Alexandria Times
Chaim Newman after his Upsherenish
Chaim Newman’s long blonde hair reached down to his waist. But it all disappeared at his third birthday party where he had his very first haircut.

His mother, Yehudis Newman, cut the first piece of hair from his forehead. Then his father, Rabbi Mordechai Newman, lopped off a section in the back that was in a ponytail, His grandparents followed, each taking a snip. His father then invited the 200 guests attending the July 10th party at the Courtyard by Marriott hotel in Alexandria, to take turns cutting as well.

More in the Extended Article!

What happens when 200 friends come for a haircut

Alexandria Times
Chaim Newman after his Upsherenish

Chaim Newman’s long blonde hair reached down to his waist. But it all disappeared at his third birthday party where he had his very first haircut.

His mother, Yehudis Newman, cut the first piece of hair from his forehead. Then his father, Rabbi Mordechai Newman, lopped off a section in the back that was in a ponytail, His grandparents followed, each taking a snip. His father then invited the 200 guests attending the July 10th party at the Courtyard by Marriott hotel in Alexandria, to take turns cutting as well.

More in the Extended Article!

The celebration, called an upsherenish, is customary for male children in the observant Hasidic Jewish community, explained Rabbi Newman, the director of Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington. It marks the official start of the child’s Jewish education. “We feel it’s extremely important to begin at a very young age,” he said. “So as the child gets older he’ll be ready to face the world.”

Chaim showed everyone he knows a lot already. Before getting his haircut, he read aloud the first ten letters of the Hebrew alphabet, with a little help from dad, then recited two verses in Hebrew from Deuteronomy by heart. He finished by dropping a dollar in the charity box.

“This is when we formally bring him into practicing the Jewish religion,” said Rabbi Newman. The three year old now wears a kippah, or skull cap, and tzitzit, an undergarment with tassels donned by observant Jewish males. Chaim’s tassels dangled outside his GAP shorts as he said the Hebrew blessing on his tzitzit for the first time at his upsherenish. But what the youngster seemed to like best about his birthday party was seeing himself up on the big screen during the power point presentation about his life so far. “He enjoyed being the center of attention,” said his mom, Yehudis.

His grandparents, Rabbi Leibel and Ziesel Newman, and Rabbi Shmuel and Rochel Butman, and aunt Chanie Newman, all came from New York, for Chaim’s big day.

Rabbi Mordechai Newman gets his son
Chaim to speak before his haircut.

“It was a very happy, joyous occasion…I was very proud of the way he said his passages and the blessings,” said Rabbi Mordechai Newman, the father of six. “My other (sons) tried to do it and it didn’t work. They didn’t go along with it (at their upsherenish celebrations.) He went along with it. He was ready to do it.”

Of course, Chaim’s hair ended up an uneven mess. So his dad, who cuts the hair of his three older sons, gave him a proper trim after the party. It’s now less than half an inch long.

The fact that he’d lost his hair didn’t seem to hit Chaim until the next morning.
“He brought me a brush and a ponytail holder for me to make a ponytail. So we explained that the new haircut is here to stay,” said Yehudis. “Since then he’s actually enjoyed his new look. He looks more grown up and I think we treat him differently as well.”


  • sheinale

    mazel tov mazel tov newmans!!!!!you should continue to give your parents, grandparents, and the rebbe nachas. hashem should bestow all the brochos you want and need and most most of all we should be zoche to be the first to greet moshiach tzidkanu bimharu veyamanu amen sela

  • The Rosenblatts in Alexandria and NY

    Mazel Tov Mazel Tov!!! May the Newman family be blessed with much nachas from you Chaim!

  • looking wrote

    we would like to have a pictrue of his hair that reached down to his waist.

  • Alan Faber

    Mazel Tov to Chaim and the Newman family,

    I am sorry that I was unable to be a part of this joyous occasion. I have heard that everybody had a wonderful time.

  • Mushkie Newman (VA)

    Hey Chaim
    you are such a big boy now and
    you look sooooooooooo big!!!!
    Mazel tov

    ur big sis