Judge Linda Reade Ym“s

...to convicted child predator. ”This is one of the most aggravating circumstances and crimes that I've ever seen. This, I must say, is the most depraved I have had for some time," said Linda Reade before the sentencing. Really Linda!? Was Sholom Rubashkin's case that long ago? after all, he must have been equally evil, having received an (almost) equal sentence.

Judge Linda Reade Dishes Out 30 Year Sentence…

Judge Linda Reade Ym“s

…to convicted child predator. ”This is one of the most aggravating circumstances and crimes that I’ve ever seen. This, I must say, is the most depraved I have had for some time,” said Linda Reade before the sentencing. Really Linda!? Was Sholom Rubashkin‘s case that long ago? after all, he must have been equally evil, having received an (almost) equal sentence.

Read the full story at the Associated Press.


  • awacs

    To be more clear: this ‘child predator’ never touched, as far as we can tell, a child. He filmed children in the bathroom, without their knowledge! For this, he gets thirty years … ?

  • very fustrated with this laywer

    she is one meannnnn lady! rubaskin didnt murder anyone you have noooooooooooo right to give hime 27 YEARSSSSSSSS thats what murders get rubashkin is not that i hope she rots in hell and dieds really realllly sooon

  • Bob

    LINDA READE IS A LOSER. My gosh, Rubashkin who does children a favor with mitzvos and gelt, gets equal sentence in comparison with this child molester? Wake up Linda, you’ve made yourself a public idiot and will pay the price from Hashem very soon, I guarantee that buddy.

  • chaim36

    You are crazy for attacking this judge again. Spend time imploring guys in CH to be honest, NOT like the Rubashkin family that sat in prison.

  • OH Yeah

    chaim36 you are a big S#m0(<, and you are messed up. Shalom no way deserves that sentence. linda reade is a machashaifa in the 3rd dergee. I pray every day for his release and for her mapoloh.



  • What Chutzpah

    You’re a (quasi-)professional news site representing the Jewish community. Show some darn respect. It’s “Judge Reade” or “your honor,” even when you disagree with her. Your chutzpah is astounding.

  • What goes around ..

    Trust me

    This disgusting woman will suffer by the hand of the A-mighty many more than 27 years in this world and the next world for the evil she has done.

    And all those who support(ed) her will also get to support her in hell.

  • seiously?

    Even if SMR DID do those things intentionally, (which I personally think that whatever was done was b’tmimus and/or maybe even a setup), if he was some WASP he would have already been out with time served.

  • To #8

    You’re a 100 percent wrong. Heact and other activist were able to cut a deal that if Rubashkin will take a plea bargain and admit that he was guilty (Something that frum people just can’t admit) he would have only gotten 10 years.

    The problem with frum people is that they don’t care about justice. There happens to be a lot more serious cases of injustice happening every day in America, but the second that it happens to a frum person they scream and shout, and become huge legal experts – because they graduated with a fake degree called a BTL (that’s not worth 50 cents) they think they know the legal system.

  • i feel bad for this woman


  • awacs

    “Even if SMR DID do those things intentionally, (which I personally think that whatever was done was b’tmimus and/or maybe even a setup), if he was some WASP he would have already been out with time served.”

    I think you’re wrong. The one thing we’ve learned about this witch is that she hates *everybody*, equally.

    The Rebbe said not to curse (even) non-Jews, so I’m biting off what I’d like to say.

  • eli

    Judge Linda Reade doesn’t seem to realize that she is 63 years old How much longer will it be before she becomes to old to function without Gods help

  • This woman is insane

    I agree that these perverts should sit but in the double digits of years!!!!! He may as well have raped and he wouldn’t have gotten a third of the time.

  • To #16

    Maybe she DOES realize it and is try.ing to do as much damage as posiible before she retires…

  • Moshe

    WE ARE IN GOLUS, DID YOU FORGET? What does it mean? It means that as Jews we should have respect for Goyim, as they rule over us untill Moshiach’s coming. We all agree that 27 yrs for Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin was not fair, but show a little respect. She is not your friend to call her “Linda”. She is a judge. The gemoro says that King Ester was punished for having call King Achashverosh a dog in her prayer to G-d. Where do you think you are? We are in Golus, come on!

  • Oregano Wilkenson Taylor

    People still don’t get it. Contracts and honesty in business are the foundations of a just society. Too many frum people are so used to financial dishonesty that they really cannot read the documents and see – black and white – that Judge Reade followed the sentencing guidelines set out by law, and actually cut Rubashkin slack in many instances. He was found guilty by a jury based on documents and testimony. He perjured himself on the witness stand and refused a 7 year plea bargain – which he was advised to take by a big Rebbe. He would have been given credit for time served before the trial and could have gotten off more time for “good behavior.” If his family said they were going to establish a curriculum and mivtso to teach yeshiva students honesty in business, Rubashkin would have gotten out in 4-5 years.They could still do this, instead of claiming Anti-Semitism and spending tens of thousands of other people’s money on useless appeals.

  • CR

    Oh, #24, it is YOU who just doesn’t get it. Only Goyim and Entisemitten use facts and logic like you do. No, we must rend the Ataros from our Talesios in order to fulfil Mitzvas Pidyon Shvuim. Freeing SMR from Club Fed is as important to all Yidden and even to the existence of the entire world as was getting the Rebbe RaYYaTz out of Shpalerka! That you do not recognize this obvious truth means that you are not of Zera Yisroel…

    All kidding aside, I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels as you do.

  • Mendy Hecht

    Firstly, as Yidden, we don’t hold of prison in the first place because the Torah doesn’t. So, nobody should go to prison unless they’re an immediate danger to society, as in murderer, child molester, etc. Rubashkin obviously isn’t any of that. However, I think he is guilty of some minor manipulation and as such, should simply pay a large fine–which we all can chip in to cover–and go home to his family having paid his debt to society. Worst-case scenario, he should spend a few years in prison–most of which he has spent already. But 26 years? The punishment doesn’t fit the crime.

    What this is, I think, is the Iowa establishment trying to get destroy a man they never liked for “ruining” Postville. In short, hate on the part of certain influential Postville residents, and various officials like the DA and probably a few elected officials, who all conspired with the judge to make sure he got a disproportionate sentence.