everyone else for various reasons, but WE know what real work is and we’re motivated individuals, so let’s KEEP America how it is and how it’s suppose to be!!!

  • do your research ppl

    Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan A Boon For The Rich

    Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s tax plan would decrease taxes on those making $1 million or more by an average of $250,000, according to arecent study by the left-wing Citizens for Tax Justice. The study also notes that individuals making $500,000 and above would receive a tax break of approximately $50,000 on average.
    “If Romney kept his pledge to avoid increasing the deficit (aside from the enormous deficit increase resulting from the Bush tax cuts), then someone will have to face a net increase in their taxes,” the report says. “These figures demonstrate that the very rich won’t be the ones paying for Romney’s proposals.”
    The Romney plan achieves tax cuts and revenue neutrality by undoing most tax credits and deductions enjoyed by the middle class, including: mortgage interest deductions, the child tax credit and the employer-based health care exclusion.
    President Barack Obama nicknamed Romney’s tax plan “Romney Hood” in a speech earlier this month, saying that the plan would steal from the poor and give to the rich. It’s like “Robin Hood in reverse,” Obama said, according to the Associated Press.
    CTJ’s study comes on the heels of a similar investigation of Romney’s tax plan conducted by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center earlier this month. TPC’s report states that the revenue neutrality resulting from Romney’s tax cut for the rich can be achieved only by increasing the taxes on those making $200,000 or less per year.
    “Because taxpayers above $200,000 as a group have received a net tax cut, revenue neutrality requires that taxpayers below $200,000 — about 95 percent of the population — experience a tax increase,” the report states. “If this increased burden is shared equally among all households earning less than $200,000, after-tax income among individuals in this group would decrease by (on average) 1.2 percent (an average tax increase of $500 per household).”

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    Well wrote Milhouse: people forget that it was Obama who told Bibi that Israel would have to go back to the 1967 borders and that would include splitting Jerusalem; this would ensure peace with its neighbors who have pledged to destroy and kill all Jews. So much for Obama being a friend of Israel. And if you want a society where you are told what to eat, where to spend your money–if the government lets you have any–how many children to have, when to pull the plug, what to think and if you are allowed to practice your religious belifs, then this mamser is your candidate.

  • chaim

    For all you liberal shmucks that take bishvili nevra haolam to a hole new level, let me clarify something for you.
    1-In his 4 year term he did not lower the deficit as he swore he would but made it exponentially bigger.
    2-He is driving this country into the ground wasting the last few dollars china has given us.
    3-this will bankrupt all those programs you hold so dearly.
    4-Romney and Ryan are not ending government aid.
    5-They are going to improve the economy so that the government is going to be able to afford to continue these programs.
    6-they will lower taxes.

  • to #24.

    This is #4. Your comment made me so angry that I just sent $1800 to Obama’s capaign and another $180 to the Human Rights Campaign. Have a nice day and thanks for inspiring me to give.

  • both paul ryan and his wife

    have zero real job experience outside of washington politics.

    i thought this was obama’s issue! LOL

  • hateful millhouse

    I’m voting for Obama, just like I did in 2008. I’m tired of seeing my fellow Lubavitchers spread the lie that Obama is bad for Israel, when his adminstration has given unprecedented levels financial and military support to Israel. His talk about borders isn’t anything we didn’t hear from George W. Bush. And social programs like food stamps (which the Rebbe told Shirley Chisholm to create) and Medicare are part of a civilized, humane society. I can’t believe that G-d-fearing Jews would try to end them.

  • disgusted

    by the hate, misogyny, anti intellectualism, and ignorance of some of these comments. millhouse and cronies you are so benevolent to facts and the reality of the world outside of your narrow minded box.

    this is a MASSIVE chillul hashem!

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    #4 guess where your money is going to: (a)Acorn which has been prohibited from receiving funds so it can practice voting fraud and (b) Solidaria so that all Obama’s political cronies can enjoy your hard earned money as polticial pay offs and (c) all to to his union cronies

  • to #33

    I believe you mean “to a WHOLE new leve.” Some secular education might be a good idea.

  • to#34

    unlike almost EVERY conservative on here, you do your part to keep our democracy alive. millhouse and friends have never laid a penny out for their “strong beliefs”, all they do is troll the internet.

    a great yasherkoyach to you!!!

  • how come

    milhouse and cronies can always tell who is jewish and who is not. must be their keen prophetic senses LOL

  • re: #34 from #24.

    You see? You demonstrated that you can’t think with intelligence, so instead you think and react with emotions. If you were truly educated, you would know that ‘Moach Shalit Al HaLev’

    And don’t kid me, you didn’t send a cent to anyone.

  • disgusted #43

    you are a facist.

    ppl think dif. than you and thats ok, life goes on. dont be a punk.

  • antimesira

    To #40 etc…the troll

    That statement you made about trolls was 100% projection on your part no?

    It is obvious that your the troll here, who wrote 65% if not more of the anti-Romney comments. BTW, I see only two comments here by Milhouse. Although Milhouse only wrote two comments, you nonetheless accuse him of being a troll. You attack Milhouse only because his (two) comments hit home. The reason his (two) comments really hit home is because it’s the truth and liberals
    (trolls) hate the truth more then anything. (As evident to the way they reacted with Romneys work for welfare ad against Obama).

    It is also obvious as some have pointed out, that you are not a Crown Heightser (Frum Jew). It is known that Liberals hire people to scoot out blogs with the intention to troll when a political article goes up.

    It is also very obvious that you didn’t invest to much in your comments but instead (like a good troll that you are) simply copied and paste from your liberal blogs (talking points).

    Half your comments are copied and pasted while the others, the ones you did actually write are focused on (personal)attacking of (conservative)commenter’s.

    It doesn’t take to much brain power to call people names, every idiot can to it.

  • Liberals Cheat

    BUSTED! Soledad O’Brien caught using liberal blog to attack Paul Ryan budget plan

    The Liberal troll commenting here is doing the same thing, hes just coping and pasting, has no opinion of his own. The only sentences he can put together are ones of hate and put-downs.

  • Out of Curiosity

    Can someone explain to me how Obama is better for Israel, while Netanyahu has been friends with and has worked alongside Mitt Romney since the 1970’s….?

    Mitt Romney, seems like the obvious ally, no?

  • Milhouse

    #28, Rachmono litzlan! NOBODY, male or female, has a right to murder little babies. Everybody, male and female, has an obligation to oppose this slaughter, and to do all they can to stop it. And it makes no difference whether the babies or the murderers are Jews or not; nochrim are prohibited from murder too, and in fact abortion is a *worse* crime for a ben noach than for a ben yisroel. The Torah says that a ben noach who performs an abortion should get the death penalty. So how can you support it?

  • Milhouse

    #31, “non-partisan”?! Both groups are hard left, and lie as easily as they walk. Cutting tax rates *increses* tax revenue.

  • Milhouse

    #34, if you sent money to the Human Rights Campaign then you have declared war against the Torah. And yet we’re supposed to believe that you’re a frummer yid?! What a joke.

  • Milhouse

    #41, I told you how I know that there’s something wrong with “Daas Torah”; his use of a word that any yid would know doesn’t exist.

  • Milhouse

    #21, give me the name of ONE PERSON whom McCarthy slandered. One person whom he falsely accused of being a communist.

    Your problem is that you don’t really think McCarthy was wrong for falsely accusing people of communism; you think he was wrong for attacking actual communists, because you refuse to acknowledge that communism is an evil philosophy that has murdered and enslaved uncountable millions of people, and differs only by cosmetic details from its philosophical siblings fascism and national socialism.

  • Milhouse

    As I predicted in comment #2, the smear campaign has already begun.

    1. Romney was accused of “racism” for using the completely normal term “anchor baby”.

    2. Romney was falsely accused of dumping citigroup shares after getting a special briefing on the banking industry. In fact the meeting took place the evening *after* he sold the shares. Meanwhile Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse *did* trade on information he was given as a member of congress, and did very well on those trades.

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    The editor can confirm who is who. for once there are some rational voices on who coalesced at the same time. I was a bit shocked myself. I usually don’t comment. I am gezhe, btw, going back to the Mitteler Rebbe. Is that enough? I went to Oholei Torah and on shlichus after zal. It is ridiculous for me to write these facts and reminds me of the posuk tehilim “with the degraded you are degraded”.

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    Concerning Obama and Israel:
    As a Lubavitcher this is a difficult question to answer. Obama clearly espouses views which the Rebbe says will endanger and have proven over and over to endanger, Jewish lives. If I resided in Israel, I’d be somewhat to the right of Bibi (he gave up Hebron) whom I don’t trust at all when it comes to territorial concessions.

    The Rebbe says in a sicha (it can be found in “korosi v’ein oineh”) that it is not anti-Semitic for the American government to call for peace and concessions. They are merely acting out of self-interest.

    Again, having quoted the Rebbe the question remains, “would not a Republican be better for the Rebbe’s policies concerning Israel?” Well, it was the “right winger” Sharon and the Republican, Bush, under whose administrations the disaster in Gaza began and was initiated.

    I have reservations about Obama because of this but did vote him in to get health care passed and will vote him in again even though he increases my taxes. I simply don’t think Israelis are up for any territorial concessions as shown in the right wing trend in Israel, i.e. Obama’s Israel fantasies have no chance of coming to pass and are just that, fantasies.

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    It’s in the nature of political debate to get personal and heated. That is normal and part of the dialogue. we should however try to bounce back to policy discussions whatever they may be.

    This thread is better than most other threads on this site and has gone a bit above the simple 5th grade level.

    Let us keep that going.

    Milhouse, bist a putz! (i’m joking of course)

  • David

    All of you guys can argue left or right, but the fact is that we have a constitution that we need to follow. The United States was built on free enterprise and free markets, our forefather were so concerned that government would get to powerful they did everything they can to stop it (they didn’t even want a president.) When ever I discuss politics it usually comes down to what people believe, so the best thing to do is look at our constitution. And what I tell people is that if you don’t like it, then you should move to a different country. If you want government health care then go to Canada. If you want to be given everything you need go to Cuba. But here in the United States we are DIFFERENT. This is a country where you have the right, and the opportunity to make as much money as you can make. Remember, we have the right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, NOT THE GUARANTEE OF HAPPINESS!!! And that’s where I think people get it wrong.

  • Milhouse

    #56, and now you’re off the derech. If all that chinuch led to your becoming a communist then it was all for nothing.

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    Yes and so the constitution allows for the unemployed to die in the streets without housuing food or health care. That is how the Republicans would have it and that is how messed up thios country would be had we chas v’sholom followed their anti-Shulchan Aruch social policies.

    The conservatives never wanted even one Jew in this country, (anti-immigration, the Ryans of yesteryear,) and none of us would be here.

    We would be dead in Europe or the streets or in Siberia making a nice flower pot.

    Take away food stamps and watch Crown Heights starve. take away housing money and they will all move into 770? the subway?

  • Milhouse

    #63, Madison, who should know a thing or two about the constitution, said “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

    And you’re lying about conservatives and immigration. Conservatives are *pro*-immigration; it is organized labor that is traditionally against it.

    Take away food stamps and housing money, and STOP TAXING US FOR IT, and we will easily be able to afford the tzedokoh to look after our own.

  • CFO (Chabadniks for Obama)

    was going to answer but i graduated mosdos day care center in 79

  • (CFO) Chabadniks For Obama

    The Rebbe clearly states that western European social policies, which I guess would be democratic socialism, does not conflict with Torah values.

    The Rebbe states that ignorance is the realm of those who espouse such views.

    This was in another thread and the source in Igros. Of course, then as well, all Milhouse did was revert to personal insults but he has no idea who I am, no idea at all.

    I am not otd and I am more gezhe than you, and I am voting for Obama.

    Btw, I say chitas and wear wool pants not cotton. Is that ok? Am i wearing thew wrong shoes?

    Rabbi Shuchat in England also endorsed the holy Barrack.

    My political views I derive from the Torah. Perhaps read this week’s parsha about “the Torah saying that there shall be no poor Jews”.

  • CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    You are confusing a few commenters as being the same person. I only used one name on this entire thread so please don’t make me guilty for comments not my own.

  • Milhouse

    #66, once again, that letter is to encourage communists to come back to yiddishkeit, not CHAS VESHOLOM to encourage yidden to be drawn to communism! If you are already lo oleinu a communist, at least do a mitzvah once in a while; at least don’t forget you’re a Jew, and maybe Hashem will have mercy on you. But if you are free of this perversion, the letter is NOT ADDRESSED TO YOU. You have no right to use it as an excuse to get involved in it.

    Taking from one person to give to another is THEFT, plain and simple. Nobody has the right to do so. And a Ben-noach who steals deserves the death penalty.
    “the Torah saying that there shall be no poor Jews”.

    Exactly; if we keep mitzvos there will be no poor Jews, so why are you supporting welfare? Do mitzvos and no Jews will need to have the government steal from people on their behalf.

  • Milhouse

    And yes, if you are voting for 0bama then you are off the derech. If you are a communist then you are off the derech.

  • Milhouse

    Oh, and I don’t want to play “who’s more gezhe”, because it’s irrelevant. If you want to imagine that you’re more gezhe than me, feel free; it makes no difference. But remember that you are not more gezhe than Nachmanson and Lulov.

  • David

    To #63 CFO (Chabadniks For Obama)

    What do you think happened before we had all these Government entitlements, were there bodies lying in the street, were there mass graves, I don’t think so. When you take away gov spending and lower taxes, people have more money to spend. Which in essence that money can now circulate through the economy, again and again and again. Which in effect creates jobs if you really think about it. There is another thing called Community, we need to rely on community to take care of each other not the government. I mean how far do you want the gov to go, maybe they should pay for your train, and taxi’s. It’s not fair that someone shouldn’t be able to take the train. And why shouldn’t everyone have the right to own a car. And I don’t think it’s fair that the Yankees should always win, I say let’s have all the games end in a tie. You see where I’m going with this. If you look at the trend we can only get worse. And that’s when we become an empire, and that’s when America will fall. I’m just asking you to think about it with an open mind. There are many places where you can go and get what you are looking for, but not in this great country. I’m sorry, but people come here the that little chance to become like Mitt Romney, and it’s so sad how everyone is hatting on a man that worked hard and made it.

    Sorry for going on and on, Please let me know what you thik

  • David

    And to Milhouse and CFO (Chabadniks For Obama) no one gives 2 sh..s about your stupid gezhe. It’s the person that you are, not who your grandparents are. So please stop it, you’re making fools out of yourselves.

  • Milhouse

    #72, who mentioned gezhe? When have I *ever* played “who’s more gezhe”? Didn’t I just say in #70 that it’s irrelevant? So why are you yelling at me? the “CFO” is the only one playing the gezhe card (it’s Ivrit for “race”), and he’s doing so only because he imagines it gives him some sort of pass to be a communist today. Yichus is a string of zeroes; if you put a one in front of it then it becomes a huge number, but if you don’t then it’s worth nothing. I have gezhe up the wazoo but it doesn’t make me more of a chossid. When I come to meet my zeidehs they’ll only ask me why I didn’t follow their example; but at least they won’t call me a Yevsek.

  • (CFO) chabadniks for Obama

    Number 72

    If you would have read my comments your point was mentioned satirically and obviously.

    A bunch of nincompoops.

    Milhouse they should ban you for being the utter most mundane stupid uneducated childish boring repetitive uninterestitersting, bordering on the most pathetic.

    So milhouse is 9 1/2 . I am willing to bet on that.

    Conservatives are usually smarter than the pigs for brains we have here.

    Can somebody present a decent sentence? It CAN’T be that hard.

  • (CFO) Chabadniks For Obama

    I have read and seen many stupid things in my life.

    But I have to give it to this guy. He outdid the most brainless in history.

    This one I wont forget
    . Milhouse wrote:

    And yes, if you are voting for 0bama then you are off the derech. If you are a communist then you are off the derech.


  • (CFO) Chabadniks For Obama

    . Milhouse wrote:

    And yes, if you are voting for 0bama then you are off the derech. If you are a communist then you are off the derech.


  • Milhouse

    You can laugh but you can’t deny it. Nachmanson and Lulov were more gezhe than you, and it didn’t help them.