In connection with the passing of Rebbetzin Etel Tzerna Hodakov, is publishing an interesting Ksav Yad of the Rebbe - Pirsum Rishon.

The Rebbe's Ksav Yad response was to a request for a Brocha for good health that was “written in” by the husband of the Nifteres, the Rebbe's Chief Mazkir, Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Isaac Hodakov OBM.

Pirsum Rishon: Ksav Yad From The Rebbe

In connection with the passing of Rebbetzin Etel Tzerna Hodakov, is publishing an interesting Ksav Yad of the Rebbe – Pirsum Rishon.

The Rebbe’s Ksav Yad response was to a request for a Brocha for good health that was “written in” by the husband of the Nifteres, the Rebbe’s Chief Mazkir, Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Isaac Hodakov OBM.

“Azkir Al Hatzion Utevaser Tov. Uzechus Hotzas Le’ohr HaSefer Der Rav – Taamod Luh u’lechol hamishpocha Tichyeh Behamitztaraich (veharay zeh chelek MayHafotzas Hamayonos Chutza – Vehazman Gromo Parshas Binyan Hamishkan, SheHanoshim Hikdeemu. Ure’ay Bechayei Vayakhel 35, 21)”

PS. Der Rav, is a Sefer about the life and times of the Alter Rebbe and Rebbetzin Hodakov OBM translated and elucidated the Sefer from German to Yiddish. The Rebbe writes in his answer that Rebbetzin Hodakov’s translation is a part of “Hafotzas hamyanos Chutza”.

One Comment

  • zalman

    very nice

    lets hope the family will put out more stuff like this in the near future